#21 Report exceptions in nodes

7 سال پیش باز شده توسط caryoscelus · 1 دیدگاه

Basically we need to have some kind of (perhaps global) error log, which would also keep track of repeating errors.

Basically we need to have some kind of (perhaps global) error log, which would also keep track of repeating errors.
caryoscelus نظر 7 سال پیش

Implementation idea: non-virtual get(..) const noexcept that calls virtual get_impl(..) const (that throws whenever it feels like it) and collects its errors into log.

Implementation idea: non-virtual `get(..) const noexcept` that calls virtual `get_impl(..) const` (that throws whenever it feels like it) and collects its errors into log.
caryoscelus ارجاع این مسئله به کامیت 7 سال پیش
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