123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429 |
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, UndecidableInstances #-}
- module Internal.Utils.BiMap ( tests ) where
- import Prelude hiding (null, lookup)
- import qualified Prelude
- import Data.Foldable (foldrM)
- import qualified Data.List as List
- import qualified Data.Map as Map
- import Data.Maybe
- import Data.Ord
- import Agda.Utils.BiMap
- import Agda.Utils.List
- import Agda.Utils.Null
- import Internal.Helpers
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * Types used for the tests below
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- | A key type.
- type K = Integer
- -- | A value type.
- data V = V Integer Integer
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
- instance HasTag V where
- type Tag V = Integer
- tag (V n _) = if n < 0 then Nothing else Just n
- -- | An instance of the map type.
- type BM = BiMap K V
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * Generators
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- | If several keys map to the same value (with a defined tag), then
- -- all but the first one are removed. The order of the remaining list
- -- elements is unspecified.
- dropDuplicates ::
- (Ord v, HasTag v) =>
- [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)]
- dropDuplicates =
- concat .
- map (\(v, ks) -> map (,v) $ Map.elems ks) .
- Map.toList .
- Map.mapWithKey
- (\v ks -> if isNothing (tag v)
- then ks
- else uncurry Map.singleton (Map.findMin ks)) .
- Map.fromListWith Map.union .
- map (\(n, (k, v)) -> (v, Map.singleton n k)) .
- zip [1..]
- -- | The generator 'validFromListList' returns lists for which the
- -- precondition 'fromListPrecondition' is satisfied, assuming that
- -- 'tag' is injective for values generated by the 'Arbitrary'
- -- instance.
- validFromListList ::
- (Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v, Ord v, HasTag v) => Gen [(k, v)]
- validFromListList = dropDuplicates <$> arbitrary
- prop_validFromListList :: Property
- prop_validFromListList =
- forAll validFromListList $ \(kvs :: [(K, V)]) ->
- fromListPrecondition kvs
- instance
- (Ord k, HasTag v, Ord v, Ord (Tag v), Arbitrary k, Arbitrary v) =>
- Arbitrary (BiMap k v) where
- arbitrary = fromList <$> validFromListList
- shrink (BiMap t b) =
- [ BiMap
- (Map.delete k t)
- (maybe b (flip Map.delete b) (tag =<< Map.lookup k t))
- | k <- Map.keys t
- ]
- -- | Generates values with undefined tags.
- valueWithUndefinedTag :: Gen V
- valueWithUndefinedTag = do
- n <- chooseInteger (-3, -1)
- i <- arbitrary
- return (V n i)
- prop_valueWithUndefinedTag :: Property
- prop_valueWithUndefinedTag =
- forAll valueWithUndefinedTag $ \v ->
- isNothing (tag v)
- instance Arbitrary V where
- arbitrary = oneof [g, valueWithUndefinedTag]
- where
- g = do
- i <- chooseInteger (-3, 3)
- return (V i (i + 7))
- instance CoArbitrary V where
- coarbitrary (V i j) = coarbitrary (i, j)
- -- | A key that is likely to be in the map (unless the map is empty).
- keyLikelyInMap :: BM -> Gen K
- keyLikelyInMap m
- | null ks = arbitrary
- | otherwise = frequency [(9, elements ks), (1, arbitrary)]
- where
- ks = keys m
- -- | A value that is perhaps in the map (unless the map is empty).
- valueMaybeInMap :: BM -> Gen V
- valueMaybeInMap m
- | null vs = arbitrary
- | otherwise = frequency [(1, elements vs), (1, arbitrary)]
- where
- vs = elems m
- -- | A pair that satisfies 'insertPrecondition' for the given map.
- validInsertPair :: BM -> Gen (K, V)
- validInsertPair m = do
- k <- arbitrary
- v <- V <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary
- oneof $
- (if insertPrecondition k v m then [return (k, v)] else []) ++
- [(k,) <$> valueWithUndefinedTag]
- prop_validInsertPair :: BM -> Property
- prop_validInsertPair m =
- forAll (validInsertPair m) $ \(k, v) ->
- insertPrecondition k v m
- -- | A function that satisfies 'mapWithKeyPrecondition' for the given
- -- map.
- validMapWithKeyFunction :: BM -> Gen (K -> V -> V)
- validMapWithKeyFunction m = do
- f <- foldrM
- (\kv f -> do
- let add v' = return (insert kv v' f)
- v' <- arbitrary
- case flip invLookup f =<< tag v' of
- Just _ ->
- -- The tag of v' is defined, and v' has been seen
- -- before. Use a value with an undefined tag.
