UnsolvedMetas.agda 783 B

  1. -- Andreas, 2016-08-04, issue #964
  2. -- Allow open metas and interaction points in imported files
  3. {-# OPTIONS --allow-unsolved-metas #-}
  4. -- {-# OPTIONS -v import:100 #-}
  5. -- {-# OPTIONS -v meta.postulate:20 #-}
  6. -- {-# OPTIONS -v tc.meta:25 #-}
  7. -- Andreas, 2016-10-09, while working on issue #2223:
  8. --
  9. -- This module is an example that we can be in a context
  10. -- that is shorter than the current section.
  11. -- Typically, this would be the empty context.
  12. --
  13. -- {-# OPTIONS -v tc.constr.add:45 #-}
  14. open import Common.Level
  15. module Common.Issue964.UnsolvedMetas (A : Set₁) where
  16. meta : Level
  17. meta = {!!} -- unsolved interaction point
  18. module M (B : Set) where
  19. meta2 : Set meta
  20. meta2 = _ -- unsolved meta
  21. module N (C D : meta2) where
  22. meta3 : meta2
  23. meta3 = Set
  24. -- EOF