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- -- Andreas, 2015-08-18 Test case for COMPILED_DATA on record
- -- open import Common.String
- open import Common.IO
- infixr 4 _,_
- infixr 2 _×_
- record _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
- constructor _,_
- field
- proj₁ : A
- proj₂ : B
- open _×_ public
- {-# COMPILE GHC _×_ = data (,) ((,)) #-}
- -- Note: could not get this to work for Σ.
- -- Also, the universe-polymorphic version of _×_ would require more trickery.
- swap : ∀{A B : Set} (p : A × B) → B × A
- swap (x , y) = y , x
- swap' : ∀{A B : Set} (p : A × B) → B × A
- swap' p = proj₂ p , proj₁ p
- main = putStrLn (proj₁ (swap (swap' (swap ("no" , "yes")))))