123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543 |
- ..
- ::
- {-# OPTIONS --rewriting --sized-types #-}
- module language.instance-arguments where
- open import language.built-ins
- using (Bool; true; false; List; _∷_; []; Nat; _-_; zero; suc; _+_)
- renaming (_==_ to natEquals)
- open import Agda.Primitive
- postulate undefined : ∀ {u} {A : Set u} → A
- .. _instance-arguments:
- ******************
- Instance Arguments
- ******************
- .. contents::
- :depth: 2
- :local:
- Instance arguments are a special kind of :ref:`implicit arguments
- <implicit-arguments>` that get solved by a special :ref:`instance
- resolution <instance-resolution>` algorithm, rather than by the
- unification algorithm used for normal implicit arguments.
- Instance arguments are the Agda equivalent of Haskell type class
- constraints and can be used for many of the same purposes.
- An instance argument will be resolved if its type is a *named type*
- (i.e. a data type or record type) or a *variable type* (i.e. a
- previously bound variable of type `Set ℓ`), and a unique *instance* of
- the required type can be built from :ref:`declared
- instances <declaring-instances>` and the current context.
- Usage
- -----
- Instance arguments are enclosed in double curly braces ``{{ }}``, e.g. ``{{x : T}}``.
- Alternatively they can be enclosed, with proper spacing, e.g. ``⦃ x : T ⦄``, in the
- unicode braces ``⦃ ⦄`` (``U+2983`` and ``U+2984``, which can be typed as
- ``\{{`` and ``\}}`` in the :ref:`Emacs mode <unicode-input>`).
- For instance, given a function ``_==_``
- ..
- ::
- _||_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
- true || _ = true
- false || y = y
- _&&_ : Bool → Bool → Bool
- false && _ = false
- true && y = y
- infixl 10 _||_ _&&_
- _++_ : ∀ {u} {A : Set u} → List A → List A → List A
- [] ++ xs = xs
- (x ∷ xs) ++ ys = x ∷ (xs ++ ys)
- module eq-prototype (Eq : Set → Set) where
- ::
- _==_ : {A : Set} {{eqA : Eq A}} → A → A → Bool
- ..
- ::
- _==_ = undefined
- for some suitable type ``Eq``, you might define
- ..
- ::
- module elem-one where
- ::
- elem : {A : Set} {{eqA : Eq A}} → A → List A → Bool
- elem x (y ∷ xs) = x == y || elem x xs
- elem x [] = false
- Here the instance argument to ``_==_`` is solved by the corresponding argument
- to ``elem``. Just like ordinary implicit arguments, instance arguments can be
- given explicitly. The above definition is equivalent to
- ..
- ::
- module elem-bis where
- ::
- elem : {A : Set} {{eqA : Eq A}} → A → List A → Bool
- elem {{eqA}} x (y ∷ xs) = _==_ {{eqA}} x y || elem {{eqA}} x xs
- elem x [] = false
- A very useful function that exploits this is the function ``it`` which lets you
- apply instance resolution to solve an arbitrary goal::
- it : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → {{A}} → A
- it {{x}} = x
- As the last example shows, the name of the instance argument can be
- omitted in the type signature:
- ..
- ::
- module example-underscore (Eq : Set → Set) where
- ::
- _==_ : {A : Set} → {{Eq A}} → A → A → Bool
- ..
- ::
- _==_ = undefined
- Defining type classes
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- The type of an instance argument should have the form ``{Γ} → C vs``,
- where ``C`` is a postulated name, a bound variable, or the name of a
- data or record type, and ``{Γ}`` denotes an arbitrary number of
- implicit or instance arguments (see :ref:`dependent-instances` below
- for an example where ``{Γ}`` is non-empty).
- Instances with explicit arguments are also accepted but will not be
- considered as instances because the value of the explicit arguments
- cannot be derived automatically. Having such an instance has no effect
- and thus raises a warning.
- Instance arguments whose types end in any other type are currently
- also accepted but cannot be resolved by instance search, so they must
- be given by hand. For this reason it is not recommended to use such
- instance arguments. Doing so will also raise a warning.
