about.rst 3.5 KB

  1. .. MediaGoblin Documentation
  2. Written in 2011, 2012 by MediaGoblin contributors
  3. To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
  4. copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
  5. the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
  6. any warranty.
  7. You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
  8. Dedication along with this software. If not, see
  9. <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
  10. =======================
  11. About GNU MediaGoblin
  12. =======================
  13. .. contents:: Sections
  14. :local:
  15. What is GNU MediaGoblin?
  16. ========================
  17. In 2008, a number of free software developers and activists gathered
  18. at the FSF to attempt to answer the question "What should software
  19. freedom look like on the participatory web?" Their answer, the
  20. `Franklin Street Statement`_ has lead to the development of
  21. `autonomo.us`_ community, and free software projects including
  22. `Identi.ca`_ and `Libre.fm`_.
  23. .. _Franklin Street Statement: http://autonomo.us/2008/07/franklin-street-statement/
  24. .. _autonomo.us: http://autonomo.us/
  25. .. _identi.ca: http://identi.ca/
  26. .. _Libre.fm: http://libre.fm/
  27. Identi.ca and Libre.fm address the need for micro-blogging and music
  28. sharing services and software that respect users' freedom and
  29. autonomy.
  30. GNU MediaGoblin emerges from this milieu to create a platform for us to share
  31. photos, video and other media in an environment that respects our freedom and
  32. independence. In the future MediaGoblin will provide tools to facilitate
  33. collaboration on media projects.
  34. Why Build GNU MediaGoblin?
  35. ==========================
  36. The Internet is designed---and works best---as a complex and endlessly
  37. resilient network. When key services and media outlets are
  38. concentrated in centralized platforms, the network becomes less useful
  39. and increasingly fragile. As always, the proprietary nature of these
  40. systems, hinders users ability to develop, extend, and understand
  41. their software; however, in the case of network services it also means
  42. that users must forfeit control of their data to the service
  43. providers.
  44. Therefore, we believe that network services must be federated to avoid
  45. centralization and that everyone ought to have control over their
  46. data. In support of this, we've decided to help build the tools to
  47. make these kinds of services possible. We hope you'll join us, both
  48. as users and as contributors.
  49. Who Contributes to the Project?
  50. ===============================
  51. You do!
  52. We are free software activists and folks who have worked on a variety
  53. of other projects including: Libre.fm, GNU Social, Status.net, Miro,
  54. Miro Community, and OpenHatch among others. We're programmers,
  55. musicians, writers, and painters. We're friendly and dedicated to
  56. software and network freedom.
  57. How Can I Participate?
  58. ======================
  59. See `Get Involved <http://mediagoblin.org/join/>`_ on the website. We
  60. eagerly look forward to seeing you!
  61. How is GNU MediaGoblin licensed?
  62. ================================
  63. GNU MediaGoblin software is released under an AGPLv3 license.
  64. See the ``COPYING`` file in the root of the source for details.
  65. Is MediaGoblin an official GNU project? What does that mean?
  66. =============================================================
  67. MediaGoblin is an official GNU project! This status means that we the
  68. meet the GNU Project's rigorous standards for free software. To find
  69. out more about what that means, check out the `GNU website`_.
  70. Please feel free to contact us with further questions!
  71. .. _GNU website: http://gnu.org/