terminal-phase-1.1-and-goblins-0.6.md 2.7 KB

title: Terminal Phase v1.1 and Spritely Goblins v0.6 releases! date: 2020-03-05 10:50 author: Christine Lemmer-Webber tags: spritely, goblins, terminal phase

slug: terminal-phase-1

Hello all! I just did a brand new release of both:

So some highlights from each.

Terminal Phase

Okay, this is flashier, even if less important than Goblins. But the main thing is that I added the time travel debugging feature, which is so flashy I feel the need to show that gif again here:

Time travel in Spritely Goblins shown through Terminal Phase

Aside from time travel, there aren't many new features, though I plan on adding some in the next week (probably powerups or a boss fight), so another release should be not far away.

And oh yeah, since it's a new release, now is a good time to thank the current supporters:

Terminal Phase Credits

But yeah, the main thing that was done here is that Terminal Phase was updated for the new release of Goblins, so let's talk about that!


For those who aren't aware, Spritely Goblins is a transactional actor model library for Racket.

v0.6 has resulted in a number of changes in semantics.

But the big deal is that Goblins finally has decent documentation, including a fairly in-depth tutorial and documentation about the API. I've even documented how you, in your own programs, can play with Goblins' time travel features.

So, does this mean you should start using it? Well, it's still in alpha, and the most exciting feature (networked, distributed programming) is still on its way. But I think it's quite nice to use already (and I'm using it for Terminal Phase).

Anyway, that's about it... I plan on having a new video explaining more about how Goblins works out in the next few days, so I'll announce that when it happens.

If you are finding this work interesting, a reminder that this work is powered by people like you.

In the meanwhile, hope you enjoy the new releases!