- Other than that there are no requirements on the type of an instance
- argument. In particular, there is no special declaration to say that a
- type is a "type class". Instead, Haskell-style type classes are
- usually defined as :ref:`record types <record-types>`. For instance,
- ::
- record Monoid {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
- field
- mempty : A
- _<>_ : A → A → A
- In order to make the fields of the record available as functions taking
- instance arguments you can use the special module application
- ..
- ::
- module monoid-record-open where
- ::
- open Monoid {{...}} public
- This will bring into scope
- ..
- ::
- module open-prototypes where
- ::
- mempty : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → {{Monoid A}} → A
- _<>_ : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → {{Monoid A}} → A → A → A
- ..
- ::
- mempty = undefined
- _<>_ = undefined
- Superclass dependencies can be implemented using :ref:`instance-fields`.
- See :ref:`module-application` and :ref:`record-modules` for details about how
- the module application is desugared. If defined by hand, ``mempty`` would be
- ..
- ::
- module mempty-by-hand where
- ::
- mempty : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → {{Monoid A}} → A
- mempty {{mon}} = Monoid.mempty mon
- Although record types are a natural fit for Haskell-style type
- classes, you can use instance arguments with data types to good
- effect. See the :ref:`instance-arguments-examples` below.
- .. _declaring-instances:
- Declaring instances
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- As seen above, instance arguments in the context are available when solving
- instance arguments, but you also need to be able to
- define top-level instances for concrete types. This is done using the
- ``instance`` keyword, which starts a :ref:`block <lexical-structure-layout>` in
- which each definition is marked as an instance available for instance
- resolution. For example, an instance ``Monoid (List A)`` can be defined as
- ..
- ::
- module list-monoid where
- ::
- instance
- ListMonoid : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → Monoid (List A)
- ListMonoid = record { mempty = []; _<>_ = _++_ }
- Or equivalently, using :ref:`copatterns <copatterns>`:
- ..
- ::
- open Monoid {{...}} public
- ::
- instance
- ListMonoid : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → Monoid (List A)
- mempty {{ListMonoid}} = []
- _<>_ {{ListMonoid}} xs ys = xs ++ ys
- Top-level instances must target a named type (``Monoid`` in this case), and
- cannot be declared for types in the context.
- You can define local instances in let-expressions in the same way as a
- top-level instance. For example::
- mconcat : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → {{Monoid A}} → List A → A
- mconcat [] = mempty
- mconcat (x ∷ xs) = x <> mconcat xs
- sum : List Nat → Nat
- sum xs =
- let instance
- NatMonoid : Monoid Nat
- NatMonoid = record { mempty = 0; _<>_ = _+_ }
- in mconcat xs
- Instances can have instance arguments themselves, which will be filled in
- recursively during instance resolution. For instance,
- ..
- ::
- module eq-list where
- ::
- record Eq {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
- field
- _==_ : A → A → Bool
- open Eq {{...}} public
- instance
- eqList : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → {{Eq A}} → Eq (List A)
- _==_ {{eqList}} [] [] = true
- _==_ {{eqList}} (x ∷ xs) (y ∷ ys) = x == y && xs == ys
- _==_ {{eqList}} _ _ = false
- eqNat : Eq Nat
- _==_ {{eqNat}} = natEquals
- ex : Bool
- ex = (1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ []) == (1 ∷ 2 ∷ []) -- false
- Note the two calls to ``_==_`` in the right-hand side of the second clause. The
- first uses the ``Eq A`` instance and the second uses a recursive call to
- ``eqList``. In the example ``ex``, instance resolution, needing a value of type ``Eq
- (List Nat)``, will try to use the ``eqList`` instance and find that it needs an
- instance argument of type ``Eq Nat``, it will then solve that with ``eqNat``
- and return the solution ``eqList {{eqNat}}``.
- .. note::
- At the moment there is no termination check on instances, so it is possible
- to construct non-sensical instances like
- ``loop : ∀ {a} {A : Set a} → {{Eq A}} → Eq A``.
- To prevent looping in cases like this, the search depth of instance search
- is limited, and once the maximum depth is reached, a type error will be
- thrown. You can set the maximum depth using the ``--instance-search-depth``
- flag.
- Restricting instance search
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- To restrict an instance to the current module, you can mark it as
- `private`. For instance,
- ..
