12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364656667686970717273747576777879 |
- {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
- module Bugs.Tests where
- import Data.Function (on)
- import Data.Monoid ((<>))
- import qualified Data.Text as T
- import Data.Text.Encoding
- import Test.Tasty
- import Test.Tasty.Silver
- import Test.Tasty.Silver.Advanced
- (readFileMaybe, GDiff(..), GShow(..), goldenTest1)
- import System.Directory
- import System.Exit
- import System.FilePath
- import Utils
- testDir :: FilePath
- testDir = "test" </> "Bugs"
- tests :: IO TestTree
- tests = do
- inpFiles <- getAgdaFilesInDir NonRec testDir
- return $ testGroup "Bugs" $ map mkTest inpFiles
- data TestResult
- = TestFailure T.Text
- | TestWarning T.Text
- | TestSuccess
- mkTest :: FilePath
- -> TestTree
- mkTest agdaFile =
- goldenTest1
- testName
- readGolden
- doRun
- (textDiff `on` printTestResult)
- (ShowText . printTestResult)
- resUpdate
- where
- testName = asTestName testDir agdaFile
- flagFile = dropAgdaExtension agdaFile <.> ".flags"
- errFile = dropAgdaExtension agdaFile <.> ".err"
- warnFile = dropAgdaExtension agdaFile <.> ".warn"
- readGolden = Just <$> do
- hasWarn <- doesFileExist warnFile
- hasErr <- doesFileExist errFile
- if | hasWarn && hasErr -> error "Cannot have both .warn and .err file"
- | hasWarn -> TestWarning <$> readTextFile warnFile
- | hasErr -> TestFailure <$> readTextFile errFile
- | otherwise -> pure TestSuccess
- doRun = do
- let agdaArgs = ["-v0", "-i" ++ testDir, "-itest/"
- , agdaFile, "--ignore-interfaces", "--no-libraries"
- ]
- (res, ret) <- runAgdaWithOptions testName agdaArgs (Just flagFile) Nothing
- pure $ case ret of
- AgdaSuccess Nothing -> TestSuccess
- AgdaSuccess (Just w) -> TestWarning $ "AGDA_WARNING\n\n" <> w
- AgdaFailure{} -> TestFailure $ "AGDA_FAILURE\n\n" <> printProgramResult res
- resUpdate :: TestResult -> IO ()
- resUpdate = \case
- TestSuccess -> pure ()
- TestWarning w -> writeTextFile warnFile w
- TestFailure e -> writeTextFile errFile e
- printTestResult :: TestResult -> T.Text
- printTestResult = \case
- TestSuccess -> "AGDA_SUCCESS\n\n"
- TestWarning w -> w
- TestFailure p -> p