123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105 |
- {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
- module Internal.TypeChecking ( tests ) where
- import Agda.Utils.Impossible
- import Agda.Syntax.Internal
- import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
- import Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope
- import Agda.Utils.Permutation
- import Agda.Utils.Size
- import qualified Agda.Utils.VarSet as Set
- import Internal.Helpers
- import Internal.TypeChecking.Generators hiding ( tests )
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * Tests for "Agda.Utils.Permutation"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * Tests for "Agda.TypeChecking.Telescope"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- | @telFromList . telToList == id@
- prop_telToListInv :: TermConfiguration -> Property
- prop_telToListInv conf =
- forAll (genC conf) $ \tel ->
- telFromList (telToList tel) == tel
- -- | All elements of 'flattenTel' are well-scoped under the original telescope.
- prop_flattenTelScope :: TermConfiguration -> Property
- prop_flattenTelScope conf =
- forAll (genC conf) $ \tel ->
- all (isWellScoped $ extendWithTelConf tel conf) (flattenTel tel)
- -- | @unflattenTel . flattenTel == id@
- prop_flattenTelInv :: TermConfiguration -> Property
- prop_flattenTelInv conf =
- forAll (genC conf) $ \tel ->
- unflattenTel (teleNames tel) (flattenTel tel) == tel
- -- | 'reorderTel' is stable.
- prop_reorderTelStable :: TermConfiguration -> Property
- prop_reorderTelStable conf =
- forAll (genC conf) $ \tel ->
- reorderTel (flattenTel tel) == Just (idP (size tel))
- -- | The result of splitting a telescope is well-scoped.
- prop_splitTelescopeScope :: TermConfiguration -> Property
- prop_splitTelescopeScope conf =
- forAll (genC conf) $ \tel ->
- forAll (listOfElements [0..size tel - 1]) $ \vs ->
- let SplitTel tel1 tel2 perm = splitTelescope (Set.fromList vs) tel
- tel' = telFromList (telToList tel1 ++ telToList tel2)
- in isWellScoped conf tel'
- -- | The permutation generated when splitting a telescope preserves scoping.
- prop_splitTelescopePermScope :: TermConfiguration -> Property
- prop_splitTelescopePermScope conf =
- forAllShrink (genC conf) (shrinkC conf) $ \tel ->
- forAllShrink (listOfElements [0..size tel - 1]) shrink $ \vs ->
- let SplitTel tel1 tel2 perm = splitTelescope (Set.fromList vs) tel
- conf1 = extendWithTelConf tel1 conf
- conf2 = conf1 { tcFreeVariables = map (size tel2 +) (tcFreeVariables conf1) }
- conf' = conf { tcFreeVariables = map (size tel +) (tcFreeVariables conf) ++ vs }
- in forAllShrink (genC conf') (shrinkC conf') $ \t ->
- isWellScoped conf2 (applySubst (renamingR $ invertP __IMPOSSIBLE__ perm) (t :: Term))
- -- -- | The permutation generated when splitting a telescope correctly translates
- -- -- between the old and the new telescope.
- -- prop_splitTelescopePermInv :: TermConfiguration -> Property
- -- prop_splitTelescopePermInv conf =
- -- forAll (wellScopedTel conf) $ \tel ->
- -- forAll (listOfElements [0..size tel - 1]) $ \vs ->
- -- let SplitTel tel1 tel2 perm = splitTelescope (Set.fromList vs) tel
- -- tel' = telFromList (telToList tel1 ++ telToList tel2)
- -- conf1 = extendWithTelConf tel conf
- -- conf2 = extendWithTelConf tel' conf
- -- in forAll (wellScopedTerm conf1) $ \t1 ->
- -- forAll (wellScopedTerm conf2) $ \t2 ->
- -- let t1' = rename (invertP __IMPOSSIBLE__ perm) $ rename perm t1
- -- t2' = rename perm $ rename (invertP __IMPOSSIBLE__ perm) t2
- -- in t1 == t1' && t2 == t2'
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- * All tests
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -- Template Haskell hack to make the following $allProperties work
- -- under ghc-7.8.
- return [] -- KEEP!
- -- | All tests as collected by 'allProperties'.
- --
- -- Using 'allProperties' is convenient and superior to the manual
- -- enumeration of tests, since the name of the property is added
- -- automatically.
- tests :: TestTree
- tests = testProperties "Internal.TypeChecking" $allProperties