123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786787788789790791792793794795796797798799800801802803804805806807808809810811812813814815816817818819820821822823824825826827828829830831832833834835836837838839840841842843844845846847848 |
- import re
- import os
- import html
- import sys
- import math
- import time
- import json
- import io
- import urllib
- import urllib.parse
- import gevent
- import util
- import main
- from Config import config
- from Plugin import PluginManager
- from Debug import Debug
- from Translate import Translate
- from util import helper
- from util.Flag import flag
- from .ZipStream import ZipStream
- plugin_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- media_dir = plugin_dir + "/media"
- loc_cache = {}
- if "_" not in locals():
- _ = Translate(plugin_dir + "/languages/")
- @PluginManager.registerTo("UiRequest")
- class UiRequestPlugin(object):
- # Inject our resources to end of original file streams
- def actionUiMedia(self, path):
- if path == "/uimedia/all.js" or path == "/uimedia/all.css":
- # First yield the original file and header
- body_generator = super(UiRequestPlugin, self).actionUiMedia(path)
- for part in body_generator:
- yield part
- # Append our media file to the end
- ext = re.match(".*(js|css)$", path).group(1)
- plugin_media_file = "%s/all.%s" % (media_dir, ext)
- if config.debug:
- # If debugging merge *.css to all.css and *.js to all.js
- from Debug import DebugMedia
- DebugMedia.merge(plugin_media_file)
- if ext == "js":
- yield _.translateData(open(plugin_media_file).read()).encode("utf8")
- else:
- for part in self.actionFile(plugin_media_file, send_header=False):
- yield part
- elif path.startswith("/uimedia/globe/"): # Serve WebGL globe files
- file_name = re.match(".*/(.*)", path).group(1)
- plugin_media_file = "%s_globe/%s" % (media_dir, file_name)
- if config.debug and path.endswith("all.js"):
- # If debugging merge *.css to all.css and *.js to all.js
- from Debug import DebugMedia
- DebugMedia.merge(plugin_media_file)
- for part in self.actionFile(plugin_media_file):
- yield part
- else:
- for part in super(UiRequestPlugin, self).actionUiMedia(path):
- yield part
- def actionZip(self):
- address = self.get["address"]
- site = self.server.site_manager.get(address)
- if not site:
- return self.error404("Site not found")
- title = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("title", "")
- filename = "%s-backup-%s.zip" % (title, time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H_%M"))
- filename_quoted = urllib.parse.quote(filename)
- self.sendHeader(content_type="application/zip", extra_headers={'Content-Disposition': 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename_quoted})
- return self.streamZip(site.storage.getPath("."))
- def streamZip(self, dir_path):
- zs = ZipStream(dir_path)
- while 1:
- data = zs.read()
- if not data:
- break
- yield data
- @PluginManager.registerTo("UiWebsocket")
- class UiWebsocketPlugin(object):
- def sidebarRenderPeerStats(self, body, site):
- connected = len([peer for peer in list(site.peers.values()) if peer.connection and peer.connection.connected])
- connectable = len([peer_id for peer_id in list(site.peers.keys()) if not peer_id.endswith(":0")])
- onion = len([peer_id for peer_id in list(site.peers.keys()) if ".onion" in peer_id])
- local = len([peer for peer in list(site.peers.values()) if helper.isPrivateIp(peer.ip)])
- peers_total = len(site.peers)
- # Add myself
- if site.isServing():
- peers_total += 1
- if any(site.connection_server.port_opened.values()):
- connectable += 1
- if site.connection_server.tor_manager.start_onions:
- onion += 1
- if peers_total:
- percent_connected = float(connected) / peers_total
- percent_connectable = float(connectable) / peers_total
- percent_onion = float(onion) / peers_total
- else:
- percent_connectable = percent_connected = percent_onion = 0
- if local:
- local_html = _("<li class='color-yellow'><span>{_[Local]}:</span><b>{local}</b></li>")
- else:
- local_html = ""
- peer_ips = [peer.key for peer in site.getConnectablePeers(20, allow_private=False)]
- self_onion = main.file_server.tor_manager.site_onions.get(site.address, None)
- if self_onion is not None:
- peer_ips.append(self_onion+'.onion')
- peer_ips.sort(key=lambda peer_ip: ".onion:" in peer_ip)
