goodbye-2015-hello-2016.html 9.1 KB

  1. title: Goodbye 2015, Hello 2016
  2. date: 2016-01-04 14:38
  3. author: Christine Lemmer-Webber
  4. tags: life update
  5. slug: goodbye-2015-hello-2016
  6. ---
  7. <p>
  8. I'm sitting on a train traveling from Illinois to California, the
  9. long stretch of a journey from Madison to San Francisco.
  10. Morgan sits next to me.
  11. We are staring out the windows of the observation deck of this train
  12. as we watch the snow covered mountains pass by.
  13. I am feeling more relaxed and at peace than I have in years.
  14. </p>
  15. <p>
  16. 2016 is opening in a big way for me.
  17. As you may have heard (I mentioned it in the last
  18. <a href="">State of the Goblin post</a>)
  19. MediaGoblin was accepted into the Stripe Open Source Retreat program.
  20. Basically, Stripe gives us no-strings-attached funding for me to advance
  21. our work on MediaGoblin, but they wanted me to work from their office
  22. during that time.
  23. Seems like quite a deal to me!
  24. Unfortunately it does mean leaving Morgan behind in Madison for that time
  25. period.
  26. But that's why we splurged on a fancy train car and why she's joining me
  27. in San Francisco for the first week, so we can spend some quality
  28. time together.
  29. (Plus, Morgan has a conference that first week in San Francisco
  30. anyway; double plus, Amtrak has an extremely generous baggage
  31. policy so I'm able to get all of the belongings I need for that
  32. period shipped along with me fairly easily.)
  33. Morgan and I have been talking about but not really taking a
  34. vacation for a while, so we decided the moving-scenery approach
  35. would be a nice way to do things.
  36. It's great... we're mostly reading and drinking tea and staring out
  37. the window at the beautiful passings-by.
  38. I could hardly imagine a nicer send-off.
  39. (So yeah, if you're considering taking such a journey with your
  40. loved ones, I recommend it.)
  41. </p>
  42. <p>
  43. The passage of scenery leads to reflection on the passage of time.
  44. Now seems a good time to write a bit about 2015 and what it meant.
  45. It was a very eventful year for me.
  46. I have come recently to explain to people that "I live a magical and
  47. high-stress life"; 2015 evoked that well.
  48. From a personal standpoint, Morgan and I's relationship runs strong,
  49. maybe stronger than ever, and I am thankful for that.
  50. From the broader family standpoint, the graph advances steady at
  51. times with strong peaks and valleys, perhaps more pronounced than
  52. usual.
  53. Love, gain, success, loss... it feels that everything has happened this
  54. year.
  55. Our lives have also been rearranged dramatically in an attempt to help a
  56. family member in a time of need, and that has its own set of peaks and
  57. valleys, as is to be expected.
  58. But that is the stuff of life, and you do what you can when you can,
  59. and you try your best, and you hope that others will try their best,
  60. what happens from there happens, and you use it to plan the next
  61. round of doing the best you can.
  62. </p>
  63. <p>
  64. That's all very vague I suppose, but many things feel too private to
  65. discuss so publicly.
  66. Nonetheless, I wanted to record the texture of the year.
  67. </p>
  68. <p>
  69. So what in the way of, you know, that thing we call a "career"?
  70. Well, it has continued to be magical, in the way that I have had a lot
  71. of freedom to explore things and address issues I really care about.
  72. <a href="/blog/oreilly-award/">Receiving an award</a> (particularly
  73. since I did not know I had even been a candidate ahead of being
  74. notified that I received it) has also been gratifying and
  75. reassuring in some ways; I regularly fear that I am not doing well
  76. enough at advancing the issues I care about, but clearly some
  77. people do, and that's nice.
  78. It has also continued to be high stress, in that the things I worry about
  79. feel very high stakes on a global level, and that the difficulty of
  80. accomplishing them also feels very strong, and of course many are not
  81. <i>there</i> yet.
  82. Nonetheless, there has been a lot of progress this year, though it
  83. has come with a worrying increase of scope in the number of things
  84. I am attempting to accomplish.
  85. </p>
  86. <p>
  87. We're much nearer to 1.0 on MediaGoblin, which is a huge relief.
  88. Of course, this is mostly due to Jessica Tallon's hard work on
  89. getting federation in MediaGoblin working, and other MediaGoblin
  90. community memebers doing many other interesting things.
  91. Embarassingly, I have done a lot <i>less</i> on MediaGoblin than in
  92. the last few years.
