2 Commity cc000eb11a ... 4a4cf75f6d

Autor SHA1 Wiadomość Data
  Distopico 4a4cf75f6d Version 0.7.1 1 rok temu
  Distopico cc000eb11a Version 0.7.1 1 rok temu
4 zmienionych plików z 238 dodań i 16 usunięć
  1. 3 2
  2. 1 1
  3. 215 0
  4. 19 13

+ 3 - 2

@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ Wrapper for add notification sending to OfflineIMAP.
 Run OfflineIMAP after adding notification sending to its UIs.  When an account
 Run OfflineIMAP after adding notification sending to its UIs.  When an account
 finishes syncing, messages synced to the local repository will be reported
 finishes syncing, messages synced to the local repository will be reported
-using D-Bus (through `notify2`) or a fallback notifier command.
+using D-Bus (through `notify-py`) or fallback `notifier` command from
+configuration file.
 ## Quick Start
 ## Quick Start
@@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ using D-Bus (through `notify2`) or a fallback notifier command.
 ## Requirements
 ## Requirements
 * Python 3.10.x
 * Python 3.10.x
 * OfflineIMAP
 * OfflineIMAP
-* [notifypy][notifypy] (Optional)
+* [notify-py][notifypy] (Optional)
 ## Usage
 ## Usage
 For configuration options and usage check [Docs](https://framagit.org/distopico/offlineimap-notify/-/blob/master/docs/offlineimap-notify.md)
 For configuration options and usage check [Docs](https://framagit.org/distopico/offlineimap-notify/-/blob/master/docs/offlineimap-notify.md)

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ offlineimap-notify [*option*] ...
 Run OfflineIMAP after adding notification sending to its UIs.  When an account
 Run OfflineIMAP after adding notification sending to its UIs.  When an account
 finishes syncing, messages synced to the local repository will be reported
 finishes syncing, messages synced to the local repository will be reported
-using D-Bus (through [notifypy][notifypy]) or fallback `notifier` command from
+using D-Bus (through [notify-py][notifypy]) or fallback `notifier` command from
 configuration file.
 configuration file.
 ## Options
 ## Options

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
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+     id="title957">Simple Emial Icon</title>
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+            <dc:title>Distopico &lt;distopico@riseup.net&gt;</dc:title>
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+            <dc:title>Distopico</dc:title>
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+  </g>

+ 19 - 13

@@ -72,24 +72,29 @@ CONFIG_DEFAULTS = OrderedDict((
 def send_notification(ui, conf, summary, body):
 def send_notification(ui, conf, summary, body):
     appname = 'OfflineIMAP'
     appname = 'OfflineIMAP'
     category = 'email.arrived'
     category = 'email.arrived'
-    encode = functools.partial(unicode.encode, errors='replace')
+    icon = conf['icon']
+    urgency = conf['urgency']
+    timeout = conf['timeout']
+    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False)
+    if not icon or not os.path.isfile(icon):
+        icon = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'icon.svg')
         notification = notifypy.Notify()
         notification = notifypy.Notify()
         notification.application_name = appname
         notification.application_name = appname
-        notification.title = encode(unicode(summary), 'utf-8')
-        notification.message = encode(unicode(body), 'utf-8')
-        notification.icon = icon.encode('utf-8')
-        notification.urgency = conf['urgency']
-        notification.timeout = conf['timeout']
+        notification.title = summary
+        notification.message = body
+        notification.icon = icon
+        notification.urgency = urgency
+        notification.timeout = timeout
-    except (NameError, RuntimeError):  # no notifypy or no notification service
+    except (NameError, RuntimeError) as e: # no notify-py or no notification service
             format_args = {'appname': appname, 'category': category,
             format_args = {'appname': appname, 'category': category,
-                           'summary': summary, 'body': body, 'icon': conf['icon'],
-                           'urgency': conf['urgency'], 'timeout': conf['timeout']}
-            encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False)
-            subprocess.call([encode(word.format(**format_args),
-                                    encoding)
+                           'summary': summary, 'body': body, 'icon': icon,
+                           'urgency': urgency, 'timeout': timeout}
+            subprocess.call([word.format(**format_args).encode(encoding)
                              for word in shlex.split(conf['notifier'])])
                              for word in shlex.split(conf['notifier'])])
         except ValueError as exc:
         except ValueError as exc:
             ui.error(exc, msg='While parsing fallback notifier command')
             ui.error(exc, msg='While parsing fallback notifier command')
@@ -219,11 +224,12 @@ def notify(ui, account):
     need_body = '{body' in conf['body'] or '{body' in conf['summary']
     need_body = '{body' in conf['body'] or '{body' in conf['summary']
     parser = email.parser.Parser()
     parser = email.parser.Parser()
+    encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding(False)
     for folder, contents in ui.new_messages[account].items():
     for folder, contents in ui.new_messages[account].items():
         format_args = {'account': account_name,
         format_args = {'account': account_name,
                        'folder': folder}
                        'folder': folder}
         for content in contents:
         for content in contents:
-            message = parser.parsestr(content.get('message'),
+            message = parser.parsestr(content.get('message').as_string(),
                                       headersonly=not need_body)
                                       headersonly=not need_body)
             format_args['h'] = HeaderDecoder(message, failstr=conf['failstr'])
             format_args['h'] = HeaderDecoder(message, failstr=conf['failstr'])
             if need_body:
             if need_body: