123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282 |
- .. MediaGoblin Documentation
- Written in 2011, 2012 by MediaGoblin contributors
- To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
- copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
- the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
- any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
- Dedication along with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
- .. _theming-chapter:
- =====================
- Theming MediaGoblin
- =====================
- We try to provide a nice theme for MediaGoblin by default, but of
- course, you might want something different! Maybe you want something
- more light and colorful, or maybe you want something specifically
- tailored to your organization. Have no fear---MediaGoblin has theming
- support! This guide should walk you through installing and making
- themes.
- Installing a theme
- ==================
- .. _theming-installing-section:
- Installing the archive
- ----------------------
- Say you have a theme archive such as ``goblincities.tar.gz`` and you
- want to install this theme! Don't worry, it's fairly painless.
- 1. ``cd ./user_dev/themes/``
- 2. Move the theme archive into this directory
- 3. ``tar -xzvf <tar-archive>``
- 4. Open your configuration file (probably named
- ``mediagoblin_local.ini``) and set the theme name::
- [mediagoblin]
- # ...
- theme = goblincities
- 5. Link the assets so that they can be served by your web server::
- $ ./bin/gmg assetlink
- .. Note::
- If you ever change the current theme in your config file, you
- should re-run the above command!
- (In the near future this should be even easier ;))
- .. In the future, this might look more like:
- .. Installing a theme in MediaGoblin is fairly easy! Assuming you
- .. already have a theme package, just do this::
- ..
- .. $ ./bin/gmg theme install --fullsetup goblincities.tar.gz
- ..
- .. This would install the theme, set it as current, and symlink its
- .. assets.
- Set up your webserver to serve theme assets
- -------------------------------------------
- If you followed the nginx setup example in :ref:`webserver-config` you
- should already have theme asset setup. However, if you set up your
- server config with an older version of mediagoblin and the mediagoblin
- docs, it's possible you don't have the "theme static files" alias, so
- double check to make sure that section is there if you are having
- problems.
- If you are simply using this for local development and serving the
- whole thing via paste/lazyserver, assuming you don't have a
- paste_local.ini, the asset serving should be done for you.
- Configuring where things go
- ---------------------------
- By default, MediaGoblin's install directory for themes is
- ``./user_dev/themes/`` (relative to the MediaGoblin checkout or base
- config file.) However, you can change this location easily with the
- ``theme_install_dir`` setting in the ``[mediagoblin]`` section.
- For example::
- [mediagoblin]
- # ... other parameters go here ...
- theme_install_dir = /path/to/themes/
- Other variables you may consider setting:
- `theme_web_path`
- When theme-specific assets are specified, this is where MediaGoblin
- will set the urls. By default this is ``"/theme_static/"`` so in
- the case that your theme was trying to access its file
- ``"images/shiny_button.png"`` MediaGoblin would link
- to ``/theme_static/images/shiny_button.png``.
- `theme_linked_assets_dir`
- Your web server needs to serve the theme files out of some directory,
- and MediaGoblin will symlink the current theme's assets here. See
- the "Link the assets" step in :ref:`theming-installing-section`.
- Making a theme
- ==============
- Okay, so a theme layout is pretty simple. Let's assume we're making a
- theme for an instance about hedgehogs! We'll call this the
- "hedgehogified" theme.
- Change to where your ``theme_install_dir`` is set to (by default,
- ``./user_dev/themes/`` ... make those directories or otherwise adjust
- if necessary)::
- hedgehogified/
- |- theme.cfg # configuration file for this theme
- |- templates/ # override templates
- | '- mediagoblin/
- | |- base.html # overriding mediagoblin/base.html
- | '- root.html # overriding mediagoblin/root.html
- '- assets/
- | '- images/
- | | |- im_a_hedgehog.png # hedgehog-containing image used by theme
- | | '- custom_logo.png # your theme's custom logo
- | '- css/
- | '- hedgehog.css # your site's hedgehog-specific css
- |- README.txt # Optionally, a readme file (not required)
- |- AGPLv3.txt # AGPL license file for your theme. (good practice)
- '- CC0_1.0.txt # CC0 1.0 legalcode for the assets [if appropriate!]
- The top level directory of your theme should be the symbolic name for
- your theme. This is the name that users will use to refer to activate
- your theme.
- .. Note::
- It's important to note that templates based on MediaGoblin's code
- should be released as AGPLv3 (or later), like MediaGoblin's code
- itself. However, all the rest of your assets are up to you. In this
- case, we are waiving our copyright for images and CSS into the public
- domain via CC0 (as MediaGoblin does) but do what's appropriate to you.
- The config file
- ===============
- The config file is not presently strictly required, though it is nice to have.
- Only a few things need to go in here::
- [theme]
- name = Hedgehog-ification
- description = For hedgehog lovers ONLY
- licensing = AGPLv3 or later templates; assets (images/css) waived under CC0 1.0
- The name and description fields here are to give users an idea of what
- your theme is about. For the moment, we don't have any listing
- directories or admin interface, so this probably isn't useful, but
- feel free to set it in anticipation of a more glorious future.
- Licensing field is likewise a textual description of the stuff here;
- it's recommended that you preserve the "AGPLv3 or later templates" and
- specify whatever is appropriate to your assets.
- Templates
- ---------
- Your template directory is where you can put any override and custom
- templates for MediaGoblin.
- These follow the general MediaGoblin theming layout, which means that
- the MediaGoblin core templates are all kept under the ``./mediagoblin/``
- prefix directory.
- You can copy files right out of MediaGoblin core and modify them in
- this matter if you wish.
- To fit with best licensing form, you should either preserve the
- MediaGoblin copyright header borrowing from a MediaGoblin template, or
- you may include one like the following::
- {#
- # [YOUR THEME], a MediaGoblin theme
- # Copyright (C) [YEAR] [YOUR NAME]
- #
- # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- # (at your option) any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
- #
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
- # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- #}
- Assets
- ------
- Put any files, such as images, CSS, etc, that are specific to your
- theme in here.
- You can reference these in your templates like so::
- <img src="{{ request.staticdirect('/images/im_a_shark.png', 'theme') }}" />
- This will tell MediaGoblin to reference this image from the current theme.
- Licensing file(s)
- -----------------
- You should include AGPLv3.txt with your theme as this is required for
- the assets. You can copy this from ``mediagoblin/licenses/``.
- In the above example, we also use CC0 to waive our copyrights to
- images and css, so we also included CC0_1.0.txt
- A README.txt file
- -----------------
- A README file is not strictly required, but probably a good idea. You
- can put whatever in here, but restating the license choice clearly is
- probably a good idea.
- Simple theming by adding CSS
- ----------------------------
- Many themes won't require anything other than the ability to override
- some of MediaGoblin's core css. Thankfully, doing so is easy if you
- combine the above steps!
- In your theme, do the following (make sure you make the necessary
- directories and cd to your theme's directory first)::
- $ cp /path/to/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/templates/mediagoblin/extra_head.html templates/mediagoblin/
- Great, now open that file and add something like this at the end::
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
- href="{{ request.staticdirect('/css/theme.css', 'theme') }}"/>
- You can name the css file whatever you like. Now make the directory
- for ``assets/css/`` and add the file ``assets/css/theme.css``.
- You can now put custom CSS files in here and any CSS you add will
- override default MediaGoblin CSS.
- Packaging it up!
- ----------------
- Packaging a theme is really easy. It's just a matter of making an archive!
- Change to the installed themes directory and run the following::
- tar -cvfz yourtheme.tar.gz yourtheme
- Where "yourtheme" is replaced with your theme name.
- That's it!