123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384 |
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- module Internal.Utils.Trie ( tests ) where
- import Agda.Utils.Trie
- import Data.Function ( on )
- import Data.List ( nubBy, sortBy, isPrefixOf, inits )
- import Prelude hiding ( lookup, filter )
- import qualified Prelude
- import Internal.Helpers
- -- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------
- newtype Key = Key Int
- deriving (Eq, Ord)
- newtype Val = Val Int
- deriving (Eq)
- newtype Model = Model [([Key], Val)]
- deriving (Eq, Show)
- instance Show Key where
- show (Key x) = show x
- instance Show Val where
- show (Val x) = show x
- instance Arbitrary Key where
- arbitrary = elements $ map Key [1..2]
- shrink (Key x) = Key <$> shrink x
- instance Arbitrary Val where
- arbitrary = elements $ map Val [1..3]
- shrink (Val x) = Val <$> shrink x
- instance Arbitrary Model where
- arbitrary = Model <$> arbitrary
- shrink (Model xs) = Model <$> shrink xs
- modelToTrie :: Model -> Trie Key Val
- modelToTrie (Model xs) = foldr (uncurry insert) empty xs
- prop_lookup :: [Key] -> Model -> Bool
- prop_lookup ks m@(Model ksvs) =
- lookup ks (modelToTrie m) == Prelude.lookup ks ksvs
- modelPath :: [Key] -> Model -> [Val]
- modelPath ks (Model xs) =
- map snd
- $ sortBy (compare `on` length . fst)
- $ nubBy ((==) `on` fst)
- $ Prelude.filter (flip isPrefixOf ks . fst) xs
- prop_path :: [Key] -> Model -> Property
- prop_path ks m =
- collect (length $ modelPath ks m) $
- lookupPath ks (modelToTrie m) == modelPath ks m
- prop_everyPrefix :: [Integer] -> Integer -> Bool
- prop_everyPrefix ks v =
- everyPrefix ks v ==
- foldr union empty [ singleton ks' v | ks' <- inits ks ]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * All tests
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Template Haskell hack to make the following $allProperties work
- -- under ghc-7.8.
- return [] -- KEEP!
- -- | All tests as collected by 'allProperties'.
- --
- -- Using 'allProperties' is convenient and superior to the manual
- -- enumeration of tests, since the name of the property is added
- -- automatically.
- tests :: TestTree
- tests = testProperties "Internal.Utils.Trie" $allProperties