  93. In a sense, this is okay, because the money from the campaign has
  94. been going to pay Jessica Tallon, and not myself.
  95. I still feel bad about it though.
  96. The good news is that the focus time from the Stripe retreat should
  97. allow me the space and focus to hopefully get 1.0 actually out the
  98. door.
  99. So that leads to strong optimism.
  100. </p>
  101. <p>
  102. The reduced time spent coding on MediaGoblin proper has been deceptive,
  103. since most of the projects I've worked on have spun out of work I
  104. believe is essential for MediaGoblin's long-term success.
  105. I took a sabbatical from MediaGoblin proper mid-year to focus on two
  106. goals: advancing federation standards (and my own understanding of
  107. them), and advancing the state of free software deployment.
  108. (I'm aware of a whiff of yak fumes here, though for each I can't see
  109. how MediaGoblin can succeed in their present state.)
  110. I believe I have made a lot of progress in both areas.
  111. As for federation, I've worked hard in participating in the
  112. <a href="">W3C Social Working Group</a>,
  113. I have done some test implementations, and recently I became
  114. co-editor on
  115. <a href="">ActivityPump</a>.
  116. On deployment, much work has been done on the
  117. <a href="">UserOps</a>
  118. side, both in speaking and in actual work.
  119. After initially starting to try to use Salt/Ansible as a base and
  120. hitting limitations, then trying to build my own Salt/Ansible'esque
  121. system in Hy and then Guile and hitting limitations there too,
  122. I eventually came to look into (after much prodding)
  123. <a href="">Guix</a>.
  124. At the moment, I think it's the only foundation solid enough on which
  125. to build the tooling to get us out of this mess.
  126. I've made some contributions, albeit mostly minor, have begun promoting
  127. the project more heavily, and am trying to work towards getting
  128. more deployment tooling done for it (so little time though!).
  129. I'm also now dual booting between GuixSD and Debian, and that's nice.
  130. </p>
  131. <p>
  132. (Speaking of, towards the end of the year I switched to a
  133. <a href="">Minifree</a> x200 on which I'm
  134. dual booting Debian and Guix.
  135. I believe this puts me much deeper into the "free software vegan"
  136. territory.)
  137. </p>
  138. <!-- fundamentals, brushing up on -->
  139. <p>
  140. I also believe that over the last year I have changed
  141. <i>dramatically</i> as a programmer.
  142. For nearly ten years I identified as a "python web developer",
  143. but I believe that identity no longer feels like an ideal
  144. description.
  145. One thing I have always been self conscious of is how little
  146. I've known about deeper computer science fundamentals.
  147. This has changed a lot, and I believe much of it has been
  148. spending so much time in the Guile and Scheme communities,
  149. and reading the copious interesting literature that is available
  150. there.
  151. My brother Steve and I also now often meet together and watch
  152. various programming lectures and discuss them, which has been both
  153. illuminating and also a great way to understand a side of my
  154. brother I never knew.
  155. It's a nice mix; I'm a very get-things-done person, he's a very
  156. theoretical person, and we're meeting partway in the middle
  157. and I think both of us are stretching our brains in ways
  158. we hadn't before.
  159. I <i>feel</i> like a different programmer than I was.
  160. A year and a half ago, I remember being on a bike ride with
  161. Steve and I remember complaining to him that I didn't
  162. understand why functional programmers are so obsessed
  163. with immutability... mutation is so <i>useful</i>,
  164. I exclaimed!
  165. Steve paused and said very carefully,
  166. "Well... mutation brings a lot of problems..."
  167. but I just didn't understand what he was getting at.
  168. Now I look back on that bike ride and wonder at the former-me
  169. taking that position.
  170. </p>
  171. <p>
  172. (All that said though, I'm glad that I've had the background I have
  173. of being a "python web developer" first, for a matter of
  174. perspective...)
  175. </p>
  176. <p>
  177. I do feel that much has changed in my life in this last year.
  178. There were hard things, but overall, life has been good to me,
  179. and I still am doing what I believe in and care about.
  180. Not everyone has that opportunity.
  181. And this train ride already points the way to a year that
  182. should be productive, and will certainly be eventful.
  183. </p>
  184. <p>
  185. Anyway, that's enough navel-gazing-reflection, I suppose.
  186. One more navel-gaze: here's to the changed person on the other end
  187. of 2016.
  188. I hope I can do them justice.
  189. And I hope you can do yourself justice in 2016 too.
  190. </p>