123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Parser monad
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- open import Relation.Binary
- open import Relation.Binary.OrderMorphism
- open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
- import Relation.Binary.Properties.StrictTotalOrder as STOProps
- open import Data.Product
- open import Level
- module MonadPostulates where
- postulate
- -- Input string positions.
- Position : Set
- _<P_ : Rel Position zero
- posOrdered : IsStrictTotalOrder _≡_ _<P_
- -- Input strings.
- Input : Position -> Set
- -- In order to be able to store results in a memo table (and avoid
- -- having to lift the table code to Set1) the result types have to
- -- come from the following universe:
- Result : Set
- ⟦_⟧ : Result -> Set
- -- Memoisation keys. These keys must uniquely identify the
- -- computation that they are associated with, when paired up with
- -- the current input string position.
- Key : let PosPoset = STOProps.poset
- (record { Carrier = _ ; _≈_ = _; _<_ = _
- ; isStrictTotalOrder = posOrdered })
- MonoFun = PosPoset ⇒-Poset PosPoset in
- MonoFun -> Result -> Set
- _≈'_ _<_ : Rel (∃₂ Key) zero
- keyOrdered : IsStrictTotalOrder _≈'_ _<_
- -- Furthermore the underlying equality needs to be strong enough.
- funsEqual : _≈'_ =[ proj₁ ]⇒ _≡_
- resultsEqual : _≈'_ =[ (\rfk -> proj₁ (proj₂ rfk)) ]⇒ _≡_
- -- where
- open _⇒-Poset_
- open STOProps (record { Carrier = _ ; _≈_ = _; _<_ = _
- ; isStrictTotalOrder = posOrdered })
- import IndexedMap as Map -- renaming (Map to MemoTable)
- open import Category.Monad
- open import Category.Monad.State
- import Data.List as List; open List using (List)
- open import Data.Unit hiding (poset; _≤_)
- open import Function
- open import Data.Maybe hiding (Eq)
- open import Data.Product.Relation.Lex.Strict
- open import Data.Product.Relation.Pointwise.NonDependent
- import Relation.Binary.Construct.On as On
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Monotone functions
- MonoFun : Set
- MonoFun = poset ⇒-Poset poset
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Memo tables
- -- Indices and keys used by the memo table.
- Index : Set
- Index = Position × MonoFun × Result
- data MemoTableKey : Index -> Set where
- key : forall {f r} (key : Key f r) pos -> MemoTableKey (pos , f , r)
- -- Input strings of a certain maximum length.
- Input≤ : Position -> Set
- Input≤ pos = ∃ \pos′ -> pos′ ≤ pos × Input pos′
- -- Memo table values.
- Value : Index -> Set
- Value (pos , f , r) = List (⟦ r ⟧ × Input≤ (fun f pos))
- -- Shuffles the elements to simplify defining equality and order
- -- relations for the keys.
- shuffle : ∃ MemoTableKey -> Position × ∃₂ Key
- shuffle ((pos , f , r) , key k .pos) = (pos , f , r , k)
- -- Equality and order.
- Eq : Rel (∃ MemoTableKey) _
- Eq = Pointwise _≡_ _≈'_ on shuffle
- Lt : Rel (∃ MemoTableKey) _
- Lt = ×-Lex _≡_ _<P_ _<_ on shuffle
- isOrdered : IsStrictTotalOrder Eq Lt
- isOrdered = On.isStrictTotalOrder shuffle
- (×-isStrictTotalOrder posOrdered keyOrdered)
- indicesEqual′ : Eq =[ proj₁ ]⇒ _≡_
- indicesEqual′ {((_ , _ , _) , key _ ._)}
- {((_ , _ , _) , key _ ._)} (eq₁ , eq₂) =
- cong₂ _,_ eq₁ (cong₂ _,_ (funsEqual eq₂) (resultsEqual eq₂))
- open Map isOrdered (\{k₁} {k₂} -> indicesEqual′ {k₁} {k₂}) Value
- {-
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Parser monad
- -- The parser monad is built upon a list monad, for backtracking, and
- -- two state monads. One of the state monads stores a memo table, and
- -- is unaffected by backtracking. The other state monad, which /is/
- -- affected by backtracking, stores the remaining input string.
