123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414 |
- import time
- import collections
- import itertools
- import re
- import gevent
- from util import helper
- from Plugin import PluginManager
- from Config import config
- from Debug import Debug
- if "content_db" not in locals().keys():
- content_db = None
- @PluginManager.registerTo("ContentDb")
- class ContentDbPlugin(object):
- def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- global content_db
- content_db = self
- self.filled = {}
- self.need_filling = False
- self.time_peer_numbers_updated = 0
- self.my_optional_files = {}
- self.optional_files = collections.defaultdict(dict)
- self.optional_files_loaded = False
- self.timer_check_optional = helper.timer(60 * 5, self.checkOptionalLimit)
- super(ContentDbPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- def getSchema(self):
- schema = super(ContentDbPlugin, self).getSchema()
- schema["tables"]["file_optional"] = {
- "cols": [
- ["site_id", "INTEGER REFERENCES site (site_id) ON DELETE CASCADE"],
- ["inner_path", "TEXT"],
- ["hash_id", "INTEGER"],
- ["size", "INTEGER"],
- ["peer", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"],
- ["uploaded", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"],
- ["is_downloaded", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"],
- ["is_pinned", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"],
- ["time_added", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"],
- ["time_downloaded", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"],
- ["time_accessed", "INTEGER DEFAULT 0"]
- ],
- "indexes": [
- "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX file_optional_key ON file_optional (site_id, inner_path)",
- "CREATE INDEX is_downloaded ON file_optional (is_downloaded)"
- ],
- "schema_changed": 11
- }
- return schema
- def initSite(self, site):
- super(ContentDbPlugin, self).initSite(site)
- if self.need_filling:
- self.fillTableFileOptional(site)
- def checkTables(self):
- changed_tables = super(ContentDbPlugin, self).checkTables()
- if "file_optional" in changed_tables:
- self.need_filling = True
- return changed_tables
- def loadFilesOptional(self):
- s = time.time()
- num = 0
- total = 0
- total_downloaded = 0
- res = content_db.execute("SELECT site_id, inner_path, size, is_downloaded FROM file_optional")
- site_sizes = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(int))
- for row in res:
- self.optional_files[row["site_id"]][row["inner_path"][-8:]] = 1
- num += 1
- site_sizes[row["site_id"]]["size_optional"] += row["size"]
- if row["is_downloaded"]:
- site_sizes[row["site_id"]]["optional_downloaded"] += row["size"]
- site_ids_reverse = {val: key for key, val in self.site_ids.items()}
- for site_id, stats in site_sizes.items():
- site_address = site_ids_reverse.get(site_id)
- if not site_address or site_address not in self.sites:
- self.log.error("Not found site_id: %s" % site_id)
- continue
- site = self.sites[site_address]
- site.settings["size_optional"] = stats["size_optional"]
- site.settings["optional_downloaded"] = stats["optional_downloaded"]
- total += stats["size_optional"]
- total_downloaded += stats["optional_downloaded"]
- self.log.info(
- "Loaded %s optional files: %.2fMB, downloaded: %.2fMB in %.3fs" %
- (num, float(total) / 1024 / 1024, float(total_downloaded) / 1024 / 1024, time.time() - s)
- )
- if self.need_filling and self.getOptionalLimitBytes() >= 0 and self.getOptionalLimitBytes() < total_downloaded:
- limit_bytes = self.getOptionalLimitBytes()
- limit_new = round((float(total_downloaded) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024) * 1.1, 2)
- self.log.info(
- "First startup after update and limit is smaller than downloaded files size (%.2fGB), increasing it from %.2fGB to %.2fGB" %
- (float(total_downloaded) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, float(limit_bytes) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, limit_new)
- )
- config.saveValue("optional_limit", limit_new)
- config.optional_limit = str(limit_new)
- def isOptionalFile(self, site_id, inner_path):
- return self.optional_files[site_id].get(inner_path[-8:])
- def fillTableFileOptional(self, site):
- s = time.time()
- site_id = self.site_ids.get(site.address)
- if not site_id:
- return False
- cur = self.getCursor()
- res = cur.execute("SELECT * FROM content WHERE size_files_optional > 0 AND site_id = %s" % site_id)
- num = 0
- for row in res.fetchall():
- content = site.content_manager.contents[row["inner_path"]]
- try:
