123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346 |
- {-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
- module Compiler.Tests where
- import Utils
- import Test.Tasty
- import Test.Tasty.Silver.Advanced (readFileMaybe)
- import Test.Tasty.Silver
- import Test.Tasty.Silver.Filter
- import Data.Bits (finiteBitSize)
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import Data.Text.Encoding
- import Data.Monoid
- import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
- import System.Directory
- import System.IO.Temp
- import System.FilePath
- import System.Environment
- import System.Exit
- import qualified System.Process as P
- import System.Process.Text as PT
- import Control.Monad (forM)
- import Data.Maybe
- import Text.Read
- import Agda.Utils.List
- type GHCArgs = [String]
- data ExecResult
- = CompileFailed
- { result :: ProgramResult }
- | CompileSucceeded
- { result :: ProgramResult }
- | ExecutedProg
- { result :: ProgramResult }
- deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
- data CodeOptimization = NonOptimized | Optimized | MinifiedOptimized
- deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
- data Strict = Strict | StrictData | Lazy
- deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
- data Compiler = MAlonzo Strict | JS CodeOptimization
- deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
- data CompilerOptions
- = CompilerOptions
- { extraAgdaArgs :: AgdaArgs
- } deriving (Show, Read)
- data TestOptions
- = TestOptions
- { forCompilers :: [(Compiler, CompilerOptions)]
- , runtimeOptions :: [String]
- , executeProg :: Bool
- } deriving (Show, Read)
- allCompilers :: [Compiler]
- allCompilers =
- map MAlonzo [Lazy, StrictData, Strict] ++
- map JS [NonOptimized, Optimized, MinifiedOptimized]
- defaultOptions :: TestOptions
- defaultOptions = TestOptions
- { forCompilers = [ (c, co) | c <- allCompilers ]
- , runtimeOptions = []
- , executeProg = True
- }
- where co = CompilerOptions []
- disabledTests :: [RegexFilter]
- disabledTests =
- [ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- These test are disabled on all backends.
- -- See issue 1528
- disable "Compiler/.*/simple/Sharing"
- -- Fix to 2524 is too unsafe
- , disable "Compiler/.*/simple/Issue2524"
- -- Issue #2640 (forcing translation for runtime erasure) is still open
- , disable "Compiler/.*/simple/Erasure-Issue2640"
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- The test case for #2918 stopped working when inlining of
- -- recursive pattern-matching lambdas was disabled.
- , disable "Compiler/MAlonzo_.*/simple/Issue2918$"
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- The following test cases fail (at least at the time of writing)
- -- for the JS backend.
- , disable "Compiler/JS_Optimized/simple/ModuleReexport"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_MinifiedOptimized/simple/ModuleReexport"
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- The following test cases use primitives that are not implemented in the
- -- JS backend.
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/Issue4999" -- primNatToChar
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- The following test cases are GHC backend specific and thus disabled on JS.
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/Issue2821"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/Issue2879-.*"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/Issue2909-.*"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/Issue2914"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/Issue2918$"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/Issue3732"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/VecReverseIrr"
- , disable "Compiler/JS_.*/simple/VecReverseErased" -- RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ]
- where disable = RFInclude
- -- | Filtering out compiler tests using the Agda standard library.
- stdlibTestFilter :: [RegexFilter]
- stdlibTestFilter =
- [ disable "Compiler/.*/with-stdlib"
- ]
- where disable = RFInclude
- tests :: IO TestTree
- tests = do
- nodeBin <- findExecutable "node"
- ghcVersion <- findGHCVersion
- let ghcVersionAtLeast9 = case ghcVersion of
- Just (n : _) | n >= 9 -> True
- _ -> False
- enabledCompilers =
- [ MAlonzo s
- | s <- [Lazy, StrictData] ++
- if ghcVersionAtLeast9 then [Strict] else []
- ] ++
- [ JS opt
- | isJust nodeBin
- , opt <- [NonOptimized, Optimized, MinifiedOptimized]
- ]
- _ <- case nodeBin of
- Nothing -> putStrLn "No JS node binary found, skipping JS tests."
