123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428 |
- {- An agda file contains a single module. The module name should correspond to
- the name and path of the file. The path is relative to the project root. In
- this case the project root is the root of Agda II. Modules can be
- parameterised, but in this case we choose not to parameterise the top-level
- module.
- -}
- module examples.syntax.Syntax where
- -- It is recommended that the body of the top-level module is indented by a
- -- small amount, but this is not enforced in the syntax.
- -- You can have modules inside modules. The name of a sub-module isn't
- -- qualified.
- module Expressions (X : Set)(x1, x2 : X) where
- -- There are three forms of sorts. Set = Set0.
- postulate A1 : Set
- A2 : Set3
- A3 : Prop
- -- Independent function space.
- fun1 : X -> X
- fun1 x = x
- -- Implicit independent function space. This is mostly included for
- -- symmetry, I can't come up with an example when this would be useful.
- fun2 : {X} -> X
- fun2 {x} = x
- -- Dependent function space.
- fun3 : (A:Set) -> A -> A
- fun3 A x = x
- -- Implicit dependent function space. 'A' is implicit so we don't have to
- -- write it out in the function definition.
- fun4 : {A:Set} -> A -> A
- fun4 x = x
- -- You can also write independent functions using the dependent function
- -- space syntax. Not that you'd ever want to.
- fun5 : (_:X) -> X
- fun5 x = x
- -- Lambdas can be domain free.
- const1 : {A, B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
- const1 = \x y -> x
- -- Or completely typed.
- const2 = \{A:Set}{B:Set}(x:A)(y:B) -> x -- inferable, no type needed
- -- You cannot mix typed and untyped arguments in the same lambda.
- const3 : {A, B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
- const3 = \{A}{B} -> \(x:A)(y:B) -> x
- -- You can have wildcards in lambdas
- const4 : {A, B : Set} -> A -> B -> A
- const4 = \x _ -> x
- -- Implicit arguments can be omitted in applications.
- x = const1 x1 x2
- -- Or made explicit.
- x' = const1 {X} {X} x1 x2
- -- Infix operators can be bound by lambdas. See ComplexDeclarations for
- -- more information about infix operators.
- dup : {A:Set} -> (A -> A -> A) -> A -> A
- dup = \(+) x -> x + x
- -- The two basic declarations are function definitions and datatype
- -- declarations.
- module BasicDeclarations (X : Set) where
- -- The most common declaration is the function definition. It consists of
- -- two parts; a type signature and a set of function clauses. Type
- -- signatures have the form 'id : type', no telescopes are allowed at this
- -- point. This can be discussed.
- id : X -> X
- id x = x
- -- You can omit the type signature if the type can be inferred.
- id' = id
- -- Datatypes are introduced with the data keyword.
- data Bool : Set where
- false : Bool
- true : Bool
- -- The parameters to the datatype (A in this case) are in scope in the
- -- types of the constructors. At the moment inductive families are not
- -- supported.
- data List (A : Set) : Set where
- nil : List A
- (::) : A -> List A -> List A
- -- When using a constructor as a function, the parameters are hidden
- -- arguments.
- singleton : X -> List X
- singleton x = x :: nil
- singleton' : X -> List X
- singleton' x = (::) {X} x (nil {X})
- -- You can pattern match over elements of a datatype when defining
- -- functions (and only then).
- null : (A : Set) -> List A -> Bool
- null A nil = true
- null A (x::xs) = false
- -- Patterns can be nested (and functions can be recursive).
- and : List Bool -> Bool
- and nil = true
- and (true::xs) = and xs
- and (false::xs) = false
- -- Functions can be defined in an infix style. When doing this it must be
- -- clear what name is being defined without looking at fixities. Hence we
- -- could never remove the parenthesis around x::xs in the second clause.
- (++) : List X -> List X -> List X
- nil ++ ys = ys
- (x::xs) ++ ys = x :: (xs ++ ys)
- -- You can also use a combination of infix and prefix.
- (@) : {A, B, C : Set} -> (B -> C) -> (A -> B) -> A -> C
- (f @ g) x = f (g x)
- -- Declarations can appear in many different contexts and not all
- -- declarations are allowed everywhere.
- module ComplexDeclarations (X : Set) where
- -- You can introduce new constants with the postulate declaration. A
- -- postulate declaration takes a list of type signatures.
