123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557 |
- .. MediaGoblin Documentation
- Written in 2011, 2012, 2013 by MediaGoblin contributors
- To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all
- copyright and related and neighboring rights to this software to
- the public domain worldwide. This software is distributed without
- any warranty.
- You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain
- Dedication along with this software. If not, see
- <http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/>.
- .. _deploying-chapter:
- =====================
- Deploying MediaGoblin
- =====================
- GNU MediaGoblin is fairly new, and so at the time of writing there aren't
- easy package-manager-friendly methods to install it. However, doing a basic
- install isn't too complex in and of itself. Following this deployment guide
- will take you step-by-step through setting up your own instance of MediaGoblin.
- Of course, when it comes to setting up web applications like MediaGoblin,
- there's an almost infinite way to deploy things, so for now, we'll keep it
- simple with some assumptions. We recommend a setup that combines MediaGoblin +
- virtualenv + fastcgi + nginx on a .deb- or .rpm-based GNU/Linux distro.
- Other deployment options (e.g., deploying on FreeBSD, Arch Linux, using
- Apache, etc.) are possible, though! If you'd prefer a different deployment
- approach, see our
- `Deployment wiki page <http://wiki.mediagoblin.org/Deployment>`_.
- .. note::
- These tools are for site administrators wanting to deploy a fresh
- install. If you want to join in as a contributor, see our
- `Hacking HOWTO <http://wiki.mediagoblin.org/HackingHowto>`_ instead.
- .. note::
- Throughout the documentation we use the ``sudo`` command to indicate that
- an instruction requires elevated user privileges to run. You can issue
- these commands as the ``root`` user if you prefer.
- If you need help configuring ``sudo``, see the
- `Debian wiki <https://wiki.debian.org/sudo/>`_ or the
- `Fedora Project wiki <https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Configuring_Sudo/>`_.
- Prepare System
- --------------
- Dependencies
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- MediaGoblin has the following core dependencies:
- - Python 2.7 or Python 3.4+
- - `python-lxml <http://lxml.de/>`_
- - `git <http://git-scm.com/>`_
- - `SQLite <http://www.sqlite.org/>`_/`PostgreSQL <http://www.postgresql.org/>`_
- - `Python Imaging Library <http://www.pythonware.com/products/pil/>`_ (PIL)
- - `virtualenv <http://www.virtualenv.org/>`_
- - `nodejs <https://nodejs.org>`_
- On a DEB-based system (e.g Debian, gNewSense, Trisquel, *buntu, and
- derivatives) issue the following command::
- sudo apt-get install git-core python python-dev python-lxml \
- python-imaging python-virtualenv npm nodejs-legacy automake \
- nginx
- On a RPM-based system (e.g. Fedora, RedHat, and derivatives) issue the
- following command::
- sudo yum install python-paste-deploy python-paste-script \
- git-core python python-devel python-lxml python-imaging \
- python-virtualenv npm automake nginx
- (Note: MediaGoblin now officially supports Python 3. You may instead
- substitute from "python" to "python3" for most package names in the
- Debian instructions and this should cover dependency installation.
- These instructions have not yet been tested on Fedora.)
- Configure PostgreSQL
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. note::
- MediaGoblin currently supports PostgreSQL and SQLite. The default is a
- local SQLite database. This will "just work" for small deployments.
- For medium to large deployments we recommend PostgreSQL.
- If you don't want/need postgres, skip this section.
- These are the packages needed for Debian Jessie (stable)::
- sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client python-psycopg2
- These are the packages needed for an RPM-based system::
- sudo yum install postgresql postgresql-server python-psycopg2
- An rpm-based system also requires that you initialize and start the
- PostgresSQL database with a few commands. The following commands are
- not needed on a Debian-based platform, however::
- sudo /usr/bin/postgresql-setup initdb
- sudo systemctl enable postgresql
- sudo systemctl start postgresql
- The installation process will create a new *system* user named ``postgres``,
- which will have privilegies sufficient to manage the database. We will create a
- new database user with restricted privilegies and a new database owned by our
- restricted database user for our MediaGoblin instance.
- In this example, the database user will be ``mediagoblin`` and the database
- name will be ``mediagoblin`` too.
