2 次代碼提交 cc000eb11a ... 4a4cf75f6d

作者 SHA1 備註 提交日期
  Distopico 4a4cf75f6d Version 0.7.1 7 月之前
  Distopico cc000eb11a Version 0.7.1 7 月之前
共有 4 個文件被更改,包括 238 次插入16 次删除
  1. 3 2
  2. 1 1
  3. 215 0
  4. 19 13

+ 3 - 2

@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Wrapper for add notification sending to OfflineIMAP.
 Run OfflineIMAP after adding notification sending to its UIs.  When an account
 finishes syncing, messages synced to the local repository will be reported
-using D-Bus (through `notify2`) or a fallback notifier command.
+using D-Bus (through `notify-py`) or fallback `notifier` command from
+configuration file.
 ## Quick Start
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ using D-Bus (through `notify2`) or a fallback notifier command.
 ## Requirements
 * Python 3.10.x
 * OfflineIMAP
-* [notifypy][notifypy] (Optional)
+* [notify-py][notifypy] (Optional)
 ## Usage
 For configuration options and usage check [Docs](https://framagit.org/distopico/offlineimap-notify/-/blob/master/docs/offlineimap-notify.md)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ offlineimap-notify [*option*] ...
 Run OfflineIMAP after adding notification sending to its UIs.  When an account
 finishes syncing, messages synced to the local repository will be reported
-using D-Bus (through [notifypy][notifypy]) or fallback `notifier` command from
+using D-Bus (through [notify-py][notifypy]) or fallback `notifier` command from
 configuration file.
 ## Options

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
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+  </g>

+ 19 - 13

@@ -72,24 +72,29 @@ CONFIG_DEFAULTS = OrderedDict((
 def send_notification(ui, conf, summary, body):
     appname = 'OfflineIMAP'
     category = 'email.arrived'
-    encode = functools.partial(unicode.encode, errors='replace')
+    icon = conf['icon']
+    urgency = conf['urgency']
+    timeout = conf['timeout']
+    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False)
+    if not icon or not os.path.isfile(icon):
+        icon = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'icon.svg')
         notification = notifypy.Notify()
         notification.application_name = appname
-        notification.title = encode(unicode(summary), 'utf-8')
-        notification.message = encode(unicode(body), 'utf-8')
-        notification.icon = icon.encode('utf-8')
-        notification.urgency = conf['urgency']
-        notification.timeout = conf['timeout']
+        notification.title = summary
+        notification.message = body
+        notification.icon = icon
+        notification.urgency = urgency
+        notification.timeout = timeout
-    except (NameError, RuntimeError):  # no notifypy or no notification service
+    except (NameError, RuntimeError) as e: # no notify-py or no notification service
             format_args = {'appname': appname, 'category': category,
-                           'summary': summary, 'body': body, 'icon': conf['icon'],
-                           'urgency': conf['urgency'], 'timeout': conf['timeout']}
-            encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False)
-            subprocess.call([encode(word.format(**format_args),
-                                    encoding)
+                           'summary': summary, 'body': body, 'icon': icon,
+                           'urgency': urgency, 'timeout': timeout}
+            subprocess.call([word.format(**format_args).encode(encoding)
                              for word in shlex.split(conf['notifier'])])
         except ValueError as exc:
             ui.error(exc, msg='While parsing fallback notifier command')
@@ -219,11 +224,12 @@ def notify(ui, account):
     need_body = '{body' in conf['body'] or '{body' in conf['summary']
     parser = email.parser.Parser()
+    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False)
     for folder, contents in ui.new_messages[account].items():
         format_args = {'account': account_name,
                        'folder': folder}
         for content in contents:
-            message = parser.parsestr(content.get('message'),
+            message = parser.parsestr(content.get('message').as_string(),
                                       headersonly=not need_body)
             format_args['h'] = HeaderDecoder(message, failstr=conf['failstr'])
             if need_body: