dont-repeat-myself.html 1.4 KB

  1. title: Don't Repeat Myself
  2. date: 2011-12-14 15:35
  3. tags: personal, mediagoblin
  4. author: Christine Lemmer-Webber
  5. slug: dont-repeat-myself
  6. ---
  7. <p>Today I went in for an exploratory surgery... a very minor
  8. outpatient procedure. Actually, I've never undergone surgery before.
  9. As the anesthesiologist put me into sedation, I handed the book I had
  10. been reading over to Morgan (one of if not the first programming books
  11. I had ever picked up, which was on C, and which I decided was time to
  12. seriously revisit). Morgan said to me, "Basically, you'll go to
  13. sleep before you know it, and then you'll wake up, they'll tell you
  14. it's over, and you'll be like 'What, already?'"</p>
  15. <p>As I sat in the surgical room and started to space out, I was still
  16. thinking about coding, and my thoughts about coding must have started
  17. to shift over to <a href="">MediaGoblin</a> and
  18. its community. Suddenly I was at my computer. I started writing a
  19. blogpost, full of all the things I've been thinking about and have
  20. learned by working on the project over the last many months; my
  21. thoughts on community, releases, communication, everything. I ran it
  22. through ispell-buffer. I was super pleased with it. I was ready to
  23. commit it and push it over to my site.</p>
  24. <p>Then I woke up to a nurse telling me, "That's it, we're done, you
  25. can wake up now!"</p>
  26. <p>"Damnit," I mumbled. "Now I have to write that whole damned thing
  27. all over again."</p>