6.0 KB

  1. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2. # this file is released under public domain and you can use without limitations
  3. #########################################################################
  4. ## Customize your APP title, subtitle and menus here
  5. #########################################################################
  6. response.logo = A(B('web',SPAN(2),'py'),XML('™ '),
  7. _class="navbar-brand",_href="",
  8. _id="web2py-logo")
  9. response.title = request.application.replace('_',' ').title()
  10. response.subtitle = ''
  11. ##
  12. = 'Your Name <>'
  13. response.meta.description = 'a cool new app'
  14. response.meta.keywords = 'web2py, python, framework'
  15. response.meta.generator = 'Web2py Web Framework'
  16. ## your id
  17. response.google_analytics_id = None
  18. #########################################################################
  19. ## this is the main application menu add/remove items as required
  20. #########################################################################
  21. = [
  22. (T('Home'), False, URL('default', 'index'), [])
  23. ]
  25. #########################################################################
  26. ## provide shortcuts for development. remove in production
  27. #########################################################################
  28. def _():
  29. # shortcuts
  30. app = request.application
  31. ctr = request.controller
  32. # useful links to internal and external resources
  33. += [
  34. (T('My Sites'), False, URL('admin', 'default', 'site')),
  35. (T('This App'), False, '#', [
  36. (T('Design'), False, URL('admin', 'default', 'design/%s' % app)),
  37. LI(_class="divider"),
  38. (T('Controller'), False,
  39. URL(
  40. 'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/controllers/' % (app, ctr))),
  41. (T('View'), False,
  42. URL(
  43. 'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/views/%s' % (app, response.view))),
  44. (T('DB Model'), False,
  45. URL(
  46. 'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/models/' % app)),
  47. (T('Menu Model'), False,
  48. URL(
  49. 'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/models/' % app)),
  50. (T('Config.ini'), False,
  51. URL(
  52. 'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/private/appconfig.ini' % app)),
  53. (T('Layout'), False,
  54. URL(
  55. 'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/views/layout.html' % app)),
  56. (T('Stylesheet'), False,
  57. URL(
  58. 'admin', 'default', 'edit/%s/static/css/web2py-bootstrap3.css' % app)),
  59. (T('Database'), False, URL(app, 'appadmin', 'index')),
  60. (T('Errors'), False, URL(
  61. 'admin', 'default', 'errors/' + app)),
  62. (T('About'), False, URL(
  63. 'admin', 'default', 'about/' + app)),
  64. ]),
  65. ('', False, '#', [
  66. (T('Download'), False,
  67. ''),
  68. (T('Support'), False,
  69. ''),
  70. (T('Demo'), False, ''),
  71. (T('Quick Examples'), False,
  72. ''),
  73. (T('FAQ'), False, ''),
  74. (T('Videos'), False,
  75. ''),
  76. (T('Free Applications'),
  77. False, ''),
  78. (T('Plugins'), False, ''),
  79. (T('Recipes'), False, ''),
  80. ]),
  81. (T('Documentation'), False, '#', [
  82. (T('Online book'), False, ''),
  83. LI(_class="divider"),
  84. (T('Preface'), False,
  85. ''),
  86. (T('Introduction'), False,
  87. ''),
  88. (T('Python'), False,
  89. ''),
  90. (T('Overview'), False,
  91. ''),
  92. (T('The Core'), False,
  93. ''),
  94. (T('The Views'), False,
  95. ''),
  96. (T('Database'), False,
  97. ''),
  98. (T('Forms and Validators'), False,
  99. ''),
  100. (T('Email and SMS'), False,
  101. ''),
  102. (T('Access Control'), False,
  103. ''),
  104. (T('Services'), False,
  105. ''),
  106. (T('Ajax Recipes'), False,
  107. ''),
  108. (T('Components and Plugins'), False,
  109. ''),
  110. (T('Deployment Recipes'), False,
  111. ''),
  112. (T('Other Recipes'), False,
  113. ''),
  114. (T('Helping web2py'), False,
  115. ''),
  116. (T("Buy web2py's book"), False,
  117. ''),
  118. ]),
  119. (T('Community'), False, None, [
  120. (T('Groups'), False,
  121. ''),
  122. (T('Twitter'), False, ''),
  123. (T('Live Chat'), False,
  124. ''),
  125. ]),
  126. ]
  127. if DEVELOPMENT_MENU: _()
  128. if "auth" in locals(): auth.wikimenu()