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- Systems based on proposition-as-types provide an elegant approach to interactive
- proof assistants: the problem of proof checking is reduced to type checking and
- these systems combine in a natural way deduction and computation. A well understood
- formulation relies on lambda calculus with dependent types, \cite{nordstrom:book,barendregt92lambda,deBruijn:WLF}. The main problem is then checking the judgement $M:A$ expressing that a given term (proof), $M$, is of type (is a correct proof of the proposition) $A$.
- % A central typing rule in any dependent type theory, is the
- % equality rule for types:
- %
- % \[ \infer{\HasTypeC \Gamma M A}
- % { \HasTypeC \Gamma M B
- % & \EqualTypeC \Gamma A B
- % }
- % \]
- A type checking algorithm can be naturally divided in two
- stages\cite{deBruijn:WLF}. In the first stage we go through the terms and
- whenever we type check a term $M$ of type $A$ against a type $B$ we collect the
- equality constraint $A = B$.
- In the second phase we check these constraints by
- verifying that the terms are convertible with each other. With dependent types it is important to check the
- constraints in the right order, and to fail as soon as an equality is invalid, since well typedness of a
- constraint may dependend on previous constraints being satisfied.
- %The correctness for this strategy for
- %checking equality hence depends on that we as invariant has that the two terms
- %in the constrains have the same type.
- For representing proof search in these frameworks it is convenient to extend the notion
- of terms with {\it meta-variables} that stands for yet undetermined terms (proofs). Meta variables
- are also useful for structure editing, as placeholders for information to be filled in by
- the user. In this paper we will however focus on type reconstruction where
- meta-variables are used for representing omitted
- information that can be recovered from typing constraints through unification.
- \input{exintro}
- This problem has some negative consequence for the typechecking algorithm. With dependent types,
- verifying convertibility between two
- terms relies on normalising these terms, which is only safe if these terms are well typed. But, as we
- have seen, in presence of meta-variables, we may not be sure that these terms are well typed, and the
- typechecker may loop. Furthermore, producing ill-typed terms is not very elegant.
- It is still the case however that if all constraints can be solved, then we have a correct solution; so we
- have some form of ``partial correctness'' and this is indeed the approach taken in
- \cite{magnussonnordstrom:alf,coquand:stt-lfm99}. In \cite{elliot:unification}, a similar problem of generating
- ill-typed terms occur. This is however less problematic in his context, since these terms can still be shown
- to be normalisable in the logical framework he uses, which is more restricted than the one we consider.
- Another problem is that when we get a constraint of the form $? = M$, we cannot be sure that $M$ is a solution
- for $?$, since we are not sure that $M$ is well-typed. In \cite{magnussonnordstrom:alf,coquand:stt-lfm99,munoz:synthesis}
- this difficulty is avoided by retypechecking $M$ at this point, which is costly.
- The main contribution of this paper is to present a type checking algorithm
- which produces only well-typed constraints for a logical framework extended
- with meta-variables. The main idea is,
- for a type-checking problem $N:C$,
- to produce an optimal well-typed approximation $N'$ of $N$.
- Whenever we need to verify $M:B$, for a subterm $M:A$ of $N$, where we cannot
- yet solve $A=B$,
- we replace the subterm $M$
- by a {\em guarded constant} $p$ of type $B$. This constant $p$ will compute to $M$ only when the
- constraint $A=B$ has been solved. The approximated term $N'$ is in a trivial
- way well-typed the logical framework without meta-variables. In the
- example above the type $\PI x {F ~?} {F~ (not~x)}$ will be replaced by $\PI x
- {F ~?} {F~ (p ~ x)}$ where $p~x : Bool$ will compute to $not ~ x$ when the
- meta-variable is replaced with the term $true$.
- One interesting application of our work is implicit syntax which allows for a
- more compact and readable representation of terms. In
- \cite{necula:representation} they show that terms where type information is
- omitted is more efficient to validate than type checking the complete proof
- term. This is only possible if constraints are known to be well typed. Their
- work differs from ours in that they consider a weaker framework where the
- constraint solving is guaranteed to succeed. The algorithm that we present has
- been implemented and we have made experiments with examples with several
- hundreds of meta-variables, which shows that our algorithm scales up to at
- least medium sized problems.