123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118 |
- \subsection{Compatibility layer between containers and signatures}
- \label{run-compat}
- In section \ref{run} we developed a library for working with effects in
- free monads of containers. Since signatures (list of pairs of types) are
- used in our langauge rather than containers directly, we will now give a
- compatibility layer between containers and signatures.
- \AgdaHide{
- \begin{code}
- {-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}
- module Issue854.RunCompat where
- open import Level
- open import Function
- open import Function.Equivalence using (_⇔_)
- open import Data.Empty
- open import Data.Sum
- open import Data.Product as Prod
- open import Data.List using (List; []; _∷_; _++_)
- open import Data.List.Relation.Unary.Any
- open import Data.Container as Cont hiding (refl; _∈_)
- renaming (⟦_⟧ to ⟦_⟧^C; μ to μ^C; _⇒_ to _⇒^C_)
- open import Data.Container.Combinator using () renaming (_⊎_ to _⊎^C_)
- open import Data.Container.FreeMonad
- renaming (_⋆_ to _⋆^C_; _⋆C_ to _⋆^CC_)
- open import Data.W
- open import Relation.Binary
- open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as PE hiding ([_])
- open import Data.List.Relation.Binary.Subset.Propositional
- open import Issue854.TypesSemantics using (Sh; Pos; ⌊_⌋^Sig; sh; ar)
- open import Issue854.Run using (_⋆^S_; embed)
- \end{code}
- }
- \begin{code}
- ⊆→⇒ : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → Σ ⊆ Σ′ → ⌊ Σ ⌋^Sig ⇒^C ⌊ Σ′ ⌋^Sig
- ⊆→⇒ σ = record
- { shape = shape′ σ
- ; position = λ {s} → pos σ s
- }
- where
- shape′ : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → Σ ⊆ Σ′ → Sh Σ → Sh Σ′
- shape′ {[]} _ ()
- shape′ {_ ∷ _} σ (inj₁ p) = sh (σ (here refl)) p
- shape′ {_ ∷ _} σ (inj₂ s) = shape′ (σ ∘ there) s
- pos : ∀ {Σ Σ′}(σ : Σ ⊆ Σ′) s → Pos Σ′ (shape′ σ s) → Pos Σ s
- pos {[]} σ () _
- pos {_ ∷ _} σ (inj₁ par) p = ar (σ (here refl)) par p
- pos {_ ∷ _} σ (inj₂ s) p = pos (σ ∘ there) s p
- \end{code}
- \begin{code}
- ⇒++→⇒⊎ : ∀ {Σ Σ′ Σ″} → ⌊ Σ ⌋^Sig ⇒^C ⌊ Σ′ ++ Σ″ ⌋^Sig →
- ⌊ Σ ⌋^Sig ⇒^C (⌊ Σ′ ⌋^Sig ⊎^C ⌊ Σ″ ⌋^Sig)
- ⇒++→⇒⊎ m = m′ Morphism.∘ m
- where
- m′ : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → ⌊ Σ ++ Σ′ ⌋^Sig ⇒^C (⌊ Σ ⌋^Sig ⊎^C ⌊ Σ′ ⌋^Sig)
- m′ {Σ} = record
- { shape = shape′
- ; position = λ {s} → pos {Σ} s
- }
- where
- shape′ : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → Sh (Σ ++ Σ′) → Sh Σ ⊎ Sh Σ′
- shape′ {[]} s′ = inj₂ s′
- shape′ {_ ∷ _} (inj₁ p) = inj₁ (inj₁ p)
- shape′ {_ ∷ Σ} (inj₂ ss′) = [ inj₁ ∘ inj₂ , inj₂ ]′ (shape′ {Σ} ss′)
- pos : ∀ {Σ Σ′} s → Position (⌊ Σ ⌋^Sig ⊎^C ⌊ Σ′ ⌋^Sig) (shape′ s) →
- Position ⌊ Σ ++ Σ′ ⌋^Sig s
- pos {[]} _ p′ = p′
- pos {_ ∷ _} (inj₁ _) a = a
- pos {_ ∷ Σ} (inj₂ ss′) p = pos {Σ} ss′ (lemma {Σ} ss′ p)
- where
- lemma : ∀ {Σ Σ′ ω} ss′ →
- [ Pos (ω ∷ Σ) , Pos Σ′ ]′ ([ inj₁ ∘ inj₂ , inj₂ ]′ (shape′ ss′)) →
- [ Pos Σ , Pos Σ′ ]′ (shape′ ss′)
- lemma {[]} _ p′ = p′
- lemma {_ ∷ Σ} (inj₁ p) a = a
- lemma {_ ∷ Σ} (inj₂ ss′) _ with shape′ {Σ} ss′
- lemma {_ ∷ Σ} (inj₂ _) p | inj₁ _ = p
- lemma {_ ∷ Σ} (inj₂ _) p′ | inj₂ _ = p′
- \end{code}
- \begin{code}
- ⊎⋆→++⋆ : ∀ {Σ Σ′ X} → (⌊ Σ ⌋^Sig ⊎^C ⌊ Σ′ ⌋^Sig) ⋆^C X → (Σ ++ Σ′) ⋆^S X
- ⊎⋆→++⋆ = embed m
- where
- m : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → (⌊ Σ ⌋^Sig ⊎^C ⌊ Σ′ ⌋^Sig) ⇒^C ⌊ Σ ++ Σ′ ⌋^Sig
- m {Σ} = record
- { shape = [ sh-inl , sh-inr {Σ} ]′
- ; position = λ { {inj₁ s} pp′ → pos-inl s pp′
- ; {inj₂ s′} pp′ → pos-inr {Σ} s′ pp′
- }
- }
- where
- sh-inl : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → Sh Σ → Sh (Σ ++ Σ′)
- sh-inl {[]} ()
- sh-inl {_ ∷ _} (inj₁ p) = inj₁ p
- sh-inl {_ ∷ _} (inj₂ s) = inj₂ (sh-inl s)
- sh-inr : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → Sh Σ′ → Sh (Σ ++ Σ′)
- sh-inr {[]} s′ = s′
- sh-inr {_ ∷ Σ} s′ = inj₂ (sh-inr {Σ} s′)
- pos-inl : ∀ {Σ Σ′} s → Pos (Σ ++ Σ′) (sh-inl s) → Pos Σ s
- pos-inl {[]} () _
- pos-inl {_ ∷ _} (inj₁ _) a = a
- pos-inl {_ ∷ _} (inj₂ s) p = pos-inl s p
- pos-inr : ∀ {Σ Σ′} s′ → Pos (Σ ++ Σ′) (sh-inr {Σ} s′) → Pos Σ′ s′
- pos-inr {[]} _ p′ = p′
- pos-inr {_ ∷ Σ} s′ p = pos-inr {Σ} s′ p
- \end{code}