- ::
- module private-instance where
- open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
- ::
- record Default (A : Set) : Set where
- field default : A
- open Default {{...}} public
- module M where
- private
- instance
- defaultNat : Default Nat
- defaultNat .default = 6
- test₁ : Nat
- test₁ = default
- _ : test₁ ≡ 6
- _ = refl
- open M
- instance
- defaultNat : Default Nat
- defaultNat .default = 42
- test₂ : Nat
- test₂ = default
- _ : test₂ ≡ 42
- _ = refl
- ..
- Constructor instances
- +++++++++++++++++++++
- Although instance arguments are most commonly used for record types,
- mimicking Haskell-style type classes, they can also be used with data
- types. In this case you often want the constructors to be instances,
- which is achieved by declaring them inside an ``instance``
- block. Constructors can only be declared as instances if all their
- arguments are implicit or instance arguments. See
- :ref:`instance-resolution` below for the details.
- A simple example of a constructor that can be made an instance is the
- reflexivity constructor of the equality type::
- data _≡_ {a} {A : Set a} (x : A) : A → Set a where
- instance refl : x ≡ x
- ..
- ::
- infix 4 _≡_
- This allows trivial equality proofs to be inferred by instance resolution,
- which can make working with functions that have preconditions less of a burden.
- As an example, here is how one could use this to define a function that takes a
- natural number and gives back a ``Fin n`` (the type of naturals smaller than
- ``n``)::
- data Fin : Nat → Set where
- zero : ∀ {n} → Fin (suc n)
- suc : ∀ {n} → Fin n → Fin (suc n)
- mkFin : ∀ {n} (m : Nat) → {{suc m - n ≡ 0}} → Fin n
- mkFin {zero} m {{}}
- mkFin {suc n} zero = zero
- mkFin {suc n} (suc m) = suc (mkFin m)
- five : Fin 6
- five = mkFin 5 -- OK
- .. code-block: agda
- badfive : Fin 5
- badfive = mkFin 5 -- Error: No instance of type 1 ≡ 0 was found in scope.
- In the first clause of ``mkFin`` we use an :ref:`absurd pattern
- <absurd-patterns>` to discharge the impossible assumption ``suc m ≡
- 0``. See the :ref:`next section <instance-arguments-examples>` for
- another example of constructor instances.
- Record fields can also be declared instances, with the effect that the
- corresponding projection function is considered a top-level instance.
- .. _overlapping-instances:
- Overlapping instances
- +++++++++++++++++++++
- By default, Agda does not allow overlapping instances. Two instances
- are defined to overlap if they could both solve the instance goal
- when given appropriate solutions for their recursive (instance)
- arguments.
- For example, in code below, the instances `zero` and `suc` overlap for
- the goal `ex₁`, because either one of them can be used to solve the
- goal when given appropriate arguments, hence instance search fails.
- .. code-block:: agda
- infix 4 _∈_
- data _∈_ {A : Set} (x : A) : List A → Set where
- instance
- zero : ∀ {xs} → x ∈ x ∷ xs
- suc : ∀ {y xs} → {{x ∈ xs}} → x ∈ y ∷ xs
- ex₁ : 1 ∈ 1 ∷ 2 ∷ 3 ∷ 4 ∷ []
- ex₁ = it -- overlapping instances
- Overlapping instances can be enabled via the ``--overlapping-instances``
- flag. Be aware that enabling this flag might lead to an exponential
- slowdown in instance resolution and possibly (apparent) looping
- behaviour.
- .. _instance-arguments-examples:
- Examples
- ~~~~~~~~
- .. _dependent-instances:
- Dependent instances
- +++++++++++++++++++
- ..
- ::
- data Maybe {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
- nothing : Maybe A
- just : A → Maybe A
- module dependent-instances where
- open Agda.Primitive
- Consider a variant on the ``Eq`` class where the equality function produces a
- proof in the case the arguments are equal::
- record Eq {a} (A : Set a) : Set a where
- field
- _==_ : (x y : A) → Maybe (x ≡ y)
- open Eq {{...}} public
- A simple boolean-valued equality function is problematic for types with
- dependencies, like the Σ-type
- ::
- data Σ {a b} (A : Set a) (B : A → Set b) : Set (a ⊔ b) where
- _,_ : (x : A) → B x → Σ A B
- since given two pairs ``x , y`` and ``x₁ , y₁``, the types of the second
- components ``y`` and ``y₁`` can be completely different and not admit an
- equality test. Only when ``x`` and ``x₁`` are *really equal* can we hope to
- compare ``y`` and ``y₁``. Having the equality function return a proof means
- that we are guaranteed that when ``x`` and ``x₁`` compare equal, they really
- are equal, and comparing ``y`` and ``y₁`` makes sense.
