UnusedArguments.out 2.2 KB

  2. ret > ExitSuccess
  3. out > -- used args: _ _ _ _ e f g
  4. out > UnusedArguments.maybe[stripped] =
  5. out > λ a b c →
  6. out > case c of
  7. out > Common.Maybe.Maybe.nothing → a
  8. out > Common.Maybe.Maybe.just d → b d
  9. out > UnusedArguments.maybe =
  10. out > λ _ _ _ _ a b c →
  11. out > case c of
  12. out > Common.Maybe.Maybe.nothing → a
  13. out > Common.Maybe.Maybe.just d → b d
  14. out > -- used args: _ _ _ _ e f
  15. out > UnusedArguments.mapMaybe[stripped] =
  16. out > λ a b →
  17. out > UnusedArguments.maybe
  18. out > _ _ _ _ Common.Maybe.Maybe.nothing
  19. out > (λ c → Common.Maybe.Maybe.just (a c)) b
  20. out > UnusedArguments.mapMaybe =
  21. out > λ _ _ _ _ a b →
  22. out > UnusedArguments.maybe
  23. out > _ _ _ _ Common.Maybe.Maybe.nothing
  24. out > (λ c → Common.Maybe.Maybe.just (a c)) b
  25. out > UnusedArguments.maybeToNat =
  26. out > λ a → UnusedArguments.maybe _ _ _ _ 0 (λ b → b) a
  27. out > -- used args: _ _ c d e
  28. out > UnusedArguments.foldr[stripped] =
  29. out > λ a b c →
  30. out > case c of
  31. out > Agda.Builtin.List.List.[] → b
  32. out > Agda.Builtin.List.List._∷_ d e →
  33. out > a d (UnusedArguments.foldr _ _ a b e)
  34. out > UnusedArguments.foldr =
  35. out > λ _ _ a b c →
  36. out > case c of
  37. out > Agda.Builtin.List.List.[] → b
  38. out > Agda.Builtin.List.List._∷_ d e →
  39. out > a d (UnusedArguments.foldr _ _ a b e)
  40. out > UnusedArguments.main =
  41. out > Common.IO.then
  42. out > () () _ _
  43. out > (Common.IO.printNat
  44. out > (UnusedArguments.maybeToNat (Common.Maybe.Maybe.just 42)))
  45. out > (Common.IO.then
  46. out > () () _ _
  47. out > (Common.IO.printNat
  48. out > (UnusedArguments.maybeToNat
  49. out > (UnusedArguments.mapMaybe
  50. out > _ _ _ _ (_+_ 10) (Common.Maybe.Maybe.just 42))))
  51. out > (Common.IO.printNat
  52. out > (UnusedArguments.foldr
  53. out > _ _ _+_ 0
  54. out > (Agda.Builtin.List.List._∷_
  55. out > 1
  56. out > (Agda.Builtin.List.List._∷_
  57. out > 2
  58. out > (Agda.Builtin.List.List._∷_
  59. out > 3 (Agda.Builtin.List.List._∷_ 4 Agda.Builtin.List.List.[])))))))
  60. out > 425210