- copy_link = f'{site.address}/?zeronet_peers={",".join(peer_ips)}'
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>
- {_[Peers]}
- <small class="label-right"><a href='{copy_link}' id='link-copypeers' class='link-right'>{_[Copy to clipboard]}</a></small>
- </label>
- <ul class='graph'>
- <li style='width: 100%' class='total back-black' title="{_[Total peers]}"></li>
- <li style='width: {percent_connectable:.0%}' class='connectable back-blue' title='{_[Connectable peers]}'></li>
- <li style='width: {percent_onion:.0%}' class='connected back-purple' title='{_[Onion]}'></li>
- <li style='width: {percent_connected:.0%}' class='connected back-green' title='{_[Connected peers]}'></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class='graph-legend'>
- <li class='color-green'><span>{_[Connected]}:</span><b>{connected}</b></li>
- <li class='color-blue'><span>{_[Connectable]}:</span><b>{connectable}</b></li>
- <li class='color-purple'><span>{_[Onion]}:</span><b>{onion}</b></li>
- {local_html}
- <li class='color-black'><span>{_[Total]}:</span><b>{peers_total}</b></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- """.replace("{local_html}", local_html)))
- def sidebarRenderTransferStats(self, body, site):
- recv = float(site.settings.get("bytes_recv", 0)) / 1024 / 1024
- sent = float(site.settings.get("bytes_sent", 0)) / 1024 / 1024
- transfer_total = recv + sent
- if transfer_total:
- percent_recv = recv / transfer_total
- percent_sent = sent / transfer_total
- else:
- percent_recv = 0.5
- percent_sent = 0.5
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Data transfer]}</label>
- <ul class='graph graph-stacked'>
- <li style='width: {percent_recv:.0%}' class='received back-yellow' title="{_[Received bytes]}"></li>
- <li style='width: {percent_sent:.0%}' class='sent back-green' title="{_[Sent bytes]}"></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class='graph-legend'>
- <li class='color-yellow'><span>{_[Received]}:</span><b>{recv:.2f}MB</b></li>
- <li class='color-green'<span>{_[Sent]}:</span><b>{sent:.2f}MB</b></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- """))
- def sidebarRenderFileStats(self, body, site):
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>
- {_[Files]}
- <a href='/list/{site.address}' class='link-right link-outline' id="browse-files">{_[Browse files]}</a>
- <small class="label-right">
- <a href='#Site+directory' id='link-directory' class='link-right'>{_[Open site directory]}</a>
- <a href='/ZeroNet-Internal/Zip?address={site.address}' id='link-zip' class='link-right' download='site.zip'>{_[Save as .zip]}</a>
- </small>
- </label>
- <ul class='graph graph-stacked'>
- """))
- extensions = (
- ("html", "yellow"),
- ("css", "orange"),
- ("js", "purple"),
- ("Image", "green"),
- ("json", "darkblue"),
- ("User data", "blue"),
- ("Other", "white"),
- ("Total", "black")
- )
- # Collect stats
- size_filetypes = {}
- size_total = 0
- contents = site.content_manager.listContents() # Without user files
- for inner_path in contents:
- content = site.content_manager.contents[inner_path]
- if "files" not in content or content["files"] is None:
- continue
- for file_name, file_details in list(content["files"].items()):
- size_total += file_details["size"]
- ext = file_name.split(".")[-1]
- size_filetypes[ext] = size_filetypes.get(ext, 0) + file_details["size"]
- # Get user file sizes
- size_user_content = site.content_manager.contents.execute(
- "SELECT SUM(size) + SUM(size_files) AS size FROM content WHERE ?",
- {"not__inner_path": contents}
- ).fetchone()["size"]
- if not size_user_content:
- size_user_content = 0
- size_filetypes["User data"] = size_user_content
- size_total += size_user_content
- # The missing difference is content.json sizes
- if "json" in size_filetypes:
- size_filetypes["json"] += max(0, site.settings["size"] - size_total)
- size_total = size_other = site.settings["size"]
- # Bar
- for extension, color in extensions:
- if extension == "Total":
- continue
- if extension == "Other":
- size = max(0, size_other)
- elif extension == "Image":
- size = size_filetypes.get("jpg", 0) + size_filetypes.get("png", 0) + size_filetypes.get("gif", 0)
- size_other -= size
- else:
- size = size_filetypes.get(extension, 0)
- size_other -= size
- if size_total == 0:
- percent = 0