- num += self.setContentFilesOptional(site, row["inner_path"], content, cur=cur)
- except Exception as err:
- self.log.error("Error loading %s into file_optional: %s" % (row["inner_path"], err))
- cur.close()
- from User import UserManager
- user = UserManager.user_manager.get()
- if not user:
- user = UserManager.user_manager.create()
- auth_address = user.getAuthAddress(site.address)
- res = self.execute(
- "UPDATE file_optional SET is_pinned = 1 WHERE site_id = :site_id AND inner_path LIKE :inner_path",
- {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": "%%/%s/%%" % auth_address}
- )
- self.log.debug(
- "Filled file_optional table for %s in %.3fs (loaded: %s, is_pinned: %s)" %
- (site.address, time.time() - s, num, res.rowcount)
- )
- self.filled[site.address] = True
- def setContentFilesOptional(self, site, content_inner_path, content, cur=None):
- if not cur:
- cur = self
- num = 0
- site_id = self.site_ids[site.address]
- content_inner_dir = helper.getDirname(content_inner_path)
- for relative_inner_path, file in content.get("files_optional", {}).items():
- file_inner_path = content_inner_dir + relative_inner_path
- hash_id = int(file["sha512"][0:4], 16)
- if hash_id in site.content_manager.hashfield:
- is_downloaded = 1
- else:
- is_downloaded = 0
- if site.address + "/" + content_inner_dir in self.my_optional_files:
- is_pinned = 1
- else:
- is_pinned = 0
- cur.insertOrUpdate("file_optional", {
- "hash_id": hash_id,
- "size": int(file["size"])
- }, {
- "site_id": site_id,
- "inner_path": file_inner_path
- }, oninsert={
- "time_added": int(time.time()),
- "time_downloaded": int(time.time()) if is_downloaded else 0,
- "is_downloaded": is_downloaded,
- "peer": is_downloaded,
- "is_pinned": is_pinned
- })
- self.optional_files[site_id][file_inner_path[-8:]] = 1
- num += 1
- return num
- def setContent(self, site, inner_path, content, size=0):
- super(ContentDbPlugin, self).setContent(site, inner_path, content, size=size)
- old_content = site.content_manager.contents.get(inner_path, {})
- if (not self.need_filling or self.filled.get(site.address)) and ("files_optional" in content or "files_optional" in old_content):
- self.setContentFilesOptional(site, inner_path, content)
- if old_content:
- old_files = old_content.get("files_optional", {}).keys()
- new_files = content.get("files_optional", {}).keys()
- content_inner_dir = helper.getDirname(inner_path)
- deleted = [content_inner_dir + key for key in old_files if key not in new_files]
- if deleted:
- site_id = self.site_ids[site.address]
- self.execute("DELETE FROM file_optional WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": deleted})
- def deleteContent(self, site, inner_path):
- content = site.content_manager.contents.get(inner_path)
- if content and "files_optional" in content:
- site_id = self.site_ids[site.address]
- content_inner_dir = helper.getDirname(inner_path)
- optional_inner_paths = [
- content_inner_dir + relative_inner_path
- for relative_inner_path in content.get("files_optional", {}).keys()
- ]
- self.execute("DELETE FROM file_optional WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id, "inner_path": optional_inner_paths})
- super(ContentDbPlugin, self).deleteContent(site, inner_path)
- def updatePeerNumbers(self):
- s = time.time()
- num_file = 0
- num_updated = 0
- num_site = 0
- for site in list(self.sites.values()):
- if not site.content_manager.has_optional_files:
- continue
- if not site.isServing():
- continue
- has_updated_hashfield = next((
- peer
- for peer in site.peers.values()
- if peer.has_hashfield and peer.hashfield.time_changed > self.time_peer_numbers_updated
- ), None)
- if not has_updated_hashfield and site.content_manager.hashfield.time_changed < self.time_peer_numbers_updated:
- continue
- hashfield_peers = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
- peer.hashfield.storage
- for peer in site.peers.values()
- if peer.has_hashfield
- )
- peer_nums = collections.Counter(
- itertools.chain(
- hashfield_peers,
- site.content_manager.hashfield
- )
- )
- site_id = self.site_ids[site.address]
- if not site_id:
- continue
- res = self.execute("SELECT file_id, hash_id, peer FROM file_optional WHERE ?", {"site_id": site_id})
- updates = {}
- for row in res:
- peer_num = peer_nums.get(row["hash_id"], 0)
- if peer_num != row["peer"]:
- updates[row["file_id"]] = peer_num
- for file_id, peer_num in updates.items():
- self.execute("UPDATE file_optional SET peer = ? WHERE file_id = ?", (peer_num, file_id))
- num_updated += len(updates)
- num_file += len(peer_nums)
