123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368 |
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- module Internal.Utils.RangeMap
- ( tests
- , overlaps
- , toListProperty
- , coveringRangeProperty
- )
- where
- import Agda.Interaction.Highlighting.Range
- import Agda.Utils.Null
- import Agda.Utils.RangeMap
- import Agda.Utils.Tuple
- import Prelude hiding (null, splitAt)
- import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
- import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
- import Data.List (sort)
- import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
- import Data.Maybe (isJust)
- import Data.Semigroup
- import Data.Strict.Tuple (Pair(..))
- import Internal.Helpers
- import Internal.Interaction.Highlighting.Range ()
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Helper definitions
- -- | If the two ranges are defined and overlap, then the test case is
- -- classified as \"overlapping\".
- overlaps :: Testable p => Maybe Range -> Maybe Range -> p -> Property
- overlaps r1 r2 =
- classify
- (maybe False (maybe (const False) overlapping r1) r2)
- "overlapping"
- -- | Classifies test cases based on whether the intersection of the
- -- range and the 'RangeMap' is non-empty, and whether any range in the
- -- internal representation of the 'RangeMap' is \"split\" by the given
- -- range: to the left, to the right, or on both sides.
- intersectsSplits :: Testable p => Range -> RangeMap a -> p -> Property
- intersectsSplits r f =
- classify (not (null inside)) "non-empty intersection" .
- classify (rangeContainingPoint (from r)) "split to the left" .
- classify (rangeContainingPoint (to r)) "split to the right" .
- classify rangeContainingRange "one range split twice"
- where
- (inside, outside) = insideAndOutside r f
- -- Is there a range that contains the given point, but not as the
- -- starting point? In that case the range's endpoint is returned.
- rangeContainingPoint' p = case Map.splitLookup p (rangeMap f) of
- (_, Just _, _) -> Nothing
- (smaller, Nothing, _) -> case Map.lookupMax smaller of
- Just (p1, PairInt (p2 :!: _))
- | p1 < p && p < p2 -> Just p2
- _ -> Nothing
- -- Is there a range that contains the given point, but not as the
- -- starting point?
- rangeContainingPoint = isJust . rangeContainingPoint'
- -- Is there a range that contains the range r, starts before r, and
- -- ends after r?
- rangeContainingRange = case rangeContainingPoint' (from r) of
- Nothing -> False
- Just end -> to r < end
- -- | A property that should be satisfied by 'toList'.
- toListProperty :: (Eq a, IsBasicRangeMap a m) => m -> Bool
- toListProperty f =
- all (not . null) rs
- &&
- increasing rs
- &&
- toMap f ==
- IntMap.fromList [ (p, m) | (r, m) <- rms, p <- rangeToPositions r ]
- where
- rms = toList f
- rs = map fst rms
- increasing [] = True
- increasing rs =
- and $ zipWith (<=) (map to $ init rs) (map from $ tail rs)
- -- | A property that should be satisfied by 'coveringRange'.
- coveringRangeProperty :: IsBasicRangeMap a m => m -> Bool
- coveringRangeProperty f =
- coveringRange f ==
- do from <- fst <$> IntMap.lookupMin (toMap f)
- to <- fst <$> IntMap.lookupMax (toMap f)
- return (Range { from = from, to = to + 1 })
- -- | A type synonym used for some tests below.
- type RangeMap' = RangeMap [Int]
- -- | A variant of 'RangeMap'' with an 'Eq' instance.
