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  1. In this paper we have shown how to do type checking for a dependently typed
  2. logic extended with meta-variables. To maintain the important invariant that
  3. terms being evaluated are type correct we work with well-typed approximations
  4. of terms, where potentially ill-typed subterms have been replaced by constants.
  5. We showed that type checking is decidable, that the algorithm is sound and that
  6. the approximated terms are optimal.
  7. We present the type checking algorithm for a simple dependently typed logical
  8. framework {\Core}, but it can be extended to more advanced logics. This is
  9. evidenced by the fact that we have implemented the algorithm for the
  10. Agda language, supporting for instance, definitions by pattern matching, a
  11. hierarchy of universes and constants with variable arity. The algorithm has
  12. proven to work well with examples of several hundred meta-variables.
  13. There are two main directions of future work. First extending the correctness
  14. proof to a more feature-rich logic. Much of this work has already been done
  15. in the implementation but some work remains in working out the details of the
  16. proofs. The other direction of future work is to build on top of this
  17. algorithm. For instance, a system for implicit arguments or Alf-style
  18. interaction\cite{magnussonnordstrom:alf}.