- else:
- percent = 100 * (float(size) / size_total)
- percent = math.floor(percent * 100) / 100 # Floor to 2 digits
- body.append(
- """<li style='width: %.2f%%' class='%s back-%s' title="%s"></li>""" %
- (percent, _[extension], color, _[extension])
- )
- # Legend
- body.append("</ul><ul class='graph-legend'>")
- for extension, color in extensions:
- if extension == "Other":
- size = max(0, size_other)
- elif extension == "Image":
- size = size_filetypes.get("jpg", 0) + size_filetypes.get("png", 0) + size_filetypes.get("gif", 0)
- elif extension == "Total":
- size = size_total
- else:
- size = size_filetypes.get(extension, 0)
- if extension == "js":
- title = "javascript"
- else:
- title = extension
- if size > 1024 * 1024 * 10: # Format as mB is more than 10mB
- size_formatted = "%.0fMB" % (size / 1024 / 1024)
- else:
- size_formatted = "%.0fkB" % (size / 1024)
- body.append("<li class='color-%s'><span>%s:</span><b>%s</b></li>" % (color, _[title], size_formatted))
- body.append("</ul></li>")
- def sidebarRenderSizeLimit(self, body, site):
- free_space = helper.getFreeSpace() / 1024 / 1024
- size = float(site.settings["size"]) / 1024 / 1024
- size_limit = site.getSizeLimit()
- percent_used = size / size_limit
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Size limit]} <small>({_[limit used]}: {percent_used:.0%}, {_[free space]}: {free_space:,.0f}MB)</small></label>
- <input type='text' class='text text-num' value="{size_limit}" id='input-sitelimit'/><span class='text-post'>MB</span>
- <a href='#Set' class='button' id='button-sitelimit'>{_[Set]}</a>
- </li>
- """))
- def sidebarRenderOptionalFileStats(self, body, site):
- size_total = float(site.settings["size_optional"])
- size_downloaded = float(site.settings["optional_downloaded"])
- if not size_total:
- return False
- percent_downloaded = size_downloaded / size_total
- size_formatted_total = size_total / 1024 / 1024
- size_formatted_downloaded = size_downloaded / 1024 / 1024
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Optional files]}</label>
- <ul class='graph'>
- <li style='width: 100%' class='total back-black' title="{_[Total size]}"></li>
- <li style='width: {percent_downloaded:.0%}' class='connected back-green' title='{_[Downloaded files]}'></li>
- </ul>
- <ul class='graph-legend'>
- <li class='color-green'><span>{_[Downloaded]}:</span><b>{size_formatted_downloaded:.2f}MB</b></li>
- <li class='color-black'><span>{_[Total]}:</span><b>{size_formatted_total:.2f}MB</b></li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- """))
- return True
- def sidebarRenderOptionalFileSettings(self, body, site):
- if self.site.settings.get("autodownloadoptional"):
- checked = "checked='checked'"
- else:
- checked = ""
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Help distribute added optional files]}</label>
- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox-autodownloadoptional" {checked}/><div class="checkbox-skin"></div>
- """))
- if hasattr(config, "autodownload_bigfile_size_limit"):
- autodownload_bigfile_size_limit = int(site.settings.get("autodownload_bigfile_size_limit", config.autodownload_bigfile_size_limit))
- body.append(_("""
- <div class='settings-autodownloadoptional'>
- <label>{_[Auto download big file size limit]}</label>
- <input type='text' class='text text-num' value="{autodownload_bigfile_size_limit}" id='input-autodownload_bigfile_size_limit'/><span class='text-post'>MB</span>
- <a href='#Set' class='button' id='button-autodownload_bigfile_size_limit'>{_[Set]}</a>
- <a href='#Download+previous' class='button' id='button-autodownload_previous'>{_[Download previous files]}</a>
- </div>
- """))
- body.append("</li>")
- def sidebarRenderBadFiles(self, body, site):
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Needs to be updated]}:</label>
- <ul class='filelist'>
- """))
- i = 0
- for bad_file, tries in site.bad_files.items():
- i += 1
- body.append(_("""<li class='color-red' title="{bad_file_path} ({tries})">{bad_filename}</li>""", {
- "bad_file_path": bad_file,
- "bad_filename": helper.getFilename(bad_file),
- "tries": _.pluralize(tries, "{} try", "{} tries")
- }))
- if i > 30:
- break
- if len(site.bad_files) > 30:
- num_bad_files = len(site.bad_files) - 30
- body.append(_("""<li class='color-red'>{_[+ {num_bad_files} more]}</li>""", nested=True))