- postulate A : Set
- a : A
- -- Let's introduce some datatypes so we have something to work with. At the
- -- same time we illustrate that layout is optional.
- data Nat : Set where { zero : Nat; suc : Nat -> Nat }
- data Bool : Set where { false : Bool; true : Bool }
- {- We can declare the fixity of infix symbols. The fixity is tied to a
- particular binding of a name. The binding doesn't have to be in scope
- directly (as in the example below), but it should be possible to bring
- it into scope by moving the fixity declaration further down in the
- current block (but never inside things).
- The following wouldn't be allowed:
- infixl 15 +
- mutual
- (+) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
- ..
- There are three forms: infix, infixl and infixr, for non-associative,
- left associative and right associative respectively. The number is the
- precedence level.
- -}
- infixl 15 +, `plus`
- (+) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
- n + zero = zero
- n + suc m = suc (n + m)
- plus = (+)
- -- The following code is to stress test the handling of infix applications.
- infixl 10 @
- infixl 11 @@
- infixr 10 #
- infixr 11 ##
- postulate
- (@) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
- (#) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
- (@@) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
- (##) : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
- z = zero
- test1 = z @ (z # z)
- test2 = (z @ z) # z
- test3 = z # (z @ z)
- test4 = (z # z) @ z
- test5 = z ## z # z ## z # z
- test6 = z @@ z @ z @@ z @ z
- test7 = z # z @@ z @@ z # z
- -- Mutually recursive definition are introduced using the 'mutual' keyword.
- -- A mutual block can contain function definitions, datatypes
- -- (induction-recursion) and fixity declarations.
- mutual
- even : Nat -> Bool
- even zero = true
- even (suc n) = odd n
- odd : Nat -> Bool
- odd zero = false
- odd (suc n) = even n
- -- If a function is declared abstract the definition of the function is not
- -- visible outside the module. For an abstract datatype the constructors
- -- are hidden. Definitions that can appear in an abstract block are:
- -- function definitions, data declarations, fixity declarations, mutual
- -- blocks, open and name space declarations (see NameSpaces).
- abstract
- data Stack : Set where
- nil : Stack
- cons : A -> Stack -> Stack
- empty : Stack
- empty = nil
- push : A -> Stack -> Stack
- push = cons
- -- Local declarations are introduces either with a let or in a where
- -- clause. A where clause is attached to a function clause. Everything that
- -- can appear in an abstract block can appear in a local declaration, plus
- -- abstract blocks. Local functions can be recursive.
- foo : (A : Set) -> A -> A
- foo A x = let f : Local -> A
- f (local y) = y
- in f (local x)
- where
- data Local : Set where
- local : A -> Local
- -- You can declare things to be private to the current module. This means
- -- that they cannot be accessed outside the module (but they're still
- -- visible inside the module and its submodules). The only things that
- -- cannot appear in a private block are other private blocks and import
- -- statements.
- private
- bar : X -> X
- bar x = x
- -- Private declarations can go inside mutual and abstract blocks.
- mutual
- private f : Nat -> Nat
- f zero = zero
- f (suc n) = g n
- g : Nat -> Nat
- g n = f n
- abstract
- Nat' : Set
- Nat' = Nat
- private h : Nat' -> Nat
- h n = n
- -- A name space is something that contains names. You can create new
- -- name spaces and bring names from a name space into scope.
- module NameSpaces where
- -- To access definitions from a module in a different file, you have to
- -- 'import' this module. Only top-level modules (which have their own
- -- files) can be imported.
- -- If the imported module is not parameterised a name space with the same
- -- name as the module is created.
- import examples.syntax.ModuleA
- -- We can now refer to things from ModuleA using the created name
- -- space. Note that no unqualified names were brought into scope
- -- (except, perhaps, the name of the name space). [To bring
- -- unqualified names into scope we have to use the 'open'
- -- declaration.]
- FunnyNat = examples.syntax.ModuleA.Nat
- -- If the name of an imported module clashes with a local module we might
- -- have to rename the module we are importing
- import examples.syntax.ModuleA as A
- import examples.syntax.ModuleA as A' using (Nat)
- Nat1 = A.Nat
- Nat2 = A'.Nat
- {- You can't project from a parameterised module. It has to be
- instantiated first. The only thing that happens when importing
- is that the module name 'examples.syntax.ModuleB' is brought
- into scope (and the type checker goes away and type checks this
- module).
