Makefile 1.1 KB

  1. # ASR (04 January 2016): Not used after fixing #1753.
  2. # Agda 2
  3. # Makefile for successful tests depending on the standard library
  4. # Author: Andreas Abel, Ulf Norell
  5. # Created: 2012-02-24 (from test/succeed/Makefile)
  6. TOP=../..
  7. include $(TOP)/mk/
  8. # Verbosity
  9. V = 1
  10. # Getting all agda files
  11. excluded=
  12. allagda=$(patsubst %.agda,%.test,$(filter-out $(excluded),$(shell ls *.*agda)))
  13. #allagda=$(patsubst %.agda,%.test,$(filter-out $(excluded),$(shell find . -name "*.agda")))
  14. # allagda=$(patsubst %.agda,%.test,$(shell find . -name "*.agda"))
  15. # alllagda=$(patsubst %.lagda,%.test,$(shell find . -name "*.lagda"))
  16. default : all
  17. all : remove_interface_files $(allagda) # $(alllagda)
  18. # Removing all the Agda inteface files.
  19. remove_interface_files :
  20. find . -type f -name '*.agdai' -delete
  21. # --vim
  22. RUN_AGDA = time $(AGDA_BIN) --no-default-libraries -i. -i../../std-lib/src -v$(V) $(shell if [ -e $*.flags ]; then cat $*.flags; fi) +RTS -H1G -M1.5G -RTS
  23. %.test : %.agda
  24. @echo $<
  25. @$(RUN_AGDA) $<
  26. @$(check_$*)
  27. @$(cleanup_$*)
  28. %.test : %.lagda
  29. @echo $<
  30. @$(RUN_AGDA) $<
  31. @$(cleanup_$*)
  32. clean :
  33. -rm *~
  34. #EOF