123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596 |
- %include agda.fmt
- \subsection{Eilenberg-Moore algebras}
- \label{em-algs}
- \AgdaHide{
- \begin{code}
- {-# OPTIONS --sized-types #-}
- module Issue854.EilenbergMooreAlgebra where
- open import Function
- open import Data.Sum
- open import Data.Product as Prod
- open import Data.Container renaming (⟦_⟧ to ⟦_⟧^C)
- open import Data.Container.Combinator using ()
- renaming (_×_ to _×^C_)
- open import Data.Container.FreeMonad
- renaming (_⋆_ to _⋆^C_; _⋆C_ to _⋆^CC_)
- open import Data.W
- open import Category.Monad
- \end{code}
- }
- \begin{code}
- iter : ∀ {a b c} {A : Set a} {B : A → Set b} {C : Set c} →
- (Σ[ x ∈ A ] (B x → C) → C) → W (A ▷ B) → C
- iter g (sup (x , f)) = g (x , λ b → iter g (f b))
- module T-algebra
- (T : Set → Set)
- (M : RawMonad T)
- where
- open RawMonad M
- -- Eilenberg-Moore algebra for a monad T on Set
- record T-Alg : Set₁ where
- constructor alg
- field
- Carrier : Set
- structure : T Carrier → Carrier
- open T-Alg public
- -- Generalised bind operator.
- bind : ∀ {X}(A : T-Alg) → T X → (X → Carrier A) → Carrier A
- bind A tx f = structure A (f <$> tx)
- -- Free algebra
- ⋆-alg : Set → T-Alg
- ⋆-alg X = alg (T X) join
- -- Exponential algebras
- _⇒-alg_ : Set → T-Alg → T-Alg
- X ⇒-alg alg C φ = alg (X → C) (λ a x → φ (a ⊛ return x))
- -- Product algebras
- _×-alg_ : T-Alg → T-Alg → T-Alg
- alg C φ ×-alg alg C′ φ′ = alg (C × C′)
- < φ ∘ _<$>_ proj₁ , φ′ ∘ _<$>_ proj₂ >
- -- Eilenberg-Moore algebras for free monads.
- module _ {Σ : Container _ _} where
- open T-algebra (_⋆^C_ Σ) rawMonad public
- _-Alg : Container _ _ → Set₁
- Σ -Alg = T-Alg {Σ}
- -- A more general product algebra.
- _⊙-alg_ : ∀ {Σ Σ′} → Σ -Alg → Σ′ -Alg → (Σ ×^C Σ′) -Alg
- alg C φ ⊙-alg alg C′ φ′ = alg (C × C′) (Prod.map φ φ′ ∘ split-⋆×)
- where
- split-⋆× : ∀ {Σ Σ′}{X Y : Set} → (Σ ×^C Σ′) ⋆^C (X × Y) →
- (Σ ⋆^C X) × (Σ′ ⋆^C Y)
- split-⋆× {Σ}{Σ′}{X}{Y} = iter α
- where
- α : let C = (Σ ⋆^C X) × (Σ′ ⋆^C Y) in
- ⟦ (Σ ×^C Σ′) ⋆^CC X × Y ⟧^C C → C
- α (inj₁ (x , y) , _) = RawMonad.return rawMonad x ,
- RawMonad.return rawMonad y
- α (inj₂ (s , s′) , k) = inn (s , proj₁ ∘ k ∘ inj₁) ,
- inn (s′ , proj₂ ∘ k ∘ inj₂)
- \end{code}
- \begin{code}
- -- Using container exponents can we construct:
- -- _⇒′-alg_ : Σ -Alg → Σ′ -Alg → Σ ⟶ Σ′ -Alg?
- -- Which could be used to denote the function space between two
- -- computation types?!
- \end{code}