123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172 |
- \nonstopmode
- \documentclass{article}
- \usepackage{agda}
- \begin{document}
- \begin{code}
- {-# OPTIONS --copatterns --sized-types #-}
- {-# BUILTIN SIZE Size #-}
- {-# BUILTIN SIZELT Size<_ #-}
- {-# BUILTIN SIZESUC ↑_ #-}
- data List (A : Set) : Set where
- [] : List A
- _∷_ : (x : A) (xs : List A) -> List A
- record _×_ (A B : Set) : Set where
- constructor _,_
- field
- fst : A
- snd : B
- open _×_
- -- Sized streams via head/tail.
- record Stream {i : Size} (A : Set) : Set where
- coinductive; constructor _∷_
- field
- head : A
- tail : ∀ {j : Size< i} → Stream {j} A
- open Stream public
- _∷ˢ_ : ∀ {i A} → A → Stream {i} A → Stream {↑ i} A
- head (a ∷ˢ as) = a
- tail (a ∷ˢ as) = as
- -- Streams and lists.
- -- Prepending a list to a stream.
- _++ˢ_ : ∀ {i A} → List A → Stream {i} A → Stream {i} A
- [] ++ˢ s = s
- (a ∷ as) ++ˢ s = a ∷ˢ (as ++ˢ s)
- -- Unfold which produces several outputs at one step
- record List1 (A : Set) : Set where
- constructor _∷_
- field
- head : A
- tail : List A
- open List1 using (head; tail)
- record ⊤ : Set where constructor trivial
- open List1 (trivial ∷ []) using (head; tail) -- problem: imports not colored
- unfold⁺ : ∀ {S : Size → Set} {A : Set}
- (step : ∀ {i} → S i → List1 A × (∀ {j : Size< i} → S j)) →
- ∀ {i} → (s : S i) → Stream {i} A
- head (unfold⁺ step s) = head (fst (step s))
- tail (unfold⁺ step s) = let ((_ ∷ l) , s′) = step s
- in l ++ˢ unfold⁺ step s′
- \end{code}
- Problem: The ∷ in the last let statement is not colored with constructor color.
- \end{document}