title: Chicago GNU/Linux talk on Guix retrospective date: 2015-10-01 19:50 author: Christine Lemmer-Webber tags: guix, chicago, foss, userops, deployment
Friends... friends! I gave a talk on Guix last night in Chicago, and it went amazingly well. That feels like an undersell actually; it went remarkably well. There were 25 people, and apparently there was quite the waitlist, but I was really happy with the set of people who were in the room. I haven't talked about Guix in front of an audience before and I was afraid it would be a dud, but it's hard to explain the reaction I got. It felt like there was a general consensus in the room: Guix is taking the right approach to things.
I didn't expect this! I know some extremely solid people who were in the audience, and some of them are working with other deployment technologies, so I expected at some point to be told "you are wrong", but that moment didn't come. Instead, I met a large amount of enthusiasm for the subject, a lot of curious questions, and well... there was some criticism of the talk, though it mostly came to presentation style and approach. Also, I had promised to give two talks, both about federation and about Guix, but instead I just gave the latter and splatted over the latter's time. Though people seemed to enjoy themselves enough that I was asked to come back again and give the federation talk as well.
Before coming to this talk, I had wondered whether I had gone totally off the yaks in heading in this direction, but giving this talk was worth it in at least that the community reaction has been a huge confidence booster. It's worth persuing!
So, here are some things that came out of the talk for me:
Additionally, upon hearing my talk, my friend Karl Fogel seemed quite convinced about Guix's direction (and there's few people whose analysis I'd rate higher). He observed that Guix's fundamentals seem solid, but that what it probably needs is institutional adoption at this point to bring it to the next level, and he's probably right. He also pointed out that it's not too much for an organization to invest themselves in Guix at this point, considering that developers are using way less stable software than Guix to do deployments. He suggested I try to give this talk at various companies, which could be interesting... well, maybe you'll hear more about this in the future. Maybe as a trial run I should submit some podcast episodes to Hacker Public Radio or something!
Anyway, starting next week I'm putting my words to action and working on doing actual deployments using Guix. Now that'll be interesting to write about! So stay tuned, I guess!
PS: You can download the orgmode file of the talk or peruse the html rendered version or even better check out my talks repo!