- -- The memo table state monad.
- module MemoState = RawMonadState (StateMonadState MemoTable)
- -- The list monad.
- module List = RawMonadPlus List.ListMonadPlus
- -- The inner monad (memo table plus list).
- module IM where
- Inner : Set -> Set
- Inner R = State MemoTable (List R)
- InnerMonadPlus : RawMonadPlus Inner
- InnerMonadPlus = record
- { monadZero = record
- { monad = record
- { return = \x -> return (List.return x)
- ; _>>=_ = \m f -> List.concat <$> (List.mapM monad f =<< m)
- }
- ; ∅ = return List.∅
- }
- ; _∣_ = \m₁ m₂ -> List._∣_ <$> m₁ ⊛ m₂
- }
- where
- open MemoState
- InnerMonadState : RawMonadState MemoTable Inner
- InnerMonadState = record
- { monad = RawMonadPlus.monad InnerMonadPlus
- ; get = List.return <$> get
- ; put = \s -> List.return <$> put s
- }
- where open MemoState
- open RawMonadPlus InnerMonadPlus public
- open RawMonadState InnerMonadState public
- using (get; put; modify)
- -- The complete parser monad.
- module PM where
- P : MonoFun -> Set -> Set
- P f A = forall {n} -> Input n -> IM.Inner (A × Input≤ (fun f n))
- -- Memoises the computation, assuming that the key is sufficiently
- -- unique.
- memoise : forall {f r} -> Key f r -> P f ⟦ r ⟧ -> P f ⟦ r ⟧
- memoise k p {pos} xs =
- let open IM in helper =<< lookup k′ <$> get
- where
- i = (pos , _)
- k′ : MemoTableKey i
- k′ = key k pos
- helper : Maybe (Value i) -> State MemoTable (Value i)
- helper (just ris) = return ris where open MemoState
- helper nothing = p xs >>= \ris ->
- modify (insert k′ ris) >>
- return ris
- where open MemoState
- -- Other monadic operations.
- return : forall {A} -> A -> P idM A
- return a = \xs -> IM.return (a , _ , refl , xs)
- _>>=_ : forall {A B f g} -> P f A -> (A -> P g B) -> P (g ∘M f) B
- _>>=_ {g = g} m₁ m₂ xs =
- m₁ xs ⟨ IM._>>=_ ⟩ \ays ->
- let a = proj₁ ays
- le = proj₁ $ proj₂ $ proj₂ ays
- ys = proj₂ $ proj₂ $ proj₂ ays in
- fix le ⟨ IM._<$>_ ⟩ m₂ a ys
- where
- lemma : forall {i j k} -> j ≤ k -> i ≤ fun g j -> i ≤ fun g k
- lemma j≤k i≤gj = trans i≤gj (monotone g j≤k)
- fix : forall {A i j} -> i ≤ j ->
- A × Input≤ (fun g i) ->
- A × Input≤ (fun g j)
- fix le = map-× id (map-Σ id (map-× (lemma le) id))
- ∅ : forall {A} -> P idM A
- ∅ = const IM.∅
- _∣_ : forall {A f} -> P f A -> P f A -> P f A
- m₁ ∣ m₂ = \xs -> IM._∣_ (m₁ xs) (m₂ xs)
- put : forall {n} -> Input n -> P (constM n) ⊤
- put xs = \_ -> IM.return (_ , _ , refl , xs)
- modify : forall {A f} ->
- (forall {n} -> Input n -> A × Input (fun f n)) ->
- P f A
- modify g xs = IM.return (proj₁ gxs , _ , refl , proj₂ gxs)
- where gxs = g xs
- -}