- body.append("""
- </ul>
- </li>
- """)
- def sidebarRenderDbOptions(self, body, site):
- if site.storage.db:
- inner_path = site.storage.getInnerPath(site.storage.db.db_path)
- size = float(site.storage.getSize(inner_path)) / 1024
- feeds = len(site.storage.db.schema.get("feeds", {}))
- else:
- inner_path = _["No database found"]
- size = 0.0
- feeds = 0
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Database]} <small>({size:.2f}kB, {_[search feeds]}: {_[{feeds} query]})</small></label>
- <div class='flex'>
- <input type='text' class='text disabled' value="{inner_path}" disabled='disabled'/>
- <a href='#Reload' id="button-dbreload" class='button'>{_[Reload]}</a>
- <a href='#Rebuild' id="button-dbrebuild" class='button'>{_[Rebuild]}</a>
- </div>
- </li>
- """, nested=True))
- def sidebarRenderIdentity(self, body, site):
- auth_address = self.user.getAuthAddress(self.site.address, create=False)
- rules = self.site.content_manager.getRules("data/users/%s/content.json" % auth_address)
- if rules and rules.get("max_size"):
- quota = rules["max_size"] / 1024
- try:
- content = site.content_manager.contents["data/users/%s/content.json" % auth_address]
- used = len(json.dumps(content)) + sum([file["size"] for file in list(content["files"].values())])
- except:
- used = 0
- used = used / 1024
- else:
- quota = used = 0
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Identity address]} <small>({_[limit used]}: {used:.2f}kB / {quota:.2f}kB)</small></label>
- <div class='flex'>
- <span class='input text disabled'>{auth_address}</span>
- <a href='#Change' class='button' id='button-identity'>{_[Change]}</a>
- </div>
- </li>
- """))
- def sidebarRenderControls(self, body, site):
- auth_address = self.user.getAuthAddress(self.site.address, create=False)
- if self.site.settings["serving"]:
- class_pause = ""
- class_resume = "hidden"
- else:
- class_pause = "hidden"
- class_resume = ""
- dashboard = config.homepage
- dsite = self.user.sites.get(dashboard, None)
- if not dsite:
- print('No dashboard found, cannot favourite')
- class_favourite = "hidden"
- class_unfavourite = "hidden"
- elif not dsite.get('settings', {}).get('favorite_sites', {}).get(self.site.address, False):
- class_favourite = ""
- class_unfavourite = "hidden"
- else:
- class_favourite = "hidden"
- class_unfavourite = ""
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Site control]}</label>
- <a href='#Update' class='button noupdate' id='button-update'>{_[Update]}</a>
- <a href='#Pause' class='button {class_pause}' id='button-pause'>{_[Pause]}</a>
- <a href='#Favourite' class='button {class_favourite}' id='button-favourite'>{_[Favourite]}</a>
- <a href='#Unfavourite' class='button {class_unfavourite}' id='button-unfavourite'>{_[Unfavourite]}</a>
- <a href='#Resume' class='button {class_resume}' id='button-resume'>{_[Resume]}</a>
- <a href='#Delete' class='button noupdate' id='button-delete'>{_[Delete]}</a>
- </li>
- """))
- site_address = self.site.address
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Site address]}</label><br>
- <div class='flex'>
- <span class='input text disabled'>{site_address}</span>
- </div>
- </li>
- """))
- donate_generic = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("donate", None) or site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("donate-generic", None)
- donate_btc = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("donate-btc", None)
- donate_xmr = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("donate-xmr", None)
- donate_ada = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("donate-ada", None)
- donate_enabled = bool(donate_generic or donate_btc or donate_xmr or donate_ada)
- if donate_enabled:
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Donate]}</label><br>
- """))
- if donate_generic:
- body.append(_("""
- <div class='flex'>
- {donate_generic}
- </div>
- """))
- if donate_btc:
- body.append(_("""
- <div class='flex'>
- <span style="font-size:90%">{donate_btc}</span><br/>
- </div>
- <div class='flex'>
- <a href='bitcoin:{donate_btc}' class='button'>{_[Donate BTC]}</a>
- </div>
- """))
- if donate_xmr:
- body.append(_("""
- <div class='flex'>
- <span style="font-size:90%">{donate_xmr}</span><br/>
- </div>
- <div class='flex'>
