why-faif-games-matter.html 7.7 KB

  1. title: Why games matter to free software and free culture
  2. date: 2012-06-26 10:20
  3. author: Christine Lemmer-Webber
  4. slug: why-faif-games-matter
  5. ---
  6. <p><i>(Note: this started out as a longer post about the history and
  7. rationale of the <a href="http://lpc.opengameart.org">Liberated Pixel
  8. Cup</a> under a subheading called "where games go, technology
  9. follows". But I found that this section got so long it merited its
  10. own post, so I decided to break it out.)</i></p>
  11. <p>
  12. I've heard it stated before that "games aren't important" or aren't a
  13. priority by multiple people in free software (I'm not sure I've heard
  14. the same in free culture communities). Most notably, I've heard this
  15. said by <a href="http://ebb.org/bkuhn/">Bradley Kuhn</a>, for example in <a href="http://ebb.org/bkuhn/blog/2010/07/07/producing-nothing.html#footnote-entertainment-proprietary-software">this blogpost</a>:
  16. </p>
  17. <blockquote>
  18. You might be wondering, "Ok, so if it's pure entertainment software,
  19. is it acceptable for it to be proprietary?". I have often said: if
  20. all published and deployed software in the world were guaranteed
  21. Free Software except for video games, I wouldn't work on the cause
  22. of software freedom anymore. Ultimately, I am not particularly
  23. concerned about the control structures in our culture that exist for
  24. pure entertainment. [...]
  25. </blockquote>
  26. <p>
  27. Bradley is someone I couldn't admire more for his devotion to free
  28. software, so don't misinterpret this statement; if anything the fact
  29. that I agree so much in general with Bradley is why this exception
  30. bothers me so greatly. But it does bother me: I think games <i>are</i>
  31. important for cultural and software freedom issues, and I feel that
  32. ignoring them is something we do in the movement at our own risk. (By
  33. the way, Bradley has <a href="http://identi.ca/conversation/92162782#notice-92533746">asked me</a> to further explain my position on why
  34. free software games matter, so that's partly why I'm writing
  35. this... I'm not just picking on him.)
  36. </p>
  37. <p>
  38. There are several reasons for this, but the first and foremost of
  39. these are that where games go, the rest of technology follows. I mean
  40. this both in the sense that games are an indicator (of both the
  41. exciting opportunities and dangers of) where technology will go.
  42. </p>
  43. <p>
  44. Here's an example: DRM
  45. (<a href="http://www.defectivebydesign.org/what_is_drm">Digital
  46. Restrictions Management</a>) is an issue of great concern for both
  47. free software and free culture people alike. In the late 1980s and
  48. early 1990s, if you bought a proprietary game for your MS-DOS running
  49. PC, Commodore 64 computer, or et cetera, you may remember the rise of
  50. copy protection software coming with games. Many of these early copy
  51. protection methods were even fairly silly: many games would have a
  52. screen which would ask you to ask you to enter a word from a page,
  53. paragraph, and word number within that paragraph from the instruction
  54. manual before it would start the game. The phenomenon
  55. of <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demoscene">demoscene</a>
  56. culture, including a large amount of beautiful artwork and music, came
  57. largely out of breaking early forms of DRM copy protection... for
  58. all sorts of software of course, but most especially games.
  59. </p>
  60. <p>
  61. Even now, we see <a href="http://www.engadget.com/2012/04/25/steam-for-linux/">DRM is coming to GNU/Linux operating systems through Steam</a>, a games distribution platform (and disturbingly enough for many
  62. free software operating system users who worry about DRM, much of the
  63. reaction is celebration). And the rise of the "app store" model came
  64. with the rise of mobile computing as game platforms. (I realize that
  65. in this post I don't have any hard evidence associating the rise of
  66. app stores or DRM with games, but observationally at least I've found
  67. this to be true, and it appears that
  68. <a href="http://www.informationweek.com/news/personal-tech/mobile-apps/232300190">games
  69. make up the largest category of "app store" downloads</a>.) I think
  70. we will see these trends continue to get worse, and games will
  71. continue to lead the way.
  72. </p>
  73. <p>
  74. Not all "indicators of the future" are necessarily foretelling of
  75. things that are bad. One of the smartest things I think Mozilla ever
  76. invested money and time into was <a href="http://browserquest.mozilla.org/">Browser Quest</a> (which was released
  77. shortly after Liberated Pixel Cup was announced with a very similar
  78. style... we didn't know about it, but welcomed its release). Browser
  79. Quest was a great example that hey, this HTML5 stuff is actually
  80. <i>happening</i>, and here's a tangible thing you can see to prove that
  81. (not to mention it put Mozilla at the forefront of many minds as an
  82. innovator in that space).
  83. </p>
  84. <p>
  85. Aside from being an indicator of the future, people <i>want</i> games.
  86. I spent a good portion of the 2000s surviving off of a sparse diet of
  87. kobo-deluxe, tuxracer, supertux, and nethack. This managed to be
  88. enough for me (well, kind of... okay, not really), but it isn't
  89. enough for everyone. There's another bit to this: sure, you don't
  90. actually need games to have a working system. But "you also don't
  91. really need to live to live" either: you could go through life with
  92. the most minimal forms of food, clothing, shelter but absolutely no
  93. culture, and you'd still be living in a literal sense... but it
  94. would be a fairly miserable life. Likewise, people want
  95. entertainment, and video games are the most computer-centric of all
  96. forms of entertainment on a computer. If we don't provide them,
  97. people will move elsewhere. So I'd actually argue that an operating
  98. system that does not provide games is actually an incomplete system.
  99. (Actually, I'm not the only one who thinks this;
  100. RMS <a href="http://www.gnu.org/gnu/linux-and-gnu.html">wrote in an
  101. essay</a> that "a complete system needs games too".)
  102. </p>
  103. <p>
  104. There's one more major reason why free software/culture games matter,
  105. and it's definitely a major point of thinking behind the Liberated
  106. Pixel Cup: games are a great motivation to get people to start hacking
  107. and authoring things. Almost every hacker my age that I know cites
  108. video games as a source of inspiration to get into programming.
  109. (Speaking personally, the first major programming I ever did was
  110. extending a [proprietary!] game. It's fair enough to say that I
  111. wouldn't be a programmer today if it weren't for an interest in game
  112. programming, and that is true of several of my friends as well.) But
  113. if that is true, why then do we have so few finished and polished free
  114. software games? Answering that question actually deserves of a post
  115. of its own (and indeed, solving that riddle is a good portion of the
  116. motive behind Liberated Pixel Cup), but it's enough to say for now
  117. that we are missing opportunities of encouraging future hackers by not
  118. making free software a welcoming playground for game development.
  119. </p>
  120. <p>
  121. So, games are significant for a couple of reasons: they point to the
  122. general future direction of technology, good or bad, so we should pay
  123. attention to them. Furthermore we should make sure we are providing
  124. and building games, if for no other reason than to make the future we
  125. want viable (I still think that a system that doesn't address games,
  126. as I've outlined above, is an incomplete system, and one that most
  127. people ultimately will not use... or, you know, we could just sit
  128. aside and let the games continue to push the DRM'ed app store model
  129. along and watch our digital freedoms erode). But if none of the above
  130. reasons were insufficient, games are something people get excited
  131. about building. And helping people get excited about hacking and making
  132. things should be reason enough!
  133. </p>
  134. <p>
  135. <i>
  136. Still no comments working on my blog; but feel free to
  137. <a href="http://identi.ca/conversation/94427295">discuss on identi.ca</a>
  138. (or ostatus federated equivalent).
  139. </i>
  140. </p>