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- {-# OPTIONS --verbose tc.constr.findInScope:15 #-}
- module InstanceArguments.03-classes where
- open import Algebra
- open import Data.Nat.Properties as NatProps
- open import Data.Nat
- open import Data.Bool.Properties using (∧-∨-isCommutativeSemiring)
- open import Data.Product using (proj₁)
- open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
- open import Relation.Binary
- open import Level renaming (zero to lzero; suc to lsuc)
- open CommutativeSemiring NatProps.*-+-commutativeSemiring using (semiring)
- open IsCommutativeSemiring *-+-isCommutativeSemiring using (isSemiring)
- open IsCommutativeSemiring ∧-∨-isCommutativeSemiring using () renaming (isSemiring to Bool-isSemiring)
- record S (A : Set) : Set₁ where
- field
- z : A
- o : A
- _≈_ : Rel A lzero
- _⟨+⟩_ : Op₂ A
- _⟨*⟩_ : Op₂ A
- instance isSemiring' : IsSemiring _≈_ _⟨+⟩_ _⟨*⟩_ z o
- instance
- ℕ-S : S ℕ
- ℕ-S = record { z = 0; o = 1;
- _≈_ = _≡_; _⟨+⟩_ = _+_; _⟨*⟩_ = _*_;
- isSemiring' = isSemiring }
- zero' : {A : Set} → {{aRing : S A}} → A
- zero' {{ARing}} = S.z ARing
- zero-nat : ℕ
- zero-nat = zero'
- isZero : {A : Set} {{r : S A}} (let open S r) →
- Zero _≈_ z _⟨*⟩_
- isZero {{r}} = IsSemiring.zero (S.isSemiring' r)
- useIsZero : 0 * 5 ≡ 0
- useIsZero = proj₁ isZero 5