TrustMe.agda 507 B

  1. {-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
  2. module TrustMe where
  3. open import Data.String
  4. open import Data.String.Unsafe
  5. open import Data.Unit.Polymorphic using (⊤)
  6. open import IO
  7. import IO.Primitive as Prim
  8. open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
  9. open import Relation.Nullary
  10. open import Level using (0ℓ)
  11. -- Check that trustMe works.
  12. testTrustMe : IO {0ℓ} ⊤
  13. testTrustMe with "apa" ≟ "apa"
  14. ... | yes refl = putStrLn "Yes!"
  15. ... | no _ = putStrLn "No."
  16. main : Prim.IO ⊤
  17. main = run testTrustMe