123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190 |
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-}
- #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ > 800
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-error=missing-signatures #-}
- #endif
- {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-signatures #-}
- module Internal.Utils.List ( tests ) where
- import Agda.Utils.List
- import Data.Either (partitionEithers)
- import Data.Function
- import Data.List ( (\\), elemIndex, intercalate, isPrefixOf, isSuffixOf, nub, nubBy, sort, sortBy )
- import Internal.Helpers
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- prop_last2 a b as = last2 (a:b:as) == toPair (drop (length as) $ a:b:as)
- where
- toPair [x,y] = Just (x,y)
- toPair _ = Nothing
- prop_dropEnd n as = dropEnd n as == reverse (drop n (reverse as))
- -- Trivial:
- -- prop_initLast_nil = initLast [] == Nothing
- prop_initLast_cons a as = initLast xs == Just (init xs, last xs)
- where xs = a:as
- spec_updateHead f as = let (bs, cs) = splitAt 1 as in map f bs ++ cs
- prop_updateHead f as = updateHead f as == spec_updateHead f as
- spec_updateLast f as = let (bs, cs) = splitAt (length as - 1) as in bs ++ map f cs
- prop_updateLast f as = updateLast f as == spec_updateLast f as
- spec_updateAt n f as = let (bs, cs) = splitAt n as in bs ++ updateHead f cs
- prop_updateAt (NonNegative n) f as = updateAt n f as == spec_updateAt n f as
- prop_spanEnd_split p xs = let (ys, zs) = spanEnd p xs in xs == ys ++ zs
- prop_spanEnd_holds p xs = let (ys, zs) = spanEnd p xs in all p zs
- prop_spanEnd_maximal p xs = let (ys, zs) = spanEnd p xs in maybe True (not . p) (lastMaybe ys)
- prop_partitionMaybe :: (Int -> Maybe Bool) -> [Int] -> Bool
- prop_partitionMaybe f as = partitionMaybe f as == partitionEithers (map f' as)
- where f' a = maybe (Left a) Right $ f a
- prop_mapMaybeAndRest_Nothing as = mapMaybeAndRest (const Nothing) as == ([] :: [Int],as)
- prop_mapMaybeAndRest_Just as = mapMaybeAndRest Just as == (as,[])
- prop_stripSuffix_sound suf xs = maybe True (\ pre -> xs == pre ++ suf) $ stripSuffix suf xs
- prop_stripSuffix_complete pre suf = stripSuffix suf (pre ++ suf) == Just pre
- prop_stripReversedSuffix_sound rsuf xs = maybe True (\ pre -> xs == pre ++ reverse rsuf) $ stripReversedSuffix rsuf xs
- prop_stripReversedSuffix_complete pre rsuf = stripReversedSuffix rsuf (pre ++ reverse rsuf) == Just pre
- prop_chop_intercalate :: Property
- prop_chop_intercalate =
- forAllShrink (choose (0, 4 :: Int)) shrink $ \ d ->
- forAllShrink (listOf (choose (0, 4 :: Int))) shrink $ \ xs ->
- xs === intercalate [d] (chopWhen (== d) xs)
- prop_distinct_fastDistinct :: [Integer] -> Bool
- prop_distinct_fastDistinct xs = distinct xs == fastDistinct xs
- -- To test duplicates, we distinguish them with a decoration by some small natural number.