- <a href='monero:{donate_xmr}' class='button'>{_[Donate Monero]}</a>
- </div>
- """))
- if donate_ada:
- body.append(_("""
- <div class='flex'>
- <span style="font-size:90%">{donate_ada}</span><br/>
- </div>
- <div class='flex'>
- <a href='web+cardano:{donate_ada}' class='button'>{_[Donate Ada/Cardano]}</a>
- </div>
- """))
- if donate_enabled:
- body.append(_("""
- </li>
- """))
- def sidebarRenderOwnedCheckbox(self, body, site):
- if self.site.settings["own"]:
- checked = "checked='checked'"
- else:
- checked = ""
- body.append(_("""
- <h2 class='owned-title'>{_[This is my site]}</h2>
- <input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="checkbox-owned" {checked}/><div class="checkbox-skin"></div>
- """))
- def sidebarRenderOwnSettings(self, body, site):
- title = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("title", "")
- description = site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("description", "")
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label for='settings-title'>{_[Site title]}</label>
- <input type='text' class='text' value="{title}" id='settings-title'/>
- </li>
- <li>
- <label for='settings-description'>{_[Site description]}</label>
- <input type='text' class='text' value="{description}" id='settings-description'/>
- </li>
- <li>
- <a href='#Save' class='button' id='button-settings'>{_[Save site settings]}</a>
- </li>
- """))
- def sidebarRenderContents(self, body, site):
- has_privatekey = bool(self.user.getSiteData(site.address, create=False).get("privatekey"))
- if has_privatekey:
- tag_privatekey = _("{_[Private key saved.]} <a href='#Forget+private+key' id='privatekey-forget' class='link-right'>{_[Forget]}</a>")
- else:
- tag_privatekey = _("<a href='#Add+private+key' id='privatekey-add' class='link-right'>{_[Add saved private key]}</a>")
- body.append(_("""
- <li>
- <label>{_[Content publishing]} <small class='label-right'>{tag_privatekey}</small></label>
- """.replace("{tag_privatekey}", tag_privatekey)))
- # Choose content you want to sign
- body.append(_("""
- <div class='flex'>
- <input type='text' class='text' value="content.json" id='input-contents'/>
- <a href='#Sign-and-Publish' id='button-sign-publish' class='button'>{_[Sign and publish]}</a>
- <a href='#Sign-or-Publish' id='menu-sign-publish'>\u22EE</a>
- </div>
- """))
- contents = ["content.json"]
- contents += list(site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("includes", {}).keys())
- body.append(_("<div class='contents'>{_[Choose]}: "))
- for content in contents:
- body.append(_("<a href='{content}' class='contents-content'>{content}</a> "))
- body.append("</div>")
- body.append("</li>")
- @flag.admin
- def actionSidebarGetHtmlTag(self, to):
- site = self.site
- body = []
- body.append("<div>")
- body.append("<a href='#Close' class='close'>×</a>")
- body.append("<h1>%s</h1>" % html.escape(site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("title", ""), True))
- body.append("<div class='globe loading'></div>")
- body.append("<ul class='fields'>")
- self.sidebarRenderPeerStats(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderTransferStats(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderFileStats(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderSizeLimit(body, site)
- has_optional = self.sidebarRenderOptionalFileStats(body, site)
- if has_optional:
- self.sidebarRenderOptionalFileSettings(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderDbOptions(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderIdentity(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderControls(body, site)
- if site.bad_files:
- self.sidebarRenderBadFiles(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderOwnedCheckbox(body, site)
- body.append("<div class='settings-owned'>")
- self.sidebarRenderOwnSettings(body, site)
- self.sidebarRenderContents(body, site)
- body.append("</div>")
- body.append("</ul>")
- body.append("</div>")
- body.append("<div class='menu template'>")
- body.append("<a href='#'' class='menu-item template'>Template</a>")
- body.append("</div>")
- self.response(to, "".join(body))
- def downloadGeoLiteDb(self, db_path):
- import gzip
- import shutil
- import requests
- if config.offline or config.tor == 'always':
- return False
- self.log.info("Downloading GeoLite2 City database...")