- newtype RangeMap'Eq = RangeMap'Eq RangeMap'
- deriving (Arbitrary, Semigroup, Monoid, Show)
- instance Eq RangeMap'Eq where
- RangeMap'Eq f1 == RangeMap'Eq f2 = toMap f1 == toMap f2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Invariants
- prop_rangeMapInvariant1 :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_rangeMapInvariant1 = rangeMapInvariant
- prop_rangeMapInvariant2 :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_rangeMapInvariant2 = all rangeMapInvariant . shrink
- prop_rangeMapInvariant3 :: [Ranges] -> [Int] -> Bool
- prop_rangeMapInvariant3 rs m =
- rangeMapInvariant $ several (take 5 rs) m
- prop_rangeMapInvariant4 :: Ranges -> [Int] -> Bool
- prop_rangeMapInvariant4 r m = rangeMapInvariant $ singleton r m
- prop_rangeMapInvariant5 :: [(Range, [Int])] -> Bool
- prop_rangeMapInvariant5 rs =
- rangeMapInvariant $ fromNonOverlappingNonEmptyAscendingList rs'
- where
- rs' =
- increasing $
- filter (not . null . fst) rs
- increasing (r1 : r2 : rs)
- | to (fst r1) <= from (fst r2) = r1 : increasing (r2 : rs)
- | otherwise = increasing (r1 : rs)
- increasing rs = rs
- prop_rangeMapInvariant6 ::
- ([Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) ->
- Range -> [Int] -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeMapInvariant6 g r m f =
- overlaps (Just r) (coveringRange f) $
- rangeMapInvariant $ insert g r m f
- prop_rangeMapInvariant7 :: RangeMap' -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeMapInvariant7 f1 f2 =
- overlaps (coveringRange f1) (coveringRange f2) $
- rangeMapInvariant $ f1 <> f2
- prop_rangeMapInvariant8 :: Int -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeMapInvariant8 p f =
- overlaps (Just (Range { from = p, to = p + 1 })) (coveringRange f) $
- all rangeMapInvariant $ (\(f1, f2) -> [f1, f2]) $
- splitAt p f
- prop_rangeMapInvariant9 :: Range -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeMapInvariant9 r f =
- overlaps (Just r) (coveringRange f) $
- all rangeMapInvariant $ (\(f1, f2) -> [f1, f2]) $
- insideAndOutside r f
- -- | A property that is intended to exercise the else branch in
- -- 'insideAndOutside'.
- prop_rangeMapInvariant10 :: RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeMapInvariant10 f =
- forAll (rangeInside f) $ \r ->
- intersectsSplits r f $
- all rangeMapInvariant $ (\(f1, f2) -> [f1, f2]) $
- insideAndOutside r f
- prop_rangeMapInvariant11 :: Range -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeMapInvariant11 r f =
- overlaps (Just r) (coveringRange f) $
- rangeMapInvariant $ restrictTo r f
- prop_rangeInvariant1 :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_rangeInvariant1 f = all (rangeInvariant . fst) (toList f)
- prop_rangeInvariant2 :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_rangeInvariant2 = maybe True rangeInvariant . coveringRange
- prop_rangeInvariant3 :: RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeInvariant3 f = forAll (rangeInside f) rangeInvariant
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Operations
- prop_several :: [Ranges] -> [Int] -> Bool
- prop_several rss' m =
- toMap (several rss m :: RangeMap') ==
- IntMap.fromListWith (flip (<>))
- [ (p, m)
- | rs <- rss
- , p <- rangesToPositions rs
- ]
- where
- rss = take 5 rss'
- prop_empty :: Bool
- prop_empty = toMap (empty :: RangeMap') == IntMap.empty
- prop_null :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_null f = null f == IntMap.null (toMap f)
- prop_singleton :: Ranges -> [Int] -> Bool
- prop_singleton rs m =
- toMap (singleton rs m :: RangeMap') ==
- IntMap.fromList
- [ (p, m)
- | p <- rangesToPositions rs
- ]
- prop_toList :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_toList = toListProperty
- prop_coveringRange :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_coveringRange = coveringRangeProperty
- prop_fromNonOverlappingNonEmptyAscendingList_toList :: RangeMap' -> Bool
- prop_fromNonOverlappingNonEmptyAscendingList_toList f =
- toMap (fromNonOverlappingNonEmptyAscendingList (toList f)) ==
- toMap f
- prop_insert ::
- ([Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]) ->
- Range -> [Int] -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_insert g r m f =
- overlaps (Just r) (coveringRange f) $
- toMap (insert g r m f) ==
- IntMap.unionWith
- g
- (IntMap.fromList [ (p, m) | p <- rangeToPositions r ])
- (toMap f)
- prop_append :: RangeMap' -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_append f1 f2 =
- overlaps (coveringRange f1) (coveringRange f2) $
- toMap (f1 <> f2) ==
- IntMap.unionWith mappend (toMap f1) (toMap f2)
- prop_splitAt :: Int -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_splitAt p f =
- overlaps (Just (Range { from = p, to = p + 1 })) (coveringRange f) $
- all (< p) (positions f1) &&
- all (>= p) (positions f2) &&
- toMap (f1 <> f2) == toMap f
- where
- (f1, f2) = splitAt p f
- positions = IntMap.keys . toMap
- prop_insideAndOutside1 :: Range -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_insideAndOutside1 r f =
- overlaps (Just r) (coveringRange f) $
- toMap inside == IntMap.restrictKeys (toMap f) positions
- &&
- toMap outside == IntMap.withoutKeys (toMap f) positions
- where
- (inside, outside) = insideAndOutside r f
- positions = IntSet.fromList $ rangeToPositions r
- -- | A property that is intended to exercise the else branch in
- -- 'insideAndOutside'.
