#16 Node documentation

7 роки тому відкрито caryoscelus · 0 коментарів
caryoscelus відкоментовано 7 роки тому

Nodes should have documentation attached to it (can be implemented as tooltip in GUI), so that user can learn what they do without consulting external sources.

In simplest form, it can be just a string with full description (possibly formatted). Better yet, it should have also individual descriptions for fields.

Nodes should have documentation attached to it (can be implemented as tooltip in GUI), so that user can learn what they do without consulting external sources. In simplest form, it can be just a string with full description (possibly formatted). Better yet, it should have also individual descriptions for fields.
caryoscelus згадано цю проблему в коміті 7 роки тому
Підпишіться щоб приєднатися до обговорення.
Тут ще немає жодного вмісту.