- self.cmd("progress", ["geolite-info", _["Downloading GeoLite2 City database (one time only, ~20MB)..."], 0])
- db_urls = [
- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aemr3/GeoLite2-Database/master/GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz",
- "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/texnikru/GeoLite2-Database/master/GeoLite2-City.mmdb.gz"
- ]
- for db_url in db_urls:
- downloadl_err = None
- try:
- # Download
- response = requests.get(db_url, stream=True)
- data_size = response.headers.get('content-length')
- if data_size is None:
- data.write(response.content)
- data_size = int(data_size)
- data_recv = 0
- data = io.BytesIO()
- for buff in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 512):
- data.write(buff)
- data_recv += 1024 * 512
- progress = int(float(data_recv) / data_size * 100)
- self.cmd("progress", ["geolite-info", _["Downloading GeoLite2 City database (one time only, ~20MB)..."], progress])
- self.log.info("GeoLite2 City database downloaded (%s bytes), unpacking..." % data.tell())
- data.seek(0)
- # Unpack
- with gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=data) as gzip_file:
- shutil.copyfileobj(gzip_file, open(db_path, "wb"))
- self.cmd("progress", ["geolite-info", _["GeoLite2 City database downloaded!"], 100])
- time.sleep(2) # Wait for notify animation
- self.log.info("GeoLite2 City database is ready at: %s" % db_path)
- return True
- except Exception as err:
- download_err = err
- self.log.error("Error downloading %s: %s" % (db_url, err))
- pass
- self.cmd("progress", [
- "geolite-info",
- _["GeoLite2 City database download error: {}!<br>Please download manually and unpack to data dir:<br>{}"].format(download_err, db_urls[0]),
- -100
- ])
- def getLoc(self, geodb, ip):
- global loc_cache
- if ip in loc_cache:
- return loc_cache[ip]
- else:
- try:
- loc_data = geodb.get(ip)
- except:
- loc_data = None
- if not loc_data or "location" not in loc_data:
- loc_cache[ip] = None
- return None
- loc = {
- "lat": loc_data["location"]["latitude"],
- "lon": loc_data["location"]["longitude"],
- }
- if "city" in loc_data:
- loc["city"] = loc_data["city"]["names"]["en"]
- if "country" in loc_data:
- loc["country"] = loc_data["country"]["names"]["en"]
- loc_cache[ip] = loc
- return loc
- @util.Noparallel()
- def getGeoipDb(self):
- db_name = 'GeoLite2-City.mmdb'
- sys_db_paths = []
- if sys.platform == "linux":
- sys_db_paths += ['/usr/share/GeoIP/' + db_name]
- data_dir_db_path = os.path.join(config.data_dir, db_name)
- db_paths = sys_db_paths + [data_dir_db_path]
- for path in db_paths:
- if os.path.isfile(path) and os.path.getsize(path) > 0:
- return path
- self.log.info("GeoIP database not found at [%s]. Downloading to: %s",
- " ".join(db_paths), data_dir_db_path)
- if self.downloadGeoLiteDb(data_dir_db_path):
- return data_dir_db_path
- return None
- def getPeerLocations(self, peers):
- import maxminddb
- db_path = self.getGeoipDb()
- if not db_path:
- self.log.debug("Not showing peer locations: no GeoIP database")
- return False
- geodb = maxminddb.open_database(db_path)
- peers = list(peers.values())
- # Place bars
- peer_locations = []
- placed = {} # Already placed bars here
- for peer in peers:
- # Height of bar
- if peer.connection and peer.connection.last_ping_delay:
- ping = round(peer.connection.last_ping_delay * 1000)
- else:
- ping = None
- loc = self.getLoc(geodb, peer.ip)
- if not loc:
- continue
- # Create position array