- add =<< valueWithUndefinedTag
- Nothing ->
- -- Use the mapping kv ↦ v'.
- add v')
- empty
- (toList m)
- fallback <- valueWithUndefinedTag
- return (\k v -> fromMaybe fallback (lookup (k, v) f))
- prop_validMapWithKeyFunction :: BM -> Property
- prop_validMapWithKeyFunction m =
- forAll (validMapWithKeyFunction m) $ \f ->
- mapWithKeyPrecondition f m
- -- | A function that satisfies 'mapWithKeyFixedTagsPrecondition' for
- -- the given map.
- validMapWithKeyFixedTagsFunction :: BM -> Gen (K -> V -> V)
- validMapWithKeyFixedTagsFunction _ = do
- f <- arbitrary
- return (\k v@(V i j) -> V i (f k i j))
- prop_validMapWithKeyFixedTagsFunction :: BM -> Property
- prop_validMapWithKeyFixedTagsFunction m =
- forAll (validMapWithKeyFixedTagsFunction m) $ \f ->
- mapWithKeyFixedTagsPrecondition f m
- -- | The generator @'validUnionMap' m₁@ returns maps @m₂@ for which
- -- the precondition of @'union' m₁ m₂@ is satisfied.
- validUnionMap :: BM -> Gen BM
- validUnionMap m1 =
- fromList . dropDuplicates . filter ok . map tweak <$> arbitrary
- where
- -- Change the key if tag v2 is defined and m1 maps a different key
- -- to v2.
- tweak (k2, v2) =
- case flip invLookup m1 =<< tag v2 of
- Just k1 | k1 /= k2 -> (k1, v2)
- _ -> (k2, v2)
- -- Remove the pair if tag v2 is defined and m1 maps k2 to a value v1
- -- distinct from v2.
- ok (k2, v2) =
- case (tag v2, lookup k2 m1) of
- (Just _, Just v1) | v1 /= v2 -> False
- _ -> True
- prop_validUnionMap :: BM -> Property
- prop_validUnionMap m1 =
- forAll (validUnionMap m1) $ \m2 ->
- let overlappingKeys = or
- [ k1 == k2
- | (k1, v1) <- toList m1
- , (k2, v2) <- toList m2
- ]
- overlappingValues = or
- [ v1 == v2
- | (k1, v1) <- toList m1
- , (k2, v2) <- toList m2
- ]
- sameKey = or
- [ k1 == k2
- | (k1, v1) <- toList m1
- , (k2, v2) <- toList m2
- , v1 /= v2
- ]
- sameValue = or
- [ v1 == v2
- | (k1, v1) <- toList m1
- , (k2, v2) <- toList m2
- , k1 /= k2
- ]
- in
- classify overlappingKeys "overlapping keys" $
- classify overlappingValues "overlapping values" $
- classify sameKey "same key, different values" $
- classify sameValue "same value, different keys" $
- biMapInvariant m2
- &&
- unionPrecondition m1 m2
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * Properties
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- | \"Normalises\" lists.
