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- {-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-}
- open import Agda.Builtin.Unit
- open import Agda.Builtin.Equality
- open import Agda.Builtin.Equality.Rewrite
- data Box : Set → Set₁ where
- box : (A : Set) → Box A
- data D (A : Set) : Set₁ where
- c : A → Box A → D A
- postulate
- any : {A : Set} → A
- one : {A : Set} → D A
- rew : ∀ A → c any (box A) ≡ one
- -- Jesper, 2020-06-17: Ideally Agda should reject the above rewrite
- -- rule, since it causes reduction to be unstable under eta-conversion
- works : c any (box ⊤) ≡ c tt (box ⊤)
- works = refl
- -- However, currently it is accepted, breaking subject reduction:
- {-# REWRITE rew #-}
- fails : c any (box ⊤) ≡ c tt (box ⊤)
- fails = refl