- data Decorate a = Decorate (Positive (Small Int)) a
- deriving (Show)
- instance Eq a => Eq (Decorate a) where
- (==) = (==) `on` (\ (Decorate _ a) -> a)
- instance Ord a => Ord (Decorate a) where
- compare = compare `on` (\ (Decorate _ a) -> a)
- instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (Decorate a) where
- arbitrary = Decorate <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
- prop_allDuplicates :: [Decorate (Positive Int)] -> Bool
- prop_allDuplicates xs = allDuplicates xs `sameList` sort (xs \\ nub xs)
- where
- sameList xs ys = and $ zipWith same xs ys
- same (Decorate i a) (Decorate j b) = i == j && a == b
- prop_groupBy' :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> [Bool] -> Property
- prop_groupBy' p xs =
- classify (length xs - length gs >= 3) "interesting" $
- concat gs == xs
- &&
- and [not (null zs) | zs <- gs]
- &&
- and [and (pairInitTail zs zs) | zs <- gs]
- &&
- (null gs || not (or (pairInitTail (map last gs) (map head gs))))
- where gs = groupBy' p xs
- pairInitTail xs ys = zipWith p (init xs) (tail ys)
- prop_genericElemIndex :: Integer -> [Integer] -> Property
- prop_genericElemIndex x xs =
- classify (x `elem` xs) "members" $
- genericElemIndex x xs == elemIndex x xs
- prop_zipWith' :: (Integer -> Integer -> Integer) -> Property
- prop_zipWith' f =
- forAll natural $ \n ->
- forAll (two $ vector n) $ \(xs, ys) ->
- zipWith' f xs ys == Just (zipWith f xs ys)
- -- | Defining property of zipWithKeepRest
- prop_zipWithKeepRest f as bs =
- zipWithKeepRest f as bs == zipWith f as bs ++ drop (length as) bs
- -- Redundant properties of zipWithKeepRest:
- -- | The second list does not get shorter.
- prop_zipWithKeepRest_length f as bs =
- length (zipWithKeepRest f as bs) == length bs
- -- | If the first list is at least as long as the second,
- -- 'zipWithKeepRest' behaves like 'zipWith'.
- prop_zipWithKeepRest_first_longer f as bs =
- let cs = as ++ bs in
- zipWithKeepRest f cs bs == zipWith f cs bs
- -- | The rest of the second list is unchanged.
- prop_zipWithKeepRest_rest_unchanged f as bs =
- drop (length as) (zipWithKeepRest f as bs) == drop (length as) bs
- -- | The initial part is like in zipWith.
- prop_zipWithKeepRest_init_zipWith f as bs =
- take (length as) (zipWithKeepRest f as bs) ==
- take (length as) (zipWith f as bs)
- prop_nubOn :: (Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> Bool
- prop_nubOn f xs = nubOn f xs == nubBy ((==) `on` f) xs
- prop_nubAndDuplicatesOn :: (Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> Bool
- prop_nubAndDuplicatesOn f xs = nubAndDuplicatesOn f xs == (ys, xs \\ ys)
- where ys = nubBy ((==) `on` f) xs
- prop_uniqOn1 :: (Integer -> Integer) -> [Integer] -> Bool
- prop_uniqOn1 f xs = uniqOn f xs == sortBy (compare `on` f) (nubBy ((==) `on` f) xs)
- prop_commonPrefix :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Bool
- prop_commonPrefix xs ys zs =
- and [ isPrefixOf zs zs'
- , isPrefixOf zs' (zs ++ xs)
- , isPrefixOf zs' (zs ++ ys) ]
- where
- zs' = commonPrefix (zs ++ xs) (zs ++ ys)
- prop_commonSuffix :: [Integer] -> [Integer] -> [Integer] -> Bool
- prop_commonSuffix xs ys zs =
- and [ isSuffixOf zs zs'
- , isSuffixOf zs' (xs ++ zs)
- , isSuffixOf zs' (ys ++ zs) ]
- where
- zs' = commonSuffix (xs ++ zs) (ys ++ zs)
- prop_editDistance :: Property
- prop_editDistance =
- forAllShrink (choose (0, 10)) shrink $ \ n ->
- forAllShrink (choose (0, 10)) shrink $ \ m ->
- forAllShrink (vector n) shrink $ \ xs ->
- forAllShrink (vector m) shrink $ \ ys ->
- editDistanceSpec xs ys == editDistance xs (ys :: [Integer])
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * All tests
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Template Haskell hack to make the following $allProperties work
- -- under ghc-7.8.
- return [] -- KEEP!
- -- | All tests as collected by 'allProperties'.
- --
- -- Using 'allProperties' is convenient and superior to the manual
- -- enumeration of tests, since the name of the property is added
- -- automatically.
- tests :: TestTree
- tests = testProperties "Internal.Utils.List" $allProperties