12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546 |
- {-# OPTIONS --guardedness #-}
- module Coind where
- open import Common.IO
- open import Common.Level
- open import Common.Nat
- open import Common.Unit
- open import Common.Coinduction renaming (♯_ to sharp; ♭ to flat)
- data Stream (A : Set) : Set where
- _::_ : (x : A) (xs : ∞ (Stream A)) → Stream A
- ones : Stream Nat
- ones = 1 :: (sharp ones)
- twos : Stream Nat
- twos = 2 :: (sharp twos)
- incr : Nat -> Stream Nat
- incr n = n :: (sharp (incr (n + 1)))
- printStream : Nat -> Stream Nat -> IO Unit
- printStream zero _ = putStrLn ""
- printStream (suc steps) (n :: ns) =
- printNat n ,,
- printStream steps (flat ns)
- main : IO Unit
- main =
- printStream 10 twos ,,
- printStream 10 ones ,,
- printStream 10 (incr zero)