i3_lemonbar_config 6.9 KB

  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. ## i3 panel config. Powerline style.
  3. ## Based on Electro7's work
  4. ## Modded by demure
  5. panel_fifo="/tmp/i3_lemonbar_${USER}"
  6. geometry="x14"
  7. res_w=$(xrandr | awk '/current/ {print $8a}')
  8. ## Will limit the char length of music, adjust down for smaller screens.
  9. music_limit=70
  10. ## This format needs a fork of lemonbar, which supports xft fonts.
  11. ## The font should have powerline support, if you want the fancy separators.
  12. font="PragmataPro-10"
  13. ## I recommend font awesome for the iconfont, it has the best icon support
  14. ## I have even of any symbol font. It also has the most symbols.
  15. iconfont="fontawesome-10"
  16. ## This is for the Screenshot IP Scrubber
  17. ## You could set this to "" to reduce bar length while toggled.
  18. scrub_ip="---.---.---.---"
  19. ## Path for RSS db
  20. ## unsetting/commenting out/"" will disable
  21. ## This is currently written for newsboat (and maybe old newsbeuter)
  22. rss_path="$HOME/.newsboat/cache.db"
  23. ### Temperature ### {{{
  24. ## Temperature value can either be C or F.
  25. temp_format="C"
  26. if [ ${temp_format} = "C" ]; then
  27. temp_format=""
  28. else
  29. if [ ${temp_format} = "F" ]; then
  30. temp_format="f"
  31. fi
  32. fi
  33. ### End Temperature ### }}}
  34. ### Alarm Settings ### {{{
  35. cpu_alert=75 ## % cpu use
  36. net_alert=50 ## K net use
  37. temp_alert_c=70 ## C heat use
  38. temp_alert_f=160 ## F heat use
  39. ## Battery
  40. ## Note: levels higher than 'high' will not be highlighted.
  41. bat_alert_low=11
  42. bat_alert_mid=22
  43. bat_alert_high=33
  44. ### End Alarm ### }}}
  45. ### Update Settings ### {{{
  46. # update setting, in seconds (conky update in i3_lemonbar_conky)
  47. upd_vol=3 ## Volume update
  48. upd_bri=3 ## Screen brightness update
  49. upd_mail=120 ## Mail check update
  50. upd_mmpd=5 ## Multi Music Player Display
  51. upd_ext_ip=600 ## External IP update
  52. upd_gpg=300 ## GPG update
  53. upd_tmb=60 ## Thinkpad Multi Battery update
  54. upd_temp=3 ## Temperature update
  55. upd_net=3 ## Network update
  56. upd_mem=3 ## Mem used update
  57. upd_time=5 ## Time update
  58. upd_disk=10 ## Disk free update
  59. upd_rss=120 ## RSS check update
  60. ### End Update ### }}}
  61. ### Color ### {{{
  62. ## Base Colors
  63. color_back="#FF1D1F21" ## Default background
  64. color_fore="#FFC5C8C6" ## Default foreground
  65. color_head="#FFB5BD68" ## Background for first element
  66. color_sec_b1="#FF282A2E" ## Background for section 1
  67. color_sec_b2="#FF454A4F" ## Background for section 2
  68. color_sec_b3="#FF60676E" ## Background for section 3
  69. color_icon="#FF979997" ## For icons
  70. ## Section Special Colors
  71. color_mail="#FFCE935F" ## Background color for mail alert
  72. color_chat="#FFCC6666" ## Background color for chat alert
  73. color_cpu="#FF5F819D" ## Background color for cpu alert
  74. color_net="#FF5E8D87" ## Background color for net alert
  75. color_disable="#FF1D1F21" ## Foreground for disable elements
  76. color_wsp="#FF8C9440" ## Background for selected workspace
  77. color_bat_low="#ffdc322f" ## Background for low bat threshold
  78. color_bat_mid="#ffcb4b16" ## Background for mid bat threshold
  79. color_bat_high="#ffb58900" ## Icon for high bat threshold
  80. color_bat_plug="#ff859900" ## Forground for 70-100 battery icon
  81. color_temp="#ffdc322f" ## Backgroud for high temp
  82. ### Section Background Colors ### {{{
  83. ## This is to make changing up section order a little easier
  84. ## You still need to edit printf at the end up i3_lemonbar_parser.sh
  85. local_ip_cback=${color_sec_b1}
  86. gpg_cback=${color_sec_b2}
  87. disk_cback=${color_sec_b1}
  88. ext_ip_cback=${color_sec_b2}
  89. rss_cback=${color_sec_b2}
  90. mail_cback=${color_sec_b1}
  91. cpu_cback=${color_sec_b2}
  92. date_cback=${color_sec_b1}
  93. mmpd_cback=${color_sec_b1}
  94. mmpd_alt_cback=${color_sec_b2}
  95. bat_cback=${color_sec_b1}
  96. temp_cback=${color_sec_b2}
  97. vol_cback=${color_sec_b2}
  98. ### End Section Background Colors ### }}}
  99. ### End Color ### }}}
  100. ### Spacing ### {{{
  101. ##default space between sections
  102. #if [ ${res_w} -gt 1366 ]; then
  103. #stab=' '
  104. #else
  105. #stab=''
  106. #fi
  107. ## I like to be compact...
  108. stab=''
  109. ### End Spacing ### }}}
  110. ### Icons ### {{{
  111. # Char glyps for powerline fonts
  112. sep_left="" ## Powerline separator left
  113. sep_right="" ## Powerline separator right
  114. sep_l_left="" ## Powerline light separator left
  115. sep_l_right="" ## Powerline light sepatator right
  116. # Icon glyphs from Font Awesome
  117. icon_time="" ## Time icon
  118. icon_cal="" ## Calendar icon
  119. icon_cpu="" ## CPU icon
  120. #icon_cpu="" ## CPU icon
  121. icon_mem="" ## MEM icon
  122. ## Real ram icon #icon_mem="" ## MEM icon
  123. icon_dl="" ## Download icon
  124. icon_ul="" ## Upload icon
  125. icon_vol="" ## Volume icon
  126. icon_bri="" ## Brightness icon
  127. icon_disk="" ## Disk usage icon
  128. icon_disk_home="" ## Disk usage Home icon
  129. icon_mail="" ## Mail icon
  130. icon_mail_read="" ## Mail read icon
  131. icon_chat="" ## IRC/Chat icon
  132. icon_music="" ## Music icon
  133. #icon_prog="" ## Window icon
  134. icon_prog="" ## Window icon
  135. icon_contact="" ## Contact icon
  136. icon_wsp="" ## Workspace icon
  137. icon_bat_plug="" ## Battery icon, may add level indicator? and plugged in?
  138. icon_bat0="" ## Battery icon
  139. icon_bat1="" ## Battery icon
  140. icon_bat2="" ## Battery icon
  141. icon_bat3="" ## Battery icon
  142. icon_bat4="" ## Battery icon
  143. icon_bat_time="" ## Battery time icon
  144. icon_temp="" ## Temperature icon
  145. icon_wifi="" ## Wifi percent icon
  146. icon_local_eth="" ## Local IP eth icon
  147. icon_local_wifi="" ## Local IP wifi icon
  148. icon_local_out="" ## Local IP out icon
  149. icon_ext_ip="" ## External IP
  150. icon_gpg="" ## GPG icon
  151. icon_gpg_locked="" ## GPG locked icon
  152. icon_gpg_unlocked="" ## GPG unlocked icon
  153. icon_vpn="" ## VPN icon
  154. icon_rss="" ## RSS icon
  155. ### End Icons ### }}}