- We'll add these entities by first switching to the *postgres* account::
- sudo su - postgres
- This will change your prompt to a shell prompt, such as *-bash-4.2$*. Enter
- the following *createuser* and *createdb* commands at that prompt. We'll
- create the *mediagoblin* database user first::
- # this command and the one that follows are run as the ``postgres`` user:
- createuser -A -D mediagoblin
- Then we'll create the database where all of our MediaGoblin data will be stored::
- createdb -E UNICODE -O mediagoblin mediagoblin
- where the first ``mediagoblin`` is the database owner and the second
- ``mediagoblin`` is the database name.
- Type ``exit`` to exit from the 'postgres' user account.::
- exit
- .. caution:: Where is the password?
- These steps enable you to authenticate to the database in a password-less
- manner via local UNIX authentication provided you run the MediaGoblin
- application as a user with the same name as the user you created in
- PostgreSQL.
- More on this in :ref:`Drop Privileges for MediaGoblin <drop-privileges-for-mediagoblin>`.
- .. _drop-privileges-for-mediagoblin:
- Drop Privileges for MediaGoblin
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- MediaGoblin does not require special permissions or elevated
- access to run. As such, the preferred way to run MediaGoblin is to
- create a dedicated, unprivileged system user for the sole purpose of running
- MediaGoblin. Running MediaGoblin processes under an unprivileged system user
- helps to keep it more secure.
- The following command (entered as root or with sudo) will create a
- system account with a username of ``mediagoblin``. You may choose a different
- username if you wish.
- If you are using a Debian-based system, enter this command::
- sudo useradd -c "GNU MediaGoblin system account" -d /var/lib/mediagoblin -m -r -g www-data mediagoblin
- If you are using an RPM-based system, enter this command::
- sudo useradd -c "GNU MediaGoblin system account" -d /var/lib/mediagoblin -m -r -g nginx mediagoblin
- This will create a ``mediagoblin`` user and assign it to a group that is
- associated with the web server. This will ensure that the web server can
- read the media files (images, videos, etc.) that users upload.
- We will also create a ``mediagoblin`` group and associate the mediagoblin
- user with that group, as well::
- sudo groupadd mediagoblin && sudo usermod --append -G mediagoblin mediagoblin
- No password will be assigned to this account, and you will not be able
- to log in as this user. To switch to this account, enter::
- sudo su mediagoblin -s /bin/bash
- To return to your regular user account after using the system account, type
- ``exit``.
- .. _create-mediagoblin-directory:
- Create a MediaGoblin Directory
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- You should create a working directory for MediaGoblin. This document
- assumes your local git repository will be located at
- ``/srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/``.
- Substitute your prefered local deployment path as needed.
- Setting up the working directory requires that we first create the directory
- with elevated priviledges, and then assign ownership of the directory
- to the unprivileged system account.
- To do this, enter the following command, changing the defaults to suit your
- particular requirements. On a Debian-based platform you will enter this::
- sudo mkdir -p /srv/mediagoblin.example.org && sudo chown -hR mediagoblin:www-data /srv/mediagoblin.example.org
- On an RPM-based distribution, enter this command::
- sudo mkdir -p /srv/mediagoblin.example.org && sudo chown -hR mediagoblin:nginx /srv/mediagoblin.example.org
- .. note::
- Unless otherwise noted, the remainder of this document assumes that all
- operations are performed using this unprivileged account.
- Install MediaGoblin and Virtualenv
- ----------------------------------
- We will now switch to our 'mediagoblin' system account, and then set up
- our MediaGoblin source code repository and its necessary services.
- You should modify these commands to suit your own environment.
- Change to the MediaGoblin directory that you just created::
- sudo su mediagoblin -s /bin/bash # to change to the 'mediagoblin' account
- $ cd /srv/mediagoblin.example.org
- Clone the MediaGoblin repository and set up the git submodules::
- $ git clone git://git.savannah.gnu.org/mediagoblin.git -b stable
- $ cd mediagoblin
- $ git submodule init && git submodule update
- .. note::
- The MediaGoblin repository used to be on gitorious.org, but since
- gitorious.org shut down, we had to move. We are presently on
- Savannah. You may need to update your git repository location::
- $ git remote set-url origin git://git.savannah.gnu.org/mediagoblin.git
- Set up the hacking environment::
- $ ./bootstrap.sh && ./configure && make
- (Note that if you'd prefer to run MediaGoblin with Python 3, pass in
- `--with-python3` to the `./configure` command.)
- Create and set the proper permissions on the ``user_dev`` directory.