- An ``Eq`` instance for ``Σ`` can be defined as follows::
- instance
- eqΣ : ∀ {a b} {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} → {{Eq A}} → {{∀ {x} → Eq (B x)}} → Eq (Σ A B)
- _==_ {{eqΣ}} (x , y) (x₁ , y₁) with x == x₁
- _==_ {{eqΣ}} (x , y) (x₁ , y₁) | nothing = nothing
- _==_ {{eqΣ}} (x , y) (.x , y₁) | just refl with y == y₁
- _==_ {{eqΣ}} (x , y) (.x , y₁) | just refl | nothing = nothing
- _==_ {{eqΣ}} (x , y) (.x , .y) | just refl | just refl = just refl
- Note that the instance argument for ``B`` states that there should be
- an ``Eq`` instance for ``B x``, for any ``x : A``. The argument ``x``
- must be implicit, indicating that it needs to be inferred by
- unification whenever the ``B`` instance is used. See
- :ref:`instance-resolution` below for more details.
- .. _instance-resolution:
- Instance resolution
- -------------------
- Given a goal that should be solved using instance resolution we proceed in the
- following four stages:
- Verify the goal
- First we check that the goal type has the right shape to be solved
- by instance resolution. It should be of the form ``{Γ} → C vs``, where
- the target type ``C`` is a variable from the context or the name of
- a data or record type, and ``{Γ}`` denotes a telescope of implicit or
- instance arguments. If this is not the case instance resolution
- fails with an error message\ [#issue1322]_.
- Find candidates
- In the second stage we compute a set of
- *candidates*. :ref:`Let-bound <let-and-where>` variables and
- top-level definitions in scope are candidates if they are defined in
- an ``instance`` block. Lambda-bound variables, i.e. variables bound
- in lambdas, function types, left-hand sides, or module parameters,
- are candidates if they are bound as instance arguments using ``{{
- }}``. Only candidates of type ``{Δ} → C us``, where ``C`` is the
- target type computed in the previous stage and ``{Δ}`` only contains
- implicit or instance arguments, are considered.
- Check the candidates
- We attempt to use each candidate in turn to build an instance of the
- goal type ``{Γ} → C vs``. First we extend the current context by
- ``{Γ}``. Then, given a candidate ``c : {Δ} → A`` we generate fresh
- metavariables ``αs : {Δ}`` for the arguments of ``c``, with ordinary
- metavariables for implicit arguments, and instance metavariables,
- solved by a recursive call to instance resolution, for instance
- arguments.
- Next we :ref:`unify <unification>` ``A[Δ := αs]`` with ``C vs`` and apply
- instance resolution to the instance metavariables in ``αs``. Both unification
- and instance resolution have three possible outcomes: *yes*, *no*, or
- *maybe*. In case we get a *no* answer from any of them, the current candidate
- is discarded, otherwise we return the potential solution ``λ {Γ} → c αs``.
- Compute the result
- From the previous stage we get a list of potential solutions. If the list is
- empty we fail with an error saying that no instance for ``C vs`` could be
- found (*no*). If there is a single solution we use it to solve the goal
- (*yes*), and if there are multiple solutions we check if they are all equal.
- If they are, we solve the goal with one of them (*yes*), but if they are not,
- we postpone instance resolution (*maybe*), hoping that some of the *maybes*
- will turn into *nos* once we know more about the involved metavariables.
- If there are left-over instance problems at the end of type checking, the
- corresponding metavariables are printed in the Emacs status buffer together
- with their types and source location. The candidates that gave rise to
- potential solutions can be printed with the :ref:`show constraints command
- <emacs-global-commands>` (``C-c C-=``).
- .. [#issue1322] Instance goal verification is buggy at the moment. See `issue
- #1322 <https://github.com/agda/agda/issues/1322>`_.