Awesome Graphical Widgets library
9 years ago | |
config_example | 9 years ago | |
doc | 9 years ago | |
.udisks-glue.conf | 10 years ago | |
LICENSE | 11 years ago | | | 9 years ago | |
To_Do | 9 years ago | |
blingbling_widget_template | 9 years ago | |
calendar.lua | 9 years ago | |
calendar_old.lua | 9 years ago | |
clock.lua | 11 years ago | |
config.ld | 9 years ago | |
grid.lua | 9 years ago | |
helpers.lua | 9 years ago | |
init.lua | 9 years ago | |
line_graph.lua | 9 years ago | |
net.lua | 9 years ago | |
popups.lua | 11 years ago | |
progress_graph.lua | 9 years ago | |
superproperties.lua | 9 years ago | |
system.lua | 10 years ago | |
tagslist.lua | 11 years ago | |
task_warrior.lua | 11 years ago | |
text_box.lua | 9 years ago | |
transient.lua | 9 years ago | |
triangular_progress_graph.lua | 9 years ago | |
udisks_glue.lua | 10 years ago | |
value_text_box.lua | 9 years ago | |
volume.lua | 9 years ago | |
wlourf_circle_graph.lua | 9 years ago |
Blingbling is a graphical widget library for Awesome Windows Manager. The goal of the Blingbling library is to provide more fancy, customizable and easy to setup graphical widgets, popups or signals for Awesome WM.
Originally, I have written Blingbling for myself but I share it under the GNU GPL-v2 ( Testers and feedbacks are welcome!
The current version is the v2.2 and it works with Awesome WM <= awesome v3.5.8 and Lua <= 5.3. Don't use the master branch of blingbling, this is an advice not an obligation. Some widgets may not work as expected because I am working on them. See the installation part below, in order to install the v2.2 version.
This part is an adaptation of some of the wlourf awesome stuff :
usually ~/.config
With Git:
cd $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/awesome/
git clone git://
cd blingbling
git checkout v2.2
Download with command line tools
cd $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/awesome/
unzip blingbling
Download with your browser go to :
In your rc.lua:
You can find a full documentation for each widgets in the doc directory, just open the index.html file.
Create a line graph and fill it with vicious for example (you can configure the widget with a table or with the related methods ):
cpu_graph = blingbling.line_graph({ height = 18,
width = 200,
show_text = true,
label = "Load: $percent %",
rounded_size = 0.3,
graph_background_color = "#00000033"
--cpu_graph:set_label("Load: $percent %")
vicious.register(cpu_graph, vicious.widgets.cpu,'$1',2)
Create some progress graphs :
cores_graph_conf ={height = 18, width = 8, rounded_size = 0.3}
cores_graphs = {}
for i=1,4 do
cores_graphs[i] = blingbling.progress_graph( cores_graph_conf)
vicious.register(cores_graphs[i], vicious.widgets.cpu, "$"..(i+1).."",1)
Add those widgets to your wibox:
for i=1,4 do
Create a value text box:
home_fs_usage=blingbling.value_text_box({height = 18, width = 40, v_margin = 4})
home_fs_usage:set_values_text_color({{"#88aa00ff",0}, --all value > 0 will be displayed using this color
{"#d4aa00ff", 0.75},
--There is no maximum number of color that users can set, just put the lower values at first.
home_fs_usage:set_label("usage: $percent %")
vicious.register(home_fs_usage, vicious.widgets.fs, "${/home used_p}", 120 )
Create a triangular progress graph (can be feed with vicious too):
triangular = blingbling.triangular_progressgraph({height = 18, width = 40, bar = true, v_margin = 2, h_margin = 2})
Create a volume widget (triangular progress bar with specific methods):
volume_master = blingbling.volume({height = 18, width = 40, bar =true, show_text = true, label ="$percent%", pulseaudio = true})
Add popups to one or more widget with blinbling.popups module:
--Example with cpu_graph created previously with default color :
blingbling.popups.htop(cpu_graph, { terminal = terminal })
--Example with custom colors:
blingbling.popups.htop(cpu_graph, { title_color = beautiful.notify_font_color_1 , user_color = beautiful.notify_font_color_2 , root_color = beautiful.notify_font_color_3 , terminal = terminal })
Create a net widget with a popup that display connection informations:
netwidget ={interface = "eth0", show_text = true})
Create a new task_warrior menu:
task_w = blingbling.task_warrior({ menu_icon = file_path, project_icon = file_path, task_icon = file_path ,task_done_icon = file_path, width})
task_w:set_project_icon(themes_dir .. "/test/titlebar/maximized_focus_active.png")
Create a menu which displays mounted media with actions like mount/unmount/detach/eject. Must be used with .udisks-glue.conf that I created. ( The name of the variable containing the widget must be the same in your rc.lua and in the .udisks-glue.conf).{ menu_icon = themes_dir .. "/test/titlebar/maximized_focus_active.png"})
note: Added minor update to allow udisks_glue to insert a device without mounting it. See .udisks_glue.conf
Provide buttons with menu in order to reboot or shutdown the system. User can set icon for menu, accept and cancel actions.
