Makefile 455 B

  1. # Andreas, 2014-02-12
  2. # Tests for the (unsupported :)) Agda interactive mode
  3. TOP=../..
  4. include $(TOP)/mk/
  5. AGDA = $(AGDA_BIN) -I -i. -i.. --ignore-interfaces
  6. all : Naked Issue1430
  7. # The following tests only check that agda -I does not crash.
  8. Naked :
  9. @echo $@
  10. @$(AGDA) < $ > /dev/null
  11. Issue1430 :
  12. @echo $@
  13. @$(AGDA) --no-default-libraries $@.agda < $ > /dev/null
  14. # Debugging the Makefile
  15. debug :
  16. @echo AGDA = $(AGDA)
  17. # EOF