- normalise :: [(K, V)] -> [(K, V)]
- normalise = nubOn fst . List.sortBy (comparing fst)
- prop_arbitrary :: BM -> Bool
- prop_arbitrary = biMapInvariant
- prop_shrink :: BM -> Bool
- prop_shrink = all biMapInvariant . take 5 . shrink
- prop_empty :: Bool
- prop_empty =
- biMapInvariant (empty :: BM)
- &&
- toList (empty :: BM) == []
- prop_null :: BM -> Bool
- prop_null m =
- null m == (toList m == [])
- prop_lookup :: K -> BM -> Bool
- prop_lookup k m =
- lookup k m == Prelude.lookup k (toList m)
- prop_invLookup :: Integer -> BM -> Bool
- prop_invLookup k' m =
- maybeToList (invLookup k' m) ==
- [ k
- | (k, v) <- toList m
- , tag v == Just k'
- ]
- prop_singleton :: K -> V -> Bool
- prop_singleton k v =
- biMapInvariant (singleton k v)
- &&
- toList (singleton k v) == [(k, v)]
- prop_insert :: BM -> Property
- prop_insert m =
- forAll (validInsertPair m) $ \(k, v) ->
- biMapInvariant (insert k v m)
- &&
- toList (insert k v m) == normalise ((k, v) : toList m)
- prop_alter :: (Maybe V -> Maybe V) -> BM -> Property
- prop_alter f m =
- forAll (keyLikelyInMap m) $ \k ->
- alterPrecondition f k m ==>
- biMapInvariant (alter f k m)
- &&
- toList (alter f k m) ==
- normalise
- ((case f (lookup k m) of
- Nothing -> []
- Just v -> [(k, v)]) ++
- [ (k', v)
- | (k', v) <- toList m
- , k' /= k
- ])
- prop_update :: (V -> Maybe V) -> BM -> Property
- prop_update f m =
- forAll (keyLikelyInMap m) $ \k ->
- updatePrecondition f k m ==>
- biMapInvariant (update f k m)
- &&
- toList (update f k m) ==
- normalise
- ((case f =<< lookup k m of
- Nothing -> []
- Just v -> [(k, v)]) ++
- [ (k', v)
- | (k', v) <- toList m
- , k' /= k
- ])
- prop_adjust :: (V -> V) -> BM -> Property
- prop_adjust f m =
- forAll (keyLikelyInMap m) $ \k ->
- adjustPrecondition f k m ==>
- biMapInvariant (adjust f k m)
- &&
- toList (adjust f k m) ==
- normalise
- ((case f <$> lookup k m of
- Nothing -> []
- Just v -> [(k, v)]) ++
- [ (k', v)
- | (k', v) <- toList m
- , k' /= k
- ])
- prop_insertLookupWithKey ::
- (K -> V -> V -> V) -> BM -> Property
- prop_insertLookupWithKey f m =
- forAll (keyLikelyInMap m) $ \k ->
- forAll (valueMaybeInMap m) $ \v ->
- insertLookupWithKeyPrecondition f k v m ==>
- let (v', m') = insertLookupWithKey f k v m in
- biMapInvariant m'
- &&
- v' == lookup k m
- &&
- toList m' ==
- normalise
- ((k, maybe v (f k v) (lookup k m)) :
- [ (k', v)
- | (k', v) <- toList m
- , k' /= k
- ])
- prop_mapWithKey :: BM -> Property
- prop_mapWithKey m =
- forAll (validMapWithKeyFunction m) $ \f ->
- biMapInvariant (mapWithKey f m)
- &&
- toList (mapWithKey f m) ==
- map (\(k, v) -> (k, f k v)) (toList m)
- prop_mapWithKeyFixedTags :: BM -> Property
- prop_mapWithKeyFixedTags m =
- forAll (validMapWithKeyFixedTagsFunction m) $ \f ->
- biMapInvariant (mapWithKeyFixedTags f m)
- &&
- toList (mapWithKeyFixedTags f m) ==
- map (\(k, v) -> (k, f k v)) (toList m)
- prop_union :: BM -> Property
- prop_union m1 =
- forAll (validUnionMap m1) $ \m2 ->
- biMapInvariant (union m1 m2)
- &&
- toList (union m1 m2) == normalise (toList m1 ++ toList m2)
- prop_fromList :: Property
- prop_fromList =
- forAll validFromListList $ \kvs ->
- biMapInvariant (fromList kvs)
- &&
- toList (fromList kvs) == normalise kvs
- prop_keys :: BM -> Bool
- prop_keys m =
- keys m == map fst (toList m)
- prop_elems :: BM -> Bool
- prop_elems m =
- elems m == map snd (toList m)
- prop_fromDistinctAscendingLists_toDistinctAscendingLists :: BM -> Bool
- prop_fromDistinctAscendingLists_toDistinctAscendingLists m =
- let p = toDistinctAscendingLists m in
- fromDistinctAscendingListsPrecondition p &&
- fromDistinctAscendingLists p == m
- prop_equal :: BM -> BM -> Bool
- prop_equal m1 m2 =
- (m1 == m2) == (toList m1 == toList m2)
- prop_compare :: BM -> BM -> Bool
- prop_compare m1 m2 =
- compare m1 m2 == compare (toList m1) (toList m2)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * All tests
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Template Haskell hack to make the following $allProperties work
- -- under ghc-7.8.
- return [] -- KEEP!
- -- | All tests as collected by 'allProperties'.
- --
- -- Using 'allProperties' is convenient and superior to the manual
- -- enumeration of tests, since the name of the property is added
- -- automatically.
- tests :: TestTree
- tests = testProperties "Internal.Utils.BiMap" $allProperties