lock=blingbling.system.lockmenu() --icons have been set in theme via the theme.bligbling table
logout=blingbling.system.logoutmenu() --icons have been set in theme via the theme.blingbling table
This part provides a clock which displays month, day of month and day of week in japanese (kanji form)
mytextclock = blingbling.clock.japanese(" %m、%d、%w、<span color=\"#999999\">%H<span color=\""..blingbling.helpers.rgb(20,31,82).."\">時</span>%M<span color=\""..blingbling.helpers.rgb(20,31,82).."\">分</span> </span>")
The blingbling.text_box are widget like Awesome textbox but with more parameters.
This object is an adaptation of the taglist object from awesome. Tags are blingbling.text_box. Users can provide a style for the tags as the last argument. The style must be a table with the 4 keys corresponding to the states of a tag (normal, focus, urgent, occupied). Each value of this keys are tables with style paramaters of text_box widget. (width, height, h_margin, v_margin, background_color, text_background_color, rounded_size, text_color, font_size, font.
Just replace the line
mytaglist[s] = awful.widget.taglist(s, awful.widget.taglist.filter.all, mytaglist.buttons)
mytag[s]=blingbling.tagslist(s, awful.widget.taglist.filter.all, mytaglist.buttons --[[, { normal = {}, focus ={}, urgent={}, occupied={} }--]])
then add mytaglist[s] in the wibox :
This widget is a clock widget with a calendar. You can show the calendar for the current month with a mouse click on this widget. In the calendar, there is 3 buttons allowing to show previous, current and next month. You can get events from remind and taskwarrior or add handlers for other task/calendar software.
calendar = blingbling.calendar()
It is a layout/container widget. It allow you to add child in the same way of the GtkGrid
. The best way to see is to try the config_example/grid_rc.lua.
texts = {}
for i=1,5 do
c = tostring(i - 1)
texts[i] = blingbling.text_box({text = tostring(i),
background_color = "#"..c..c..c..c..c..c,
rounded_size = 0,
h_margin = 0,
v_margin = 0})
grid:add_child(texts[1], 1, 1, 1, 1) -- child, left, top , width, height
grid:add_child(texts[2], 2, 1, 1, 1)
grid:add_child(texts[3], 1, 2, 2, 2)
grid:add_child(texts[4], 3, 2, 2, 2)
grid:add_child(texts[5], 3, 1, 2, 1)
It is a wibox that can be displayed for a short amount of time. ( TODO : usage example)
This is the circle graph of wlourf that you can feed with vicious.
circle = blingbling.wlourf_circle_graph({radius= 5, height = 18, width = 36, show_text = true, label = "cpu", h_margin = 2, v_margin = 0 --[[, font = {family = "Times New Roman", slang = "italic", weight = "bold"}]]})
circle:set_graph_colors({{"#88aa00ff",0}, --all value > 0 will be displayed using this color
{"#d4aa00ff", 0.5},
--set the value directly
--or use vicious
vicious.register(circle, vicious.widgets.cpu,'$1',2)
You can provide default theme for blingbling instead of configuring colors for each widgets. You just need to create a blingbling table in your theme.lua file and override values that can be find in superproperties.lua:
theme.blingbling = {
htop_title_color = "#ff0000",
htop_user_color = "#00ff00"
Caution If you want that your values in the theme are used you have two possibilities:
after the line containing beautiful.init(the_theme_path)
... in you rc.lua
local beautiful = require('beautiful')
local blingbling = require('blingbling')
mygraph = blingbling.line_graph()
before you must use this statement : blingbling.superproperties(the_theme_path)
before using any widget... in you rc.lua
local blingbling = require('blingbling')
local beautiful = require('beautiful')
mygraph = blingbling.line_graph()
Values that can be modified are:
Theme values for graphs or value_text_box objects:
Theme values for popups module:
Theme value for taskwarrior:
Theme values for system (icons):
Theme values for tagslist:
Theme values for calendar:
Blingbling v1.0 works for awesome 3.4.10 and 3.4.11.
Blingbling require oocairo. The address of the website of the project is :
Check your package manager to see if you can install an already packaged version of oocairo for your system.
($XDG_CONFIG_HOME usually ~/.config)
cd $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/awesome/
git clone git://
cd blingbling
git checkout v1.0
Cédric Le Moigne cedlemo contact: cedlemo at gmx dot com