title: Fever Dream: cryptocurrency date: 2015-03-29 12:42 author: Christine Lemmer-Webber tags: cryptocurrency, fever
I've been sick the last two days, and for some reason, I've been dreaming in lisp. It's not the first time I've dreamt in code, but all times have been in lisp. Maybe lisp is not as readable as many would like, but it seems dreamable.
Just got up from another nap, another lisp-based fever dream. This one about a cryptocurrencty on an actor model system, built for a MUD/AR type environment... no blockchain required (note: may be inspired by reading Rainbows End between naps):
Does this make sense? I'm too sick to know for now. But transactions flying everywhere, wrapped in parentheses, in my fevered mind.
If I have more crazy lisp fever dreams today I will record them here. No guarantee of sanity.