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- -- Andreas, 2014-04-23 test case by Andrea Vezzosi
- {-# OPTIONS --sized-types --copatterns #-}
- -- {-# OPTIONS --show-implicit -v term:60 #-}
- module _ where
- open import Common.Size
- -- Invalid coinductive record, since not recursive.
- record ▸ (A : Size → Set) (i : Size) : Set where
- coinductive -- This should be an error, since non-recursive.
- constructor delay_
- field
- force : ∀ {j : Size< i} → A j
- open ▸
- -- This fixed-point combinator should not pass the termination checker.
- ∞fix : ∀ {A : Size → Set} → (∀ {i} → ▸ A i → A i) → ∀ {i} → ▸ A i
- force (∞fix {A} f {i}) {j} = f {j} (∞fix {A} f {j})
- -- The following fixed-point combinator is not strongly normalizing!
- fix : ∀ {A : Size → Set} → (∀ {i} → (∀ {j : Size< i} → A j) → A i) → ∀ {i} {j : Size< i} → A j
- fix f = force (∞fix (λ {i} x → f {i} (force x)))
- -- test = fix {!!}
- -- C-c C-n test gives me a stack overflow