- Just n -> putStrLn $ "Using JS node binary at " ++ n
- ts <- mapM forComp enabledCompilers
- return $ testGroup "Compiler" ts
- where
- forComp comp = testGroup (map spaceToUnderscore $ show comp) . catMaybes
- <$> sequence
- [ Just <$> simpleTests comp
- , Just <$> stdlibTests comp
- , specialTests comp]
- spaceToUnderscore ' ' = '_'
- spaceToUnderscore c = c
- simpleTests :: Compiler -> IO TestTree
- simpleTests comp = do
- let testDir = "test" </> "Compiler" </> "simple"
- inps <- getAgdaFilesInDir NonRec testDir
- tests' <- forM inps $ \inp -> do
- opts <- readOptions inp
- return $
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest testDir comp
- (return $ ["-i" ++ testDir, "-itest/"] ++ compArgs comp) inp opts
- return $ testGroup "simple" $ catMaybes tests'
- where compArgs :: Compiler -> AgdaArgs
- compArgs MAlonzo{} =
- ghcArgsAsAgdaArgs ["-itest/", "-fno-excess-precision"]
- compArgs JS{} = []
- -- The Compiler tests using the standard library are horribly
- -- slow at the moment (1min or more per test case).
- stdlibTests :: Compiler -> IO TestTree
- stdlibTests comp = do
- let testDir = "test" </> "Compiler" </> "with-stdlib"
- let inps = [testDir </> "AllStdLib.agda"]
- -- put all tests in AllStdLib to avoid compiling the standard library
- -- multiple times
- let extraArgs :: [String]
- extraArgs = [ "-i" ++ testDir, "-i" ++ "std-lib" </> "src", "-istd-lib" ]
- let -- Note that -M4G can trigger the following error on 32-bit
- -- systems: "error in RTS option -M4G: size outside allowed
- -- range (4096 - 4294967295)".
- maxHeapSize =
- if finiteBitSize (undefined :: Int) == 32 then
- "-M2G"
- else
- "-M4G"
- rtsOptions :: [String]
- -- See Issue #3792.
- rtsOptions = [ "+RTS", "-H2G", maxHeapSize, "-RTS" ]
- tests' <- forM inps $ \inp -> do
- opts <- readOptions inp
- return $
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest testDir comp (return $ extraArgs ++ rtsOptions) inp opts
- return $ testGroup "with-stdlib" $ catMaybes tests'
- specialTests :: Compiler -> IO (Maybe TestTree)
- specialTests c@MAlonzo{} = do
- let t = fromJust $
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest1 testDir c (return extraArgs)
- (testDir </> "ExportTestAgda.agda") defaultOptions cont
- return $ Just $ testGroup "special" [t]
- where extraArgs = ["-i" ++ testDir, "-itest/", "--no-main", "--ghc-dont-call-ghc"]
- testDir = "test" </> "Compiler" </> "special"
- cont compDir out err = do
- (ret, sout, _) <- PT.readProcessWithExitCode "runghc"
- [ "-itest/"
- ,"-i" ++ compDir
- , testDir </> "ExportTest.hs"
- ]
- T.empty
- -- ignore stderr, as there may be some GHC warnings in it
- return $ ExecutedProg (ProgramResult ret (out <> sout) err)
- specialTests JS{} = return Nothing
- ghcArgsAsAgdaArgs :: GHCArgs -> AgdaArgs
- ghcArgsAsAgdaArgs = map f
- where f = ("--ghc-flag=" ++)
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest :: FilePath -- ^ directory where to run the tests.
- -> Compiler
- -> IO AgdaArgs -- ^ extra Agda arguments
- -> FilePath -- ^ relative path to agda input file.
- -> TestOptions
- -> Maybe TestTree
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest dir comp extraArgs inp opts =
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest1 dir comp extraArgs inp opts $ \compDir out err -> do
- if executeProg opts then do
- -- read input file, if it exists
- inp' <- maybe T.empty decodeUtf8 <$> readFileMaybe inpFile
- -- now run the new program
- let exec = getExecForComp comp compDir inpFile
- case comp of
- JS{} -> do
- setEnv "NODE_PATH" compDir
- (ret, out', err') <- PT.readProcessWithExitCode "node" [exec] inp'
- return $ ExecutedProg $ ProgramResult ret (out <> out') (err <> err')
- _ -> do
- (ret, out', err') <- PT.readProcessWithExitCode exec (runtimeOptions opts) inp'
- return $ ExecutedProg $ ProgramResult ret (out <> out') (err <> err')
- else
- return $ CompileSucceeded (ProgramResult ExitSuccess out err)
- where inpFile = dropAgdaExtension inp <.> ".inp"
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest1 :: FilePath -- ^ directory where to run the tests.
- -> Compiler
- -> IO AgdaArgs -- ^ extra Agda arguments
- -> FilePath -- ^ relative path to agda input file.
