compose.muttrc 2.3 KB

  1. ##### My (demuredemeanor) muttrc sub compose config
  2. # Uses tabstop=4; shiftwidth=4 tabs; foldmarker={{{,}}};
  3. #
  4. # legacy repo
  5. # vim:set syntax=muttrc:
  6. ### Compose View Options ### {{{
  7. set realname = "demure demeanor" ## Who am I?
  8. set envelope_from ## Which from?
  9. set sig_dashes ## Dashes before sig
  10. set autoedit ## Skip directly to composing
  11. set edit_headers ## Show headers when composing
  12. set fast_reply ## Skip to compose when replying
  13. set askcc ## Ask for CC:
  14. set fcc_attach ## Save attachments with the body
  15. set mime_forward = ask-no ## Forward attachments as attachments
  16. #unset mime_forward ## Forward attachments as a part of body
  17. set forward_format = "Fwd: %s" ## Format of subject when forwarding
  18. set forward_decode ## Decode when forwarding
  19. set attribution = "On %d, %n wrote:" ## Format of quoting header
  20. set reply_to ## Reply to Reply to: field
  21. set reverse_name ## Reply as whoever it was to
  22. set include ## Include message in reply
  23. set forward_quote ## Include message in forwards
  24. set editor = "vim +:silent+?^$" ## Use terminal Vim to compose email
  25. set text_flowed = yes ## Eliminate odd line breaks
  26. #set editor = "vim -c 'set spell spelllang=en' -c 'setlocal fo+=aw' +:silent+?^$"
  27. ### End Compose View Opitons ### }}}
  28. ### Compose View Bindings ### {{{
  29. ## This is were the default pgp binding lives...
  30. ## Postpone message
  31. #bind compose p postpone-message
  32. #bind index p recall-message
  33. ## Vanilla Searching
  34. ## Disabled, and 'N' is easy mark as unread
  35. ## / works just like Vim, use `n` to go to next, 'N' to go to previous
  36. #bind index N search-opposite
  37. #bind pager N search-opposite
  38. ## Vanilla Limiting
  39. ## `l` + pattern
  40. macro index a "<limit>all\n" "show all messages (undo limit)"
  41. ### End Compose View Bindings ### }}}