8sync-now-available-in-guix.skr 606 B

  1. (post
  2. :title "guile-8sync now available in Guix!"
  3. :date (make-date* 2017 01 09 10 00)
  4. :tags '("packaging")
  5. :slug "guile-8sync-now-in-guix"
  6. (p [Hello! A minor announcement today, but a useful one!
  7. There's now a ,(code "guile-8sync") package available in
  8. ,(anchor [Guix]
  9. "https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/")!
  10. This means that setting up and giving 8sync a whirl is
  11. fairly easy now.
  12. You can set up a little environment to test it in like:])
  13. (p (code "guix environment --ad-hoc guile-next guile-8sync --pure"))
  14. (p [Then just run guile and give it a whirl!]))