- This directory will be used to store uploaded media files::
- $ mkdir user_dev && chmod 750 user_dev
- Assuming you are going to deploy with FastCGI, you should also install
- flup::
- $ ./bin/easy_install flup
- (Note, if you're running Python 2, which you probably are at this
- point in MediaGoblin's development, you'll need to run:)
- $ ./bin/easy_install flup==1.0.3.dev-20110405
- The above provides an in-package install of ``virtualenv``. While this
- is counter to the conventional ``virtualenv`` configuration, it is
- more reliable and considerably easier to configure and illustrate. If
- you're familiar with Python packaging you may consider deploying with
- your preferred method.
- .. note::
- What if you don't want an in-package ``virtualenv``? Maybe you
- have your own ``virtualenv``, or you are building a MediaGoblin
- package for a distribution. There's no need necessarily for the
- virtualenv produced by ``./configure && make`` by default other
- than attempting to simplify work for developers and people
- deploying by hiding all the virtualenv and bower complexity.
- If you want to install all of MediaGoblin's libraries
- independently, that's totally fine! You can pass the flag
- ``--without-virtualenv`` which will skip this step.
- But you will need to install all those libraries manually and make
- sure they are on your ``PYTHONPATH`` yourself! (You can still use
- ``python setup.py develop`` to install some of those libraries,
- but note that no ``./bin/python`` will be set up for you via this
- method, since no virtualenv is set up for you!)
- This concludes the initial configuration of the MediaGoblin
- environment. In the future, when you update your
- codebase, you should also run::
- $ git submodule update && ./bin/python setup.py develop --upgrade && ./bin/gmg dbupdate
- .. note::
- Note: If you are running an active site, depending on your server
- configuration, you may need to stop it first or the dbupdate command
- may hang (and it's certainly a good idea to restart it after the
- update)
- Deploy MediaGoblin Services
- ---------------------------
- Edit site configuration
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A few basic properties must be set before MediaGoblin will work. First
- make a copy of ``mediagoblin.ini`` and ``paste.ini`` for editing so the original
- config files aren't lost (you likely won't need to edit the paste configuration,
- but we'll make a local copy of it just in case)::
- $ cp -av mediagoblin.ini mediagoblin_local.ini && cp -av paste.ini paste_local.ini
- Then edit mediagoblin_local.ini:
- - Set ``email_sender_address`` to the address you wish to be used as
- the sender for system-generated emails
- - Edit ``direct_remote_path``, ``base_dir``, and ``base_url`` if
- your mediagoblin directory is not the root directory of your
- vhost.
- Configure MediaGoblin to use the PostgreSQL database
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- If you are using postgres, edit the ``[mediagoblin]`` section in your
- ``mediagoblin_local.ini`` and put in::
- sql_engine = postgresql:///mediagoblin
- if you are running the MediaGoblin application as the same 'user' as the
- database owner.
- Update database data structures
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Before you start using the database, you need to run::
- $ ./bin/gmg dbupdate
- to populate the database with the MediaGoblin data structures.
- Test the Server
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- At this point MediaGoblin should be properly installed. You can
- test the deployment with the following command::
- $ ./lazyserver.sh --server-name=broadcast
- You should be able to connect to the machine on port 6543 in your
- browser to confirm that the service is operable.
- The next series of commands will need to be run as a priviledged user. Type
- exit to return to the root/sudo account.::
- exit
- .. _webserver-config:
- FastCGI and nginx
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- This configuration example will use nginx, however, you may
- use any webserver of your choice as long as it supports the FastCGI
- protocol. If you do not already have a web server, consider nginx, as
- the configuration files may be more clear than the
- alternatives.
- Create a configuration file at
- ``/srv/mediagoblin.example.org/nginx.conf`` and create a symbolic link
- into a directory that will be included in your ``nginx`` configuration
- (e.g. "``/etc/nginx/sites-enabled`` or ``/etc/nginx/conf.d``) with
- one of the following commands.