- -}
- import examples.syntax.ModuleB
- -- To instantiate ModuleB we need something to instantiate it with.
- postulate X : Set
- (==) : X -> X -> Prop
- refl : (x : X) -> x == x
- -- To instantiate a module you create a new module and define it as the
- -- instantiation in question.
- module B = examples.syntax.ModuleB X (==) refl
- -- Now the module B contains all the names from ModuleB.
- XList = B.List
- And = B./\ -- qualified operators are not infix symbols
- dummyX = B.SubModule.dummy -- submodules of ModuleB are also in scope
- -- This of course works for non-parameterised modules as well.
- module B' = B
- -- And you can create parameterised modules this way.
- module BX ((==) : X -> X -> Prop)(refl : (x : X) -> x == x) = B X (==) refl
- -- To bring names from a module into scope you use an open declaration.
- open examples.syntax.ModuleA
- two : FunnyNat
- two = eval (plus (suc zero) (suc zero))
- {- In all three declarations (import, module instantiation and open) you
- can give modifiers that affect the names which are imported. There are
- three modifiers:
- using (x1;..;xn) only import x1,..,xn
- hiding (x1;..;xn) import everything but x1,..,xn
- renaming (x1 to y1;..;xn to yn) import x1,..,xn but call them y1,..,yn
- Restrictions:
- - a modifier can appear only once
- - 'using' and 'hiding' cannot appear together
- - imported names must be distinct (e.g. you cannot rename to a name
- that is already being imported).
- -}
- -- B1 only contains True and False
- module B1 = B using (True; False)
- -- B2 contains True, False and And where And = B./\
- module B2 = B using (True; False) renaming (/\ to And)
- -- B3 contains everything from B except reflEqList and eqList, plus ===
- -- where (===) = B.eqList.
- module B3 = B hiding (reflEqList) renaming (eqList to ===)
- -- When referring to sub modules you have to be explicitly about it being
- -- a module
- module B4 = B renaming (module SubModule to Sub)
- dummy : X
- dummy = B4.Sub.dummy
- -- There are two kinds of meta variables; question marks and underscores.
- -- Question marks are used for interaction and underscores for implicit
- -- arguments.
- module MetaVariables where
- postulate X : Set
- x : X
- -- There are two ways of writing a question mark: ? and {! ... !}
- -- The type checker will not complain about unsolved question marks (unless
- -- you claim you are done).
- incomplete : {A:Set} -> A -> A
- incomplete x = ?
- incomplete' : {A:Set} -> A -> A
- incomplete' x = {! you can put anything in here,
- even {! nested holes !}
- !}
- -- Underscores should always be solvable locally. Internally underscores
- -- are inserted for implicit arguments, but there are cases where you would
- -- like to write them explicitly. For instance, if you want to give one but
- -- not all implicit arguments to a function explicitly.
- underscore : ({A,B,C:Set} -> (A -> A) -> B -> C) -> X
- underscore f = f {_} {X} {_} (\y -> y) x
- -- Note that '_' is not an identifier character. The current use of
- -- underscore is not the real reason for this. The idea is rather that
- -- underscore will be used for subscripts.
- id : (A : Set) -> A -> A
- id A x = x
- x' = id_x -- this means id _ x
- -- The parser supports four types of literals. The syntax is the same as in
- -- Haskell (since that meant I could steal the lexer for them from ghc).
- module Literals where
- -- We haven't decided how to handle built-in types.
- postulate Integer : Set
- Char : Set
- String : Set
- Float : Set
- fortyTwo : Integer
- fortyTwo = 42
- helloWorld : String
- helloWorld = "Hello World!"
- escape : Char
- escape = '\ESC'
- pi : Float
- pi = 3.141592
- -- There are few things that the parser doesn't implement.
- {- Fancy case. I haven't been able to come up with a nice syntax for the
- fancy case statement. The difficulty is that we should make it clear
- what arguments to the elimination rule will appear as patterns (the
- targets). Suggestions are welcome.
- Also I'm not sure that we want the fancy case. It would be better to
- have a good way of doing actual pattern matching on inductive families.
- -}
- {- Relative imports. You might want to be able to say
- import .ModuleA
- to import the module 'current.directory.ModuleA'. Easy to implement but
- I'm not sure it's that painful to write the complete name (not a problem
- in Haskell for instance). Drawbacks: it looks kind of funny and it adds
- an extra bit of syntax to remember.
- -}