#37 Renderer-dependant (interactive) nodes

opened 7 years ago by caryoscelus · 1 comments
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caryoscelus commented 7 years ago

Implementation idea: store renderer pointer in Context. This would be really easy to implement.

The only question is then interface that will be used to retrieve information from renderer. The most intuitive thing to do would be to just call by node name. E.g. something like

class MousePosition : Node<Geom::Point> {
    Geom::Point get(shared_ptr<Context> ctx) const override {
        if (auto r = ctx->get_renderer()) {
            return r->get_value<Geom::Point>("MousePosition");
        return {}; // or throw instead
Implementation idea: store renderer pointer in Context. This would be really easy to implement. The only question is then interface that will be used to retrieve information from renderer. The most intuitive thing to do would be to just call by node name. E.g. something like ```c++ class MousePosition : Node<Geom::Point> { public: Geom::Point get(shared_ptr<Context> ctx) const override { if (auto r = ctx->get_renderer()) { return r->get_value<Geom::Point>("MousePosition"); } return {}; // or throw instead } }; ```
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