- -> TestOptions
- -> (FilePath -> T.Text -> T.Text -> IO ExecResult) -- continuation if compile succeeds, gets the compilation dir
- -> Maybe TestTree
- agdaRunProgGoldenTest1 dir comp extraArgs inp opts cont
- | (Just cOpts) <- lookup comp (forCompilers opts) =
- Just $ goldenVsAction' testName goldenFile (doRun cOpts) printExecResult
- | otherwise = Nothing
- where goldenFile = dropAgdaExtension inp <.> ".out"
- testName = asTestName dir inp
- -- Andreas, 2017-04-14, issue #2317
- -- Create temporary files in system temp directory.
- -- This has the advantage that upon Ctrl-C no junk is left behind
- -- in the Agda directory.
- -- doRun cOpts = withTempDirectory dir testName (\compDir -> do
- doRun cOpts = withSystemTempDirectory testName (\compDir -> do
- -- get extra arguments
- extraArgs' <- extraArgs
- -- compile file
- let cArgs = cleanUpOptions (extraAgdaArgs cOpts)
- defArgs = ["--ignore-interfaces" | notElem "--no-ignore-interfaces" (extraAgdaArgs cOpts)] ++
- ["--no-libraries"] ++
- ["--compile-dir", compDir, "-v0", "-vwarning:1"] ++ extraArgs' ++ cArgs ++ [inp]
- let args = argsForComp comp ++ defArgs
- res@(ret, out, err) <- readAgdaProcessWithExitCode args T.empty
- absDir <- canonicalizePath dir
- removePaths [absDir, compDir] <$> case ret of
- ExitSuccess -> cont compDir out err
- ExitFailure _ -> return $ CompileFailed $ toProgramResult res
- )
- argsForComp :: Compiler -> [String]
- argsForComp (MAlonzo s) = [ "--compile" ] ++ case s of
- Lazy -> []
- StrictData -> ["--ghc-strict-data"]
- Strict -> ["--ghc-strict"]
- argsForComp (JS o) = [ "--js", "--js-verify" ] ++ case o of
- NonOptimized -> []
- Optimized -> [ "--js-optimize" ]
- MinifiedOptimized -> [ "--js-optimize", "--js-minify" ]
- removePaths ps = \case
- CompileFailed r -> CompileFailed (removePaths' r)
- CompileSucceeded r -> CompileSucceeded (removePaths' r)
- ExecutedProg r -> ExecutedProg (removePaths' r)
- where
- removePaths' (ProgramResult c out err) = ProgramResult c (rm out) (rm err)
- rm = foldr (.) id $
- map (\p -> T.concat . T.splitOn (T.pack p)) ps
- readOptions :: FilePath -- file name of the agda file
- -> IO TestOptions
- readOptions inpFile =
- maybe defaultOptions (read . T.unpack . decodeUtf8) <$> readFileMaybe optFile
- where optFile = dropAgdaOrOtherExtension inpFile <.> ".options"
- cleanUpOptions :: AgdaArgs -> AgdaArgs
- cleanUpOptions = filter clean
- where
- clean :: String -> Bool
- clean "--no-ignore-interfaces" = False
- clean o | isPrefixOf "--ghc-flag=-j" o = True
- clean _ = True
- -- gets the generated executable path
- getExecForComp :: Compiler -> FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath
- getExecForComp JS{} compDir inpFile = compDir </> ("jAgda." ++ (takeFileName $ dropAgdaOrOtherExtension inpFile) ++ ".js")
- getExecForComp _ compDir inpFile = compDir </> (takeFileName $ dropAgdaOrOtherExtension inpFile)
- printExecResult :: ExecResult -> T.Text
- printExecResult (CompileFailed r) = "COMPILE_FAILED\n\n" <> printProgramResult r
- printExecResult (CompileSucceeded r) = "COMPILE_SUCCEEDED\n\n" <> printProgramResult r
- printExecResult (ExecutedProg r) = "EXECUTED_PROGRAM\n\n" <> printProgramResult r
- -- | Tries to figure out the version of the program @ghc@ (if such a
- -- program can be found).
- findGHCVersion :: IO (Maybe [Integer])
- findGHCVersion = do
- (code, version, _) <-
- P.readProcessWithExitCode "ghc" ["--numeric-version"] ""
- case code of
- ExitFailure{} -> return Nothing
- ExitSuccess -> return $
- sequence $
- concat $
- map (map readMaybe . wordsBy (== '.')) $
- take 1 $
- lines version