- prop_insideAndOutside2 :: RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_insideAndOutside2 f =
- forAll (rangeInside f) $ \r ->
- intersectsSplits r f $
- prop_insideAndOutside1 r f
- prop_restrictTo :: Range -> RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_restrictTo r f =
- overlaps (Just r) (coveringRange f) $
- toMap (restrictTo r f) ==
- IntMap.restrictKeys (toMap f) (IntSet.fromList (rangeToPositions r))
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Algebraic properties
- -- | 'RangeMap'Eq' is a monoid.
- prop_monoid :: Property3 RangeMap'Eq
- prop_monoid = isMonoid
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Generators
- instance (Arbitrary a, Semigroup a) => Arbitrary (RangeMap a) where
- arbitrary = smaller 5 $ do
- rs <- (\ns1 ns2 ->
- toRanges $ sort $
- ns1 ++ concatMap (\n -> [n, succ n]) (ns2 :: [Int])) <$>
- arbitrary <*> arbitrary
- RangeMap . Map.fromList <$>
- mapM (\r -> (\m -> (from r, PairInt (to r :!: m))) <$> arbitrary)
- rs
- where
- toRanges (f : t : rs)
- | f == t = toRanges (t : rs)
- | otherwise = Range { from = f, to = t } :
- toRanges (case rs of
- f : rs | t == f -> rs
- _ -> rs)
- toRanges _ = []
- shrink f =
- [ RangeMap (Map.deleteAt i (rangeMap f))
- | i <- [0 .. Map.size (rangeMap f) - 1]
- ] ++
- [ RangeMap (Map.updateAt (\_ _ -> Just (PairInt (p :!: x)))
- i (rangeMap f))
- | i <- [0 .. Map.size (rangeMap f) - 1]
- , let (_, PairInt (p :!: x)) = Map.elemAt i (rangeMap f)
- , x <- shrink x
- ]
- instance CoArbitrary a => CoArbitrary (RangeMap a) where
- coarbitrary (RangeMap f) =
- coarbitrary $
- fmap (mapSnd (\(PairInt (x :!: y)) -> (x, y))) $
- Map.toAscList f
- -- | A range that is entirely inside a given 'RangeMap'.
- rangeInside :: RangeMap a -> Gen Range
- rangeInside f =
- case coveringRange f of
- Nothing -> return (Range { from = 0, to = 0 })
- Just r -> oneof
- [ do
- low <- chooseInt (from r, to r)
- high <- chooseInt (low, to r)
- return (Range { from = low, to = high })
- , do
- high <- chooseInt (from r, to r)
- low <- chooseInt (from r, high)
- return (Range { from = low, to = high })
- ]
- prop_rangeInside :: RangeMap' -> Property
- prop_rangeInside f =
- forAll (rangeInside f) $ \r ->
- case coveringRange f of
- Nothing -> from r == to r
- Just r' -> from r' <= from r && to r <= to r'
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * All tests
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Template Haskell hack to make the following $allProperties work
- -- under ghc-7.8.
- return [] -- KEEP!
- -- | All tests as collected by 'allProperties'.
- --
- -- Using 'allProperties' is convenient and superior to the manual
- -- enumeration of tests, since the name of the property is added
- -- automatically.
- tests :: TestTree
- tests = testProperties "Internal.Utils.RangeMap" $allProperties