Issue846.agda 967 B

  1. {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
  2. -- {-# OPTIONS -v tc.record.eta:20 -v tc.eta:100 -v tc.constr:50 #-}
  3. -- Andreas, 2013-05-15 reported by nomeata
  4. module Issue846 where
  5. open import Issue846.Imports
  6. opt-is-opt2 : ∀ n s → n mod 7 ≡ 1' → winner n s opt ≡ false
  7. opt-is-opt2 0 s ()
  8. opt-is-opt2 (suc n) s eq =
  9. let (pick k 1≤k k≤6) = s (suc n)
  10. in
  11. cong not (opt-is-opt (suc n ∸ k) s (lem-sub-p n k eq {!1≤k!} {!!} ))
  12. -- The problem here was that the first hole was solved by
  13. -- 'nonEmpty' by the instance finder,
  14. -- which is called since the first hole is an unused argument.
  15. -- 'nonEmpty' of course does not fit, but the instance finder
  16. -- did not see it and produced constraints.
  17. -- The eta-contractor broke on something ill-typed.
  18. -- Now, the instance finder is a bit smarter due to
  19. -- improved equality checking for dependent function types.
  20. -- Unequal domains now do not block comparison of
  21. -- codomains, only block the domain type.