paste.ini 1.9 KB

  1. # If you want to make changes to this file, first copy it to
  2. # paste_local.ini, then make the changes there.
  3. [DEFAULT]
  4. # Set to true to enable web-based debugging messages and etc.
  5. debug = false
  6. [pipeline:main]
  7. # pipeline = errors mediagoblin
  8. pipeline = mediagoblin
  9. [app:mediagoblin]
  10. use = egg:mediagoblin#app
  11. config = %(here)s/mediagoblin_local.ini %(here)s/mediagoblin.ini
  12. # static paths
  13. /mgoblin_media = %(here)s/user_dev/media/public
  14. /mgoblin_static = %(here)s/mediagoblin/static
  15. /theme_static = %(here)s/user_dev/theme_static
  16. /plugin_static = %(here)s/user_dev/plugin_static
  17. [loggers]
  18. keys = root
  19. [handlers]
  20. keys = console
  21. [formatters]
  22. keys = generic
  23. [logger_root]
  24. level = INFO
  25. handlers = console
  26. [handler_console]
  27. class = StreamHandler
  28. args = (sys.stderr,)
  29. level = NOTSET
  30. formatter = generic
  31. [formatter_generic]
  32. format = %(asctime)s %(levelname)-7.7s [%(name)s] %(message)s
  33. [filter:errors]
  34. use = egg:mediagoblin#errors
  35. debug = false
  36. ##############################
  37. # Server configuration options
  38. ##############################
  39. # The server that is run by default.
  40. # By default, should only be accessable locally
  41. [server:main]
  42. use = egg:waitress#main
  43. host =
  44. port = 6543
  45. # # Gunicorn settings. See
  46. # # for more information about configuring Gunicorn
  47. # proc_name = gmg
  48. # reload = true
  49. # accesslog = -
  50. #######################
  51. # Helper server configs
  52. # ---------------------
  53. # If you are configuring the paste config manually, you can remove
  54. # these.
  55. # Use this if you want to run on port 6543 and have MediaGoblin be
  56. # viewable externally
  57. [server:broadcast]
  58. use = egg:waitress#main
  59. host =
  60. port = 6543
  61. # Use this if you want to connect via fastcgi
  62. [server:fcgi]
  63. use = egg:flup#fcgi_fork
  64. host = %(fcgi_host)s
  65. port = %(fcgi_port)s
  66. [server:http]
  67. use = egg:waitress#main
  68. host = %(http_host)s
  69. port = %(http_port)s