- num_site += 1
- self.time_peer_numbers_updated = time.time()
- self.log.debug("%s/%s peer number for %s site updated in %.3fs" % (num_updated, num_file, num_site, time.time() - s))
- def queryDeletableFiles(self):
- query = """
- SELECT * FROM file_optional
- WHERE peer > 10 AND %s
- ORDER BY time_accessed < %s DESC, uploaded / size
- """ % (self.getOptionalUsedWhere(), int(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 7))
- limit_start = 0
- while 1:
- num = 0
- res = self.execute("%s LIMIT %s, 50" % (query, limit_start))
- for row in res:
- yield row
- num += 1
- if num < 50:
- break
- limit_start += 50
- self.log.debug("queryDeletableFiles returning less-seeded files")
- query = """
- SELECT * FROM file_optional
- WHERE peer <= 10 AND %s
- ORDER BY peer DESC, time_accessed < %s DESC, uploaded / size
- """ % (self.getOptionalUsedWhere(), int(time.time() - 60 * 60 * 7))
- limit_start = 0
- while 1:
- num = 0
- res = self.execute("%s LIMIT %s, 50" % (query, limit_start))
- for row in res:
- yield row
- num += 1
- if num < 50:
- break
- limit_start += 50
- self.log.debug("queryDeletableFiles returning everyting")
- query = """
- SELECT * FROM file_optional
- WHERE peer <= 10 AND %s
- ORDER BY peer DESC, time_accessed, uploaded / size
- """ % self.getOptionalUsedWhere()
- limit_start = 0
- while 1:
- num = 0
- res = self.execute("%s LIMIT %s, 50" % (query, limit_start))
- for row in res:
- yield row
- num += 1
- if num < 50:
- break
- limit_start += 50
- def getOptionalLimitBytes(self):
- if config.optional_limit.endswith("%"):
- limit_percent = float(re.sub("[^0-9.]", "", config.optional_limit))
- limit_bytes = helper.getFreeSpace() * (limit_percent / 100)
- else:
- limit_bytes = float(re.sub("[^0-9.]", "", config.optional_limit)) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
- return limit_bytes
- def getOptionalUsedWhere(self):
- maxsize = config.optional_limit_exclude_minsize * 1024 * 1024
- query = "is_downloaded = 1 AND is_pinned = 0 AND size < %s" % maxsize
- my_site_ids = []
- for address, site in self.sites.items():
- if site.settings["own"]:
- my_site_ids.append(str(self.site_ids[address]))
- if my_site_ids:
- query += " AND site_id NOT IN (%s)" % ", ".join(my_site_ids)
- return query
- def getOptionalUsedBytes(self):
- size = self.execute("SELECT SUM(size) FROM file_optional WHERE %s" % self.getOptionalUsedWhere()).fetchone()[0]
- if not size:
- size = 0
- return size
- def getOptionalNeedDelete(self, size):
- if config.optional_limit.endswith("%"):
- limit_percent = float(re.sub("[^0-9.]", "", config.optional_limit))
- need_delete = size - ((helper.getFreeSpace() + size) * (limit_percent / 100))
- else:
- need_delete = size - self.getOptionalLimitBytes()
- return need_delete
- def checkOptionalLimit(self, limit=None):
- if not limit:
- limit = self.getOptionalLimitBytes()
- if limit < 0:
- self.log.debug("Invalid limit for optional files: %s" % limit)
- return False
- size = self.getOptionalUsedBytes()
- need_delete = self.getOptionalNeedDelete(size)
- self.log.debug(
- "Optional size: %.1fMB/%.1fMB, Need delete: %.1fMB" %
- (float(size) / 1024 / 1024, float(limit) / 1024 / 1024, float(need_delete) / 1024 / 1024)
- )
- if need_delete <= 0:
- return False
- self.updatePeerNumbers()
- site_ids_reverse = {val: key for key, val in self.site_ids.items()}
- deleted_file_ids = []
- for row in self.queryDeletableFiles():
- site_address = site_ids_reverse.get(row["site_id"])
- site = self.sites.get(site_address)
- if not site:
- self.log.error("No site found for id: %s" % row["site_id"])
- continue
- site.log.debug("Deleting %s %.3f MB left" % (row["inner_path"], float(need_delete) / 1024 / 1024))
- deleted_file_ids.append(row["file_id"])
- try:
- site.content_manager.optionalRemoved(row["inner_path"], row["hash_id"], row["size"])
- site.storage.delete(row["inner_path"])
- need_delete -= row["size"]
- except Exception as err:
- site.log.error("Error deleting %s: %s" % (row["inner_path"], err))
- if need_delete <= 0:
- break
- cur = self.getCursor()
- for file_id in deleted_file_ids:
- cur.execute("UPDATE file_optional SET is_downloaded = 0, is_pinned = 0, peer = peer - 1 WHERE ?", {"file_id": file_id})
- cur.close()
- @PluginManager.registerTo("SiteManager")
- class SiteManagerPlugin(object):
- def load(self, *args, **kwargs):
- back = super(SiteManagerPlugin, self).load(*args, **kwargs)
- if self.sites and not content_db.optional_files_loaded and content_db.conn:
- content_db.optional_files_loaded = True
- content_db.loadFilesOptional()
- return back