- On a DEB-based system (e.g Debian, gNewSense, Trisquel, *buntu, and
- derivatives) issue the following commands::
- sudo ln -s /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
- sudo systemctl enable nginx
- On a RPM-based system (e.g. Fedora, RedHat, and derivatives) issue the
- following commands::
- sudo ln -s /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
- sudo systemctl enable nginx
- You can modify these commands and locations depending on your preferences and
- the existing configuration of your nginx instance. The contents of
- this ``nginx.conf`` file should be modeled on the following::
- server {
- #################################################
- # Stock useful config options, but ignore them :)
- #################################################
- include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
- autoindex off;
- default_type application/octet-stream;
- sendfile on;
- # Gzip
- gzip on;
- gzip_min_length 1024;
- gzip_buffers 4 32k;
- gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/javascript text/xml text/css;
- #####################################
- # Mounting MediaGoblin stuff
- # This is the section you should read
- #####################################
- # Change this to update the upload size limit for your users
- client_max_body_size 8m;
- # prevent attacks (someone uploading a .txt file that the browser
- # interprets as an HTML file, etc.)
- add_header X-Content-Type-Options nosniff;
- server_name mediagoblin.example.org www.mediagoblin.example.org;
- access_log /var/log/nginx/mediagoblin.example.access.log;
- error_log /var/log/nginx/mediagoblin.example.error.log;
- # MediaGoblin's stock static files: CSS, JS, etc.
- location /mgoblin_static/ {
- alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/mediagoblin/static/;
- }
- # Instance specific media:
- location /mgoblin_media/ {
- alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/user_dev/media/public/;
- }
- # Theme static files (usually symlinked in)
- location /theme_static/ {
- alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/user_dev/theme_static/;
- }
- # Plugin static files (usually symlinked in)
- location /plugin_static/ {
- alias /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/user_dev/plugin_static/;
- }
- # Mounting MediaGoblin itself via FastCGI.
- location / {
- fastcgi_pass;
- include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params;
- # our understanding vs nginx's handling of script_name vs
- # path_info don't match :)
- fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_script_name;
- fastcgi_param SCRIPT_NAME "";
- }
- }
- The first four ``location`` directives instruct Nginx to serve the
- static and uploaded files directly rather than through the MediaGoblin
- process. This approach is faster and requires less memory.
- .. note::
- The user who owns the Nginx process, normally ``www-data`` or ``nginx``,
- requires execute permission on the directories ``static``,
- ``public``, ``theme_static`` and ``plugin_static`` plus all their
- parent directories. This user also requires read permission on all
- the files within these directories. This is normally the default.
- Nginx is now configured to serve the MediaGoblin application. Perform a quick
- test to ensure that this configuration works::
- nginx -t
- If you encounter any errors, review your nginx configuration files, and try to
- resolve them. If you do not encounter any errors, you can start your nginx
- server with one of the following commands (depending on your environment)::
- sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart
- sudo /etc/rc.d/nginx restart
- sudo systemctl restart nginx
- Now start MediaGoblin. Use the following command sequence as an
- example::
- cd /srv/mediagoblin.example.org/mediagoblin/
- su mediagoblin -s /bin/bash
- ./lazyserver.sh --server-name=fcgi fcgi_host= fcgi_port=26543
- Visit the site you've set up in your browser by visiting
- <http://mediagoblin.example.org>. You should see MediaGoblin!
- .. note::
- The configuration described above is sufficient for development and
- smaller deployments. However, for larger production deployments
- with larger processing requirements, see the
- ":doc:`production-deployments`" documentation.
- Apache
- ~~~~~~
- Instructions and scripts for running MediaGoblin on an Apache server
- can be found on the `MediaGoblin wiki <http://wiki.mediagoblin.org/Deployment>`_.
- Should I Keep Open Registration Enabled?
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Unfortunately, in this current release of MediaGoblin we are suffering
- from spammers registering to public instances en masse. As such, you
- may want to either:
- a) Disable registration on your instance and just make
- accounts for people you know and trust (eg via the `gmg adduser`
- command). You can disable registration in your mediagoblin.ini
- like so::
- [mediagoblin]
- allow_registration = false
- b) Enable a captcha plugin. But unfortunately, though some captcha
- plugins exist, for various reasons we do not have any general
- recommendations we can make at this point.
- We hope to have a better solution to this situation shortly. We
- apologize for the inconvenience in the meanwhile.
- Security Considerations
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- .. warning::
- The directory ``user_dev/crypto/`` contains some very
- sensitive files.
- Especially the ``itsdangeroussecret.bin`` is very important
- for session security. Make sure not to leak its contents anywhere.
- If the contents gets leaked nevertheless, delete your file
- and restart the server, so that it creates a new secret key.
- All previous sessions will be invalidated.
- ..
- Local variables:
- fill-column: 70
- End: