requirements.txt 667 B

  1. setuptools>=65.5.1 # not directly required, pinned by Snyk to avoid a vulnerability
  2. gevent>=23.9.0
  3. msgpack>=0.6.0
  4. base58
  5. # for some reason nobody released fresh merkletools that don't require on outdated pysha3
  6. git+
  7. rsa
  8. PySocks>=1.6.8
  9. pyasn1
  10. websocket_client
  11. gevent-ws
  12. coincurve
  13. maxminddb
  14. rich
  15. defusedxml>=0.7
  16. pyaes
  17. requests
  18. ipython>=8
  19. fastbencode
  20. asyncio-gevent
  21. aio-btdht@git+
  22. aio-krpc-server@git+
  23. GitPython