installcheck 1.9 KB

  1. ##### My (demuredemeanor) bashrc sub source install check script
  2. # Uses tabstop=4; shiftwidth=4 tabs; foldmarker={{{}}};
  3. #
  4. # legacy repo
  5. # vim:set syntax=sh:
  6. ## NOTE: not using ',' as I want to be able to:
  7. # $(sudo aptitude install $MISSING_PROGRAMS)
  8. # or more reasonably:
  9. # $(for i in $MISSING_PROGRAMS; do sudo aptitude install $i; done)
  10. MISSING_CLI=""
  11. MISSING_GUI=""
  12. ### CLI ### {{{
  13. CLI_LIST=(docker pinfo qmv vim w3m neomutt tmux ncdu pass stow notmuch msmtp \
  14. mbsync urlview htop aircrack-ng mosh nmap sshuttle fusermount exfatfsck fzf \
  15. qemu-io pianobar cacaview scanmem hexcurse lsof pidof apt-listbugs tomb xset \
  16. pinentry-curses pinentry-tty ranger rfkill sshfs tree unar wget iotop parted \
  17. caff fail2ban-client wicd-curses rsync weechat diff file find gpg gpg2 nc \
  18. lnav cheat dfc newsboat task redshift xdotool git clamscan iftop syncthing \
  19. wireshark aptitude hwmon bc entr gpm tlp sfill vit curl lshw parallel minicom \
  20. khal scdaemon grep less cmus mpv tmuxinator iw goobook dmidecode gawk bvi \
  21. pandoc djmount terminal_velocity openvpn resolvconf borg iptraf-ng make acpi \
  22. termdown cgdb jq ttyd trash-put udiskie mtr tsp fwupdmgr exiv2 pdfunite \
  23. unzip rubber epy)
  24. for i in "${CLI_LIST[@]}"; do
  25. if [[ ! $(command -v ${i}) ]]; then
  26. MISSING_CLI+="${i} "
  27. fi
  28. done
  29. ### End CLI ### }}}
  30. ### GUI ### {{{
  31. GUI_LIST=(rofi mcomix zathura feh scrot calibre i3lock xbacklight xfd\
  32. libreoffice chromium gparted xss-lock urxvt zeal i3 font-manager gimp \
  33. baobab gvim nitrogen touchegg unclutter autorandr srandrd neato compton xrdb \
  34. notify-send qtpass youtube-dl screenkey inkscape qutebrowser clipster xcalib \
  35. pinentry-gtk2 sgt-signpost polybar kitty conky firefox rofi-pass speedcrunch \
  36. setxkbmap)
  37. for i in "${GUI_LIST[@]}"; do
  38. if [[ ! $(command -v ${i}) ]]; then
  39. MISSING_GUI+="${i} "
  40. fi
  41. done
  42. ### End GUI ### }}}
  43. ### Font ### {{{
  44. ### End Font ### }}}