- lat, lon = loc["lat"], loc["lon"]
- latlon = "%s,%s" % (lat, lon)
- if latlon in placed and helper.getIpType(peer.ip) == "ipv4": # Dont place more than 1 bar to same place, fake repos using ip address last two part
- lat += float(128 - int(peer.ip.split(".")[-2])) / 50
- lon += float(128 - int(peer.ip.split(".")[-1])) / 50
- latlon = "%s,%s" % (lat, lon)
- placed[latlon] = True
- peer_location = {}
- peer_location.update(loc)
- peer_location["lat"] = lat
- peer_location["lon"] = lon
- peer_location["ping"] = ping
- peer_locations.append(peer_location)
- # Append myself
- for ip in self.site.connection_server.ip_external_list:
- my_loc = self.getLoc(geodb, ip)
- if my_loc:
- my_loc["ping"] = 0
- peer_locations.append(my_loc)
- return peer_locations
- @flag.admin
- @flag.async_run
- def actionSidebarGetPeers(self, to):
- try:
- peer_locations = self.getPeerLocations(self.site.peers)
- globe_data = []
- ping_times = [
- peer_location["ping"]
- for peer_location in peer_locations
- if peer_location["ping"]
- ]
- if ping_times:
- ping_avg = sum(ping_times) / float(len(ping_times))
- else:
- ping_avg = 0
- for peer_location in peer_locations:
- if peer_location["ping"] == 0: # Me
- height = -0.135
- elif peer_location["ping"]:
- height = min(0.20, math.log(1 + peer_location["ping"] / ping_avg, 300))
- else:
- height = -0.03
- globe_data += [peer_location["lat"], peer_location["lon"], height]
- self.response(to, globe_data)
- except Exception as err:
- self.log.debug("sidebarGetPeers error: %s" % Debug.formatException(err))
- self.response(to, {"error": str(err)})
- @flag.admin
- @flag.no_multiuser
- def actionSiteSetOwned(self, to, owned):
- self.site.settings["own"] = bool(owned)
- self.site.updateWebsocket(owned=owned)
- return "ok"
- @flag.admin
- @flag.no_multiuser
- def actionSiteRecoverPrivatekey(self, to):
- from Crypt import CryptBitcoin
- site_data = self.user.sites[self.site.address]
- if site_data.get("privatekey"):
- return {"error": "This site already has saved privated key"}
- address_index = self.site.content_manager.contents.get("content.json", {}).get("address_index")
- if not address_index:
- return {"error": "No address_index in content.json"}
- privatekey = CryptBitcoin.hdPrivatekey(self.user.master_seed, address_index)
- privatekey_address = CryptBitcoin.privatekeyToAddress(privatekey)
- if privatekey_address == self.site.address:
- site_data["privatekey"] = privatekey
- self.user.save()
- self.site.updateWebsocket(recover_privatekey=True)
- return "ok"
- else:
- return {"error": "Unable to deliver private key for this site from current user's master_seed"}
- @flag.admin
- @flag.no_multiuser
- def actionUserSetSitePrivatekey(self, to, privatekey):
- site_data = self.user.sites[self.site.address]
- site_data["privatekey"] = privatekey
- self.site.updateWebsocket(set_privatekey=bool(privatekey))
- self.user.save()
- return "ok"
- @flag.admin
- @flag.no_multiuser
- def actionSiteSetAutodownloadoptional(self, to, owned):
- self.site.settings["autodownloadoptional"] = bool(owned)
- self.site.worker_manager.removeSolvedFileTasks()
- @flag.no_multiuser
- @flag.admin
- def actionDbReload(self, to):
- self.site.storage.closeDb()
- self.site.storage.getDb()
- return self.response(to, "ok")
- @flag.no_multiuser
- @flag.admin
- def actionDbRebuild(self, to):
- try:
- self.site.storage.rebuildDb()
- except Exception as err:
- return self.response(to, {"error